Author Topic: Ruto is Rigged Out  (Read 6405 times)

Offline Fairandbalanced

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Re: Ruto is Rigged Out
« Reply #40 on: August 24, 2021, 01:13:51 AM »

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ruto is Rigged Out
« Reply #41 on: August 24, 2021, 01:29:37 AM »
Kalenjin are generally honorable people. They will honor 10-10. Pick DPORK from  Kikuyu and Kikuyu will become PORK after 10 or earlier if anything happens to Ruto. You got the best deal in town that comes with a peace deal that has quietened rift valleys, buried old wounds, and allowed a million of your people to thrive again in RV.

But you want more. You want to reopen old wounds. Uhuru has reneged on the deal and ate Ruto lunch. Ruto has said no problem I will look for my votes. Now to imagine you can rig such a guy out.

Uhuru is therefore stretching Kalenjin and Ruto's patience to the breaking point.

Such a war will consume Kenya and send us to the usual Africa failed state story. We will become refugees in millions. We will die like Ethiopians.Kenya would have become a failed state. No one will be a winner.

It's important for Uhuru to be very is important for many people to SOUND THE ALARM BELLS. Maraga did. Many others have. Kenya is hurtling again towards a path of self-destruction - Kalenjin the one I know will not take it lying down - it will be a war worse than 2007. For two main reason - 15yrs later - they are even more jobless youths - and secondly, Ruto is a Kalenjin - it won't be pro-borno - it will be their fight.

And we will come back to blame wrong people..instead of blaming Kibaki and Michuki for brazenly rigging election...and sending 0.6M of their people to IDP camps.

Rigging with madharau - is one way to declare war. Saying Ruto cannot become PORK no matter what is a declaration of war.

Just because Luos throw stones for a week and it over - do not think everyone will do the same.

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: Ruto is Rigged Out
« Reply #42 on: August 24, 2021, 02:03:14 AM »
If they are people who understand Kalenjin ferocity - it has to be Luos - Luos will call for peace day one of the conflict - and that is how they have always avoided lots of causality - and kalenjin generally treat Luo with kids gloves.

Don't lie to other tribes - and on day one - you will be at the border pleading for mercy.

Jaramogi in 1992 threatened to undress...after one day in Sondu.

In kalenjin - Luo-kalenjin war - never last more than a day - Luos raise the white flag the same day - they send elders and hold grass - and for kalenjin that was is over.

In kalenjin folkore it goes like that - war with luo start in the morning -and ends in the afternoon. Just be contended that kalenjin never like Luo land - malaria and tsetse fly is too much.

These are reminders of the sterotypes

The major tribal groups bordering the Kipsigis, and the general Kipsigis stereotype of each may be summarized as follows:

To the north, the Nandi,, differing from the Kipsigis only in very minor ways. Said to be brave, strong, even-tempered and peaceful among themselves, trustworthy, sexually strict, and so forth. To the Kipsigis they are "just the same as we are."
To the south, the Maasai, whose culture in many ways represents extreme developments of Kipsigis tendencies. Described as fearless in battle, arrogant, aggressive, cruel, manly, direct in their dealings with others, wealthy in cattle and stubborn about modern changes. They are as much to be admired as to be feared.
To the southwest, the Bantu Gusii, hot-headed and quarrelsome, unruly, noisy, dirty, afraid of the dark. In sum, an unsavory bunch but dangerous because of their large numbers.
To the Northwest, the Nilotic Luo, meek, cowardly, strong in the use of magic but pushovers in a direct confrontation, sexually rather loose, poor, well-suited for menial, manual labor. To the Kipsigis the Luo are women, or at best children.

False bravado!  8)

2022 is in sight we will see what you do about it.

We will win, we will win mbig.

Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ruto is Rigged Out
« Reply #43 on: August 24, 2021, 02:17:17 AM »
Kalenjin 2nd candidate is Raila. The same way Luo's second candidate is Ruto.
It almost friendly.
No rigging though.

If Raila wins fair and square - Kalenjin will not mind. Kalenjin do not hate Raila or Luos - like the way - Kikuyu hate Raila. It's more we despise him as naive fool.

And first person to suffer under Raila Odinga regime - will be Moi-Kenyatta. Ruto will send his congratulatory message the same day and offer him 100 percent support - and 150 UDA MPS to crush Kenyatta.

Day 2 - Raila will renege on all deals - and appoint Ida Odinga his principal assistant - Junior Odinga his chief advisor.

