Author Topic: From frying pan to the fire  (Read 3301 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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From frying pan to the fire
« on: August 22, 2021, 01:58:35 PM »
Uhuru should phone Ethiopia PM - whose misadventure in Tigray - will see him soon looking for political asylum - if not getting shipped to ICC to answer for crimes against humanity.

The lethargy on vaccination is deliberate. That is very apparent.

State sponsored violence - I guess they need a trigger - maybe assisination of top hustler leader.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: From frying pan to the fire
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2021, 02:58:12 PM »
Uhuru has the power to fight this rascal till his last bullet on August 22. Kalenjins will never be power for another 50 years long after ruto is dead and buried a kale will become president. As for now get ready for war

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: From frying pan to the fire
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2021, 03:02:57 PM »
Kalenjin do not get ready for war. They are ever ready. Kalenjin war infrastructure is waiting for a trigger - a war cry. As far as I can tell from history - this has been the same ever since Kalenjin migrated from Kush empire in Khartoum with Oromos and Somalis. Kalenjin were most likely the army of that Nubian empire with Oromos/Somalis.

The first Mzungu to cross Kalenjin noticed that Kalenjin settlement unlike all kenyan tribes were dispered - one hut or two in every ridge - while rest of tribes lived in heavily fortified villages - all houses squeezed together - or manyattas like Maasai.

The reason was Kalenjin self-defence is so strong - the war infrastructure so good - people lived freely - a war cry is all you need.

Ruto just need a war cry. He wails :) and you will cry. Until he says stop.

Uhuru has the power to fight this rascal till his last bullet on August 22. Kalenjins will never be power for another 50 years long after ruto is dead and buried a kale will become president. As for now get ready for war

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: From frying pan to the fire
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2021, 04:55:59 PM »
Pundit and Njamba war mongers of nipate. Njamba is safe in US only pundit will suffering the consequences that will be felt in RV.
All said and done I don't think gatheca would be this stupid he wouldn't dare it simply because he doesn't have the support of his home region to begin with and even if he had it still would be asking for suicide this plan if true can only lead to the liquidation of entire dynasty in Kenya.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: From frying pan to the fire
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2021, 05:16:18 PM »
All I do is warn people - I am not mongering. Agreed - it could end up as class war in central. Those who get kicked in RV - will go to Central - and kick the dynasties - for messing their lifes. They could also forestall by doing it before RVs - and Rvs will open western, gusii and luo nyanza war fronts. This is kenya. Leaders have to be careful.

Some of these ugly things need to be said.

Pundit and Njamba war mongers of nipate. Njamba is safe in US only pundit will suffering the consequences that will be felt in RV.
All said and done I don't think gatheca would be this stupid he wouldn't dare it simply because he doesn't have the support of his home region to begin with and even if he had it still would be asking for suicide this plan if true can only lead to the liquidation of entire dynasty in Kenya.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: From frying pan to the fire
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2021, 05:17:52 PM »

RV how many people lost lives in P.E.V in Rift Valley Vs in Nyanza Province.

All I do is warn people - I am not mongering. Agreed - it could end up as class war in central. Those who get kicked in RV - will go to Central - and kick the dynasties - for messing their lifes.
Pundit and Njamba war mongers of nipate. Njamba is safe in US only pundit will suffering the consequences that will be felt in RV.
All said and done I don't think gatheca would be this stupid he wouldn't dare it simply because he doesn't have the support of his home region to begin with and even if he had it still would be asking for suicide this plan if true can only lead to the liquidation of entire dynasty in Kenya.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: From frying pan to the fire
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2021, 05:18:44 PM »
PEV as far as I know was not about killing. It was about displacement. The killings that happened generally was not intended. I know in our place Gusii and likes were being told to go home. The same I heard in Eldoret and other such places.

It was not genocide like rwanda - it was mass displacement - and core of it was land plus jobs and business - kikuyus were being evicted to take land, in urban areas to kick them out of business, and gusii to kick them out of jobs in tea estates.

Kiambaa and killing that happen near my places - I believe were a "mistake" - if was not the general modus operandi. Mungiki revenge attack were about killing.

That is why there were 600K evicted people; and only 1K. If it was genocide; the numbers would have been like Rwanda. But I dont believe kenya has reach that level of bitterness for people to want to be genocidal.

RV how many people lost lives in P.E.V in Rift Valley Vs in Nyanza Province.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: From frying pan to the fire
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2021, 05:23:10 PM »

Ive asked a simple question how many people lost lives in Rift Valley and how many lost lives in Nyanza ?

