There is a certain girl I think she went to an ivy league. He name I think in Nyabola. She is always exclaiming how West is withholding vaccines and not giving them to Africans. I am like if this is the case why can't Africans find a solution that bypasses Mzungu solution. Mwaafrika ni bure kabisa. Her attitude is among two camps of Africans. One believes in Mzungu giving and forgoing their own self interest, the other is the elite who sees this an opportunity to be rich
It is called Learned helplessness
...a condition in which a person suffers from a sense of powerlessness, arising from a traumatic event or persistent failure to succeed. It is thought to be one of the underlying causes of depression.
Israel routinely refuses American offers to place soldiers on their soil to safeguard them because of the psychological crippling that will have
Lee Kuan Yew ordered his ministers to hang signs on their face doors that read "no foreign aid"
There is a huge literature out now that shows the uselessness of foreign aid.
Just look at Afghanistan.
Aid only begets corruption. The political class in Africa largely sustains itself off foreign aid, while killing local enterprises.
Africa is doomed to death, no amount of jeremiads will rescue it.
PCEA was one of the first churches to reject the notion of seeking funding from Abroad and came up with Jitegemee. That model has worked wonders for the this church. it has done it own thing and funded all her programs with Member funds. I hate Aid because it creates dependency syndrome. I have discovered that my friends who have grown in Foster homes or children homes have this dependency syndrome. One of them even after I won a green card for him he still never stands on his own completely and you always find in roommating with others.
I will study more on learned hopelessness.
We need to socialize our people to be self reliant and to stand on their own.
Uhuru has adopted begging as his number one way of solving all social issues
it is sad to see Kenya dragging its poor to international meeetings to beg. Moi and Kibaki delegations always had this group of poor that they would use as props for seeking aid.
No other Race does this but Africans. You will never see yellowman dragging his poor to the western capitals to beg