On the 3rd day - Luos will invade Uhuru 11,000 acre farm in Nairobi - and subdivide it amongst themselves. They will also refuse to pay rent as Serikali.

There is really nothing Ruto has that you can identify - weston :) tiny hotel.

On the fourth day - Raila will take 3,000 acre of Moi tea farm and call it Opoda farm :)

Within 100 days - Luos would have corrected all perceived injustices :)

False bravado!  8)

2022 is in sight we will see what you do about it.

We will win, we will win mbig.

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: Ruto is Rigged Out
« Reply #44 on: August 24, 2021, 02:31:55 AM »
Kalenjin 2nd candidate is Raila. The same way Luo's second candidate is Ruto.
It almost friendly.
No rigging though.

All the smart Kales I know support Raila damu. It is more about ideals for them than tribe.

Ruto even if he wins is in a bind, the man is tightly hitched uncomfortably with GEMA. Little room for maneuver. Uhuruto redux.

Raila is freer, he is old so legacy building will be his main goal not political expediency. Kenya will be better place when he is gone.

Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: Ruto is Rigged Out
« Reply #45 on: August 24, 2021, 02:32:14 AM »
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ruto is Rigged Out
« Reply #46 on: August 24, 2021, 02:34:59 AM »
Those Kalenjin are Kikuyus haters - who distrust Kikuyus completely. There are mostly in diaspora. There are not smart. They almost have the luxury to hate like Njamba and Fairbalanced. Kalenjin and Kikuyu in Kenya have had to bury the hatchet...they don't have the luxury for that hatred...because you have to live, trade, marry and name it in kenya.

Raila has huge axe. Staying in prison for 10yrs unless youre nelson Mandela sio michezo.

In fact, looking at 2007 - those diaspora Kikuyu haters drover Kalenjin from Kalonzo to Raila using Kass fm. But they lost their voice when Raila did Mau and ICC thing. They are now embittered. People use to listen to them - on democracy, civic education - bla de bla - but now - they are kaput.

Murkomen was one of those ODM guys but he was not a hater. He just fell for Raila reformist nonsense.

Kalenjin had insisted on the character - they insisted on reforms. Kalonzo's character was well known. Before Ruto realize everyone was singing Raila and he had to sing along. A very strange song :(

All the smart Kales I know support Raila damu. It is more about ideals for them than tribe.

Ruto even if he wins is in a bind, the man is tightly hitched uncomfortably with GEMA. Little room for maneuver. Uhuruto redux.

Raila is freer, he is old so legacy building will be his main goal not political expediency. Kenya will be better place when he is gone.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Ruto is Rigged Out
« Reply #47 on: August 24, 2021, 03:58:45 AM »
You are so delude.,kikuyu in rift Valley do not have any love lost to kalenjins. They are not blind to the fact that you guys are ready to victimize them anytime you lose in politics. Most have a plan to relocate out of rv for good. Kikuyus are now cramped in nature, kiambu, nairobi and in Maa areas. Kalenjins displacement of kikuyus will never be forgiven never. I talk and have a lot of relatives and friends who were or are still doing business in South rift. They really hate your guts

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Ruto is Rigged Out
« Reply #48 on: August 24, 2021, 05:16:51 AM »

Majority of displaced Kikuyus settled in Nakuru , They will vote Ruto to the man. They blame Raila for what happened in 2007.
Raila is the one who brought Kabila adui strategy and Madoadoa sayings its well documented.

You are so delude.,kikuyu in rift Valley do not have any love lost to kalenjins. They are not blind to the fact that you guys are ready to victimize them anytime you lose in politics. Most have a plan to relocate out of rv for good. Kikuyus are now cramped in nature, kiambu, nairobi and in Maa areas. Kalenjins displacement of kikuyus will never be forgiven never. I talk and have a lot of relatives and friends who were or are still doing business in South rift. They really hate your guts

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Ruto is Rigged Out
« Reply #49 on: August 24, 2021, 05:27:45 AM »

Pray not for a war. If it was to happen arrows cant match guns and missiles.  Just look at countries which had to go through civil war.
In 2007 Kibaki refused Kagames and Musevenis idea to use Army to quell the violence . In the end a few business men came together contributed some finances and gave untrained , poorly armed Mungiki and within a matter of days the violence had been contained.
Weeks later you saw how the army dealt with SDLF . My friend those circumsicion ritual you claim is war preparedeness is a joke .Dont  pray for war. You ver well told us out of a 1000 500 lost lives from police bullets , the other 500 between tribes living in Rift Valley  and Nairobi slums. Then why beat the druns of war ?