PEV as far as I know was not about killing. It was about displacement. The killings that happened generally was not intended. I know in our place Gusii and likes were being told to go home. The same I heard in Eldoret and other such places.

It was not genocide like rwanda - it was mass displacement - and core of it was land plus jobs and business - kikuyus were being evicted to take land, in urban areas to kick them out of business, and gusii to kick them out of jobs in tea estates.

RV how many people lost lives in P.E.V in Rift Valley Vs in Nyanza Province.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: From frying pan to the fire
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2021, 05:24:34 PM »
I am sure you know the answer moron. Police did a lot of killing. I think 500 out 1000 people were killed by gunshots. If you mean in Kisumu - then nearly all were shot dead by Police.
Ive asked a simple question how many people lost lives in Rift Valley and how many lost lives in Nyanza ?

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: From frying pan to the fire
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2021, 05:25:52 PM »
Kikuyus won't suffer like last time they are properly organized after coalescing around nakuru which they can defend,shida ni mogusii na mbaluja. Luos have nothing to lose they don't own anything there. Generally war will be only in kalenjin RV but with a risk of making other regions rebel against central government.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: From frying pan to the fire
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2021, 05:28:24 PM »
The big risk the way I see is really kalenjin leaders. If they escalate - kenya is done. And they could. To escalate is simple - to arm kalenjin with guns. Kalenjin are already trained in rudimentary military tactics.

You give them light guns - kenya is done. All kalenjin leaders from Moi knows this - and have been reticent to do this - except Mt elgon SDLF. It took KDF to take those sabaots out.

If Ruto wants to finish kenya - he just need 10,000 guns. Kalenjin would be able to take any police or kdf - you may have to bring bombs.

Now if you ask me - Kalenjin leaders know Ruto has this thing in the bag - and they will not take anything lying down - it will be a big civil war.

The kalenjin leaders are already salivating - seeing the return of moi era grand looting :) - and you do not want to start war with them unless youre prepared.

Kikuyus won't suffer like last time they are properly organized after coalescing around nakuru which they can defend,shida ni mogusii na mbaluja. Luos have nothing to lose they don't own anything there. Generally war will be only in kalenjin RV but with a risk of making other regions rebel against central government.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: From frying pan to the fire
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2021, 05:32:53 PM »
The big risk the way I see is really kalenjin leaders. If they escalate - kenya is done. And they could. To escalate is simple - to arm kalenjin with guns. Kalenjin are already trained in rudimentary military tactics.

You give them light guns - kenya is done. All kalenjin leaders from Moi knows this - and have been reticent to do this - except Mt elgon SDLF. It took KDF to take those sabaots out.

If Ruto wants to finish kenya - he just need 10,000 guns.

Kikuyus won't suffer like last time they are properly organized after coalescing around nakuru which they can defend,shida ni mogusii na mbaluja. Luos have nothing to lose they don't own anything there. Generally war will be only in kalenjin RV but with a risk of making other regions rebel against central government.
Sorry to bust your bubble. If kalenjin arm simply other kabilas will arm and defend their lands. Where will you go to capture land are you even saying you can march past naivasha through kikuyu land? Hallucinations. Pundit am being polite with you best kalenjin can is cause havoc in RV only. Forget about invading other provinces. Again be careful coz this can backfire and other kabilas can unite against you and run riot.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: From frying pan to the fire
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2021, 05:36:08 PM »
Are you trained in military tactics? Or you just giving farmers guns? Please understand the big difference. See what Pokot do. See what Sabaot did. Kalenjin are very well trained in war tactics and have existing traditional war infrastructure.

There is a big difference. You cannot just get a fisherman like a luo from lake victoria and arm them :) You need to train them - basics thing like markmanship; kalenjin master that already

In 2007 - Mungiki were given 10,000 guns - and they came down to Molo. The police/GSU were doing a good job - were told to go back to barracks- and let the Mungiki defend and attack kalenjin. it took 2hours for them to be disarmed and killed. They run from Molo to Nakuru and Naivasha - looting all the way.

I think guns were acquired by Kibaki second wife - from Ethiopia. The collected Mungiki from Muranga and Nairobi slums.

Kibaki then realized he was sc.rewed and agreed to share power.

