If they are people who understand Kalenjin ferocity - it has to be Luos - Luos will call for peace day one of the conflict - and that is how they have always avoided lots of causality - and kalenjin generally treat Luo with kids gloves.
Don't lie to other tribes - and on day one - you will be at the border pleading for mercy.
Jaramogi in 1992 threatened to undress...after one day in Sondu.
In kalenjin - Luo-kalenjin war - never last more than a day - Luos raise the white flag the same day - they send elders and hold grass - and for kalenjin that was is over.
In kalenjin folkore it goes like that - war with luo start in the morning -and ends in the afternoon. Just be contended that kalenjin never like Luo land - malaria and tsetse fly is too much.
These are reminders of the sterotypes
The major tribal groups bordering the Kipsigis, and the general Kipsigis stereotype of each may be summarized as follows:
To the north, the Nandi,, differing from the Kipsigis only in very minor ways. Said to be brave, strong, even-tempered and peaceful among themselves, trustworthy, sexually strict, and so forth. To the Kipsigis they are "just the same as we are."
To the south, the Maasai, whose culture in many ways represents extreme developments of Kipsigis tendencies. Described as fearless in battle, arrogant, aggressive, cruel, manly, direct in their dealings with others, wealthy in cattle and stubborn about modern changes. They are as much to be admired as to be feared.
To the southwest, the Bantu Gusii, hot-headed and quarrelsome, unruly, noisy, dirty, afraid of the dark. In sum, an unsavory bunch but dangerous because of their large numbers.
To the Northwest, the Nilotic Luo,
meek, cowardly, strong in the use of magic but
pushovers in a direct confrontation, sexually rather loose, poor, well-suited for menial, manual labor. To the Kipsigis the Luo are women, or at best children.
By all means bring it on 
Game plan ni huo, we win you cry fraud, muanze nyoko, then we send in army to occupy, then we take over RV and settle more Gemas and other madoadoa, we send Luto to Hague for good, round up other miscreants such as yourself for incitement for good measure.
Kwisa maneno.