Kalenjin are generally honorable people. They will honor 10-10. Pick DPORK from  Kikuyu and Kikuyu will become PORK after 10 or earlier if anything happens to Ruto. You got the best deal in town that comes with a peace deal that has quietened rift valleys, buried old wounds, and allowed a million of your people to thrive again in RV.

But you want more. You want to reopen old wounds. Uhuru has reneged on the deal and ate Ruto lunch. Ruto has said no problem I will look for my votes. Now to imagine you can rig such a guy out.

Uhuru is therefore stretching Kalenjin and Ruto's patience to the breaking point.

Such a war will consume Kenya and send us to the usual Africa failed state story. We will become refugees in millions. We will die like Ethiopians.Kenya would have become a failed state. No one will be a winner.

It's important for Uhuru to be very is important for many people to SOUND THE ALARM BELLS. Maraga did. Many others have. Kenya is hurtling again towards a path of self-destruction - Kalenjin the one I know will not take it lying down - it will be a war worse than 2007. For two main reason - 15yrs later - they are even more jobless youths - and secondly, Ruto is a Kalenjin - it won't be pro-borno - it will be their fight.

And we will come back to blame wrong people..instead of blaming Kibaki and Michuki for brazenly rigging election...and sending 0.6M of their people to IDP camps.

Rigging with madharau - is one way to declare war. Saying Ruto cannot become PORK no matter what is a declaration of war.

Just because Luos throw stones for a week and it over - do not think everyone will do the same.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ruto is Rigged Out
« Reply #50 on: August 24, 2021, 06:50:15 AM »
Who is beating war drums apart from Uhuru who has build up bitterness in Kalenjin that is now approaching Kibaki era 2007. I am telling you the ugly truth. You really have a problem with the truth.

If Uhuru has good plan to protect kenyans - no problem. There is no cause of concern.

Pray not for a war. If it was to happen arrows cant match guns and missiles.  Just look at countries which had to go through civil war.
In 2007 Kibaki refused Kagames and Musevenis idea to use Army to quell the violence . In the end a few business men came together contributed some finances and gave untrained , poorly armed Mungiki and within a matter of days the violence had been contained.
Weeks later you saw how the army dealt with SDLF . My friend those circumsicion ritual you claim is war preparedeness is a joke .Dont  pray for war. You ver well told us out of a 1000 500 lost lives from police bullets , the other 500 between tribes living in Rift Valley  and Nairobi slums. Then why beat the druns of war ?

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ruto is Rigged Out
« Reply #51 on: August 24, 2021, 06:51:19 AM »
Trust me the feeling is mutual. Both tribes just accomodate each other in an un-ease peace deal. It important as we approach 2022 to understand that Uhuru has yet again built up bitterness in Kalenjin by humilitiating Ruto, cutting back on development and firing kalenjin. These are same stuff kibaki did in 2007 before it eventually popped up as ethnic war.

It now really depend on Uhuru - if you will have peace or war.

You are so delude.,kikuyu in rift Valley do not have any love lost to kalenjins. They are not blind to the fact that you guys are ready to victimize them anytime you lose in politics. Most have a plan to relocate out of rv for good. Kikuyus are now cramped in nature, kiambu, nairobi and in Maa areas. Kalenjins displacement of kikuyus will never be forgiven never. I talk and have a lot of relatives and friends who were or are still doing business in South rift. They really hate your guts

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Re: Ruto is Rigged Out
« Reply #52 on: August 24, 2021, 09:17:30 AM »
Tigray and Taliban in Kabul are lessons the ufool tick suckers are ignoring. losing a country is easy. for those acting all moral and thinking we are infallible we no longer do body counts in somali, south sudan, iraq, libya, syria and the worldis still rotating. 

The kikuyu screwed in 92, 97 and 2007 are forgetting they may have thrived under kibaki and since 2013 under the ruto's guarantee. others been beaten by ruto and other deal makers in their games - business deals gone sour types who are being auctioned are finding a scapegoat in ruto.

the appeasement policy by ruto is creating a hitler in ufool - very vicarious

with the useless virus restrictions killing the economy where only banks are making billions from treasury bonds in the economy, we have like 50% being standby warriors just to vent.

The police and jeshi are shooting their women obviously over money, so they will easily 'surrender' like in Kabul and in our case will gladly join the looting and the rampage.

the diaspora will have to send money and cry online after cheering ufool madness. no one wins in such an ego contest.
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