Sorry to bust your bubble. If kalenjin arm simply other kabilas will arm and defend their lands. Where will you go to capture land are you even saying you can march past naivasha through kikuyu land? Hallucinations. Pundit am being polite with you best kalenjin can is cause havoc in RV only. Forget about invading other provinces. Again be careful coz this can backfire and other kabilas can unite against you and run riot.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: From frying pan to the fire
« Reply #13 on: August 22, 2021, 05:41:34 PM »
Are you trained in military tactics? Or you just giving farmers guns? Please understand the big difference. See what Pokot do. See what Sabaot did. Kalenjin are very well trained in war tactics and have existing traditional war infrastructure.

There is a big difference.

In 2007 - Mungiki were given 10,000 guns - and they came down to Molo. The police/GSU were told to let them defend and attack kalenjin. it took 2hours for them to be disarmed and killed.

I think guns were acquired by Kibaki second wife - from Ethiopia.

Kibaki then realized he was sc.rewed and agreed to share power.

Sorry to bust your bubble. If kalenjin arm simply other kabilas will arm and defend their lands. Where will you go to capture land are you even saying you can march past naivasha through kikuyu land? Hallucinations. Pundit am being polite with you best kalenjin can is cause havoc in RV only. Forget about invading other provinces. Again be careful coz this can backfire and other kabilas can unite against you and run riot.
Pundits lets leave all other kabilas aside and say its a war between kalenjins and kikuyus only. HONESTLY do you think you can overan kikuyus past naivasha to Limuru???

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: From frying pan to the fire
« Reply #14 on: August 22, 2021, 05:45:09 PM »
Exactly the point. The war drums you are beating here where as you dont consider tangible factors like who control the police and who control the Military.
Partly the reason why there is peace in Rift Valley apart from Ruto being on the right side of History .

Ruto is enroute to becoming the President , what Deep state now think the only thing which can stop him is violence. Thats why Njamba amd FNB triy to turn all threads into war this war that. Why you fall for this with your so called High IQ only you know.

I am sure you know the answer moron. Police did a lot of killing. I think 500 out 1000 people were killed by gunshots. If you mean in Kisumu - then nearly all were shot dead by Police.
Ive asked a simple question how many people lost lives in Rift Valley and how many lost lives in Nyanza ?

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: From frying pan to the fire
« Reply #15 on: August 22, 2021, 05:45:28 PM »
It not me. use they.
Kalenjin in such a war will only be interested in chasing kikuyu to Naivasha.
Not beyond that.
Kalenjin have rudimentary war training - that they do every month of december - this used to be six months but schooling reduced it.
I went through MTC - markmanship is very important.
You start with static object then move to moving object - pokot train with guns by shooting birds and antelopes - they have such high level of precision and markmanship - they cannot miss a human.
Kalenjin therefore if given a gun - will not waste a bullet.
That is why Kalenjin if given 10,000 guns - will do so much damage.
Pundits lets leave all other kabilas aside and say its a war between kalenjins and kikuyus only. HONESTLY do you think you can overan kikuyus past naivasha to Limuru???

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: From frying pan to the fire
« Reply #16 on: August 22, 2021, 05:47:57 PM »
Moron - which war drum I am beating. I am helping you understand things. If somebody say do not go to afgan because you will lose - is that war mongering.

When I told Njamba that Ethiopia will lose in Tigray - was I war mongering.

When I tell Uhuru not to even think of going to war - I am war mongering?

Please UHURU and his people are the ones you need to focus on. Not me. It's them who are starting WAR.

Are you scared of the truth?

There are war-like tribes you do not want to start war with them - one of them is kalenjin.

Ask the British how Nandi savages kept them busy for 15yrs...without guns...but figthing like a trained army.
If they hadnt killed Samoei - and Nandi got guns - Nandi would be independent country

And the nandi fought a conventional war with Brits - not a gouerrila war like MauMau - which is modern day terrorism of hit and run.

Exactly the point. The war drums you are beating here where as you dont consider tangible factors like who control the police and who control the Military.
Partly the reason why there is peace in Rift Valley apart from Ruto being on the right side of History .

Ruto is enroute to becoming the President , what Deep state now think the only thing which can stop him is violence. Thats why Njamba amd FNB triy to turn all threads into war this war that. Why you fall for this with your so called High IQ only you know.

I am sure you know the answer moron. Police did a lot of killing. I think 500 out 1000 people were killed by gunshots. If you mean in Kisumu - then nearly all were shot dead by Police.
Ive asked a simple question how many people lost lives in Rift Valley and how many lost lives in Nyanza ?

