Author Topic: Its Official Uhuru Is Now Lameduck  (Read 2581 times)

Offline Nowayhaha

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Its Official Uhuru Is Now Lameduck
« on: August 21, 2021, 12:16:48 PM »
But you will find NASA still tagging along.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Its Official Uhuru Is Now Lameduck
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2021, 12:56:55 PM »
Yea all the action is now on Chebukati and IEBC. I see they are hiring thousands of clerks for mass voter registration. Next is the battle for nomination - and party heads are going to be make money in 1st Q until April 2021. April -May is where real coalition talks will happen. June and July is marathon presidential campaigns. That is when one will realize kenya is very big...and you cannot cover in 60 days.

Uhuru should try to get 2022/2023 budget approved - and he can stay in Mombasa forever.

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Re: Its Official Uhuru Is Now Lameduck
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2021, 02:54:21 PM »
One Way to know that Uhuru was never intetrsted in BBI is he has not relesead a statement nor addressed the nation . He would have done that if it was dear to him. How do you launch something with Raila more than 4 times and when it hits a dead end you only let Raila give a statement.
All the so called Mombasa meetings signified inteligence that BBI had lost and now to keep NASA crew happy was to front the idea Jubilee will support OFM and Uhuru is spear heading unifying them.

Uhuru is just bluffing them , keep their allowances going on , meet them here and there while he does another last round of loot which in the last year they do it massively.
Now for Raila to tag along and he is not sharing the loot is very baffling. His aides will come out strongly and tell him yo dissasociate with