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: From frying pan to the fire
« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2021, 01:56:07 AM »
And this should be a must read for many in gov in charge of transition - some decisions are too costly and too stupid - like spending 3 trillion in Afgan and losing

Nandi Resistance to British Rule: The Volcano Erupts - 16yrs of war - other communities never lasted a month or even a week of military expedition - yet Nandi resisted for 16yrs until British murdered koitalel in fake peace deal to leave Nandi alone to be independent - bar Somalis - Jubaland resistance by Somalis lasted longer - Ethiopians defeated Italians. Dont take war to warlike tribes unless youre very ready - kalenjin, somalis, most of ethiopians - those are not folks to joke with
by A. T. Matson

Fresh details of battle the British almost lost

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: From frying pan to the fire
« Reply #18 on: August 23, 2021, 02:10:41 AM »
Dont say I didnt warn you

In the late 19th century, the British colonialists found Nandi raiding parties ranging more than 100 miles from their highlands, striking at night and driving cattle miles toward home before enemy warriors could regroup. Nandi ferocity was such that it took the British five military campaigns over 10 years to subdue the tribe, which they finally did in 1906.

To make men who could run a hundred miles on a handful of millet and a spurt of cow's blood, the Kalenjin tribes employed powerful means. The most potent was ritual circumcision.

To come of age in much of East Africa, a boy between 12 and 20 must command himself to remain stoic while an extremely sensitive part of his body is slowly cut away. Sir A. Claud Hollis, a British diplomat, wrote of Nandi circumcision in 1909: "The boy's face is carefully watched by the surrounding crowd of warriors and old men to see whether he blinks or makes a sign of pain. Should he in any way betray his feelings, he is dubbed a coward and receives the name of kipite. This is considered a great disgrace, and no kipite may ever attend another circumcision festival." Or claim full rights as an adult.

Boys are prepared with months of seclusion and instruction in the ways of the tribe. "Circumcision parallels what the military does to a draftee," Boit has said. "The elders shave his head, give him a new name and subject him to rigorous discipline, all to remove his individuality and replace it with a new identity of toughness and obedience."

Kibor was circumcised at 14. "Some other boys and I. It was important," he says. "But everybody does it." So how could it be extraordinary? Kibor doesn't think it the most difficult thing he's ever done. It was not as hard, he says, as leaving his childhood home to go to a distant school. The discomfort of running he does not see fit to mention.

"Once you feel the sweetness of winning," Ndoo has said, "running is not what you call pain. The pain is losing. Most of them don't even think about what they are feeling...until you ask them."

So widespread is circumcision that Kenyans can seem rather offhand about it. CIRCUMCISION RITUALS IN FULL SWING, reads a headline in the Daily Nation. "December is always a busy month...."

The story, by Waigwa Kiboi, details how the Kuria tribe near the Tanzanian border practices not only male but also female circumcision, or clitoridectomy, which is outlawed by the government. "As you walk along the roads," writes Kiboi, "you will see young men and women dancing wildly as they surround the initiates, who, despite the pain and bleeding, walk home majestically."

"There is no way," says Nelson Monanka, a farmer, "that girls can command respect here if they are not circumcised and ready for marriage."

Marriage means farm labor and childbearing. Circumcision, one is told, allows women not to be distracted by concern for their own pleasure. It lets them be good wives. In this way, and in many others, the plight of Kenyan women is dismal.

"Parents acquire cows as dowry," says Boit, "as the bride price for a daughter. It makes a wife more of an economic object than a partner in a joint venture."

So Kenyan women are seldom encouraged in sport. Time and again wonderfully talented 14-year-olds have gotten pregnant, married, quit school and given up running. There has never been a female Kenyan Olympic medalist.

Down through the generations, as the raiding life killed off slow runners and made fathers of the swift, the tribes must have distilled their talent. The genes that shape football tackles or sumo wrestlers would have been winnowed away. Always the culture exalted endurance. And so the Kalenjin men became not explosively muscular, but lean and tireless.

Then the British came in and couldn't tolerate all the cattle raiding to which this tirelessness was devoted. So they substituted sport. "They jailed the raiders and put them to work leveling and marking out running tracks," says John Manners, a former Peace Corps teacher in Kenya who has made an extensive study of Kalenjin runners and whose help in preparing this article was invaluable. "Because the Kalenjin, and especially the Nandi, were such frequent offenders, they got a disproportionate number of tracks in their districts and the biggest push to participate."

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: From frying pan to the fire
« Reply #19 on: August 23, 2021, 05:42:42 AM »
RV you were brainwashed about Violence. Kenya has never even been in a Civil war. Dont quote us here fake history written by your likes. 1900s is not 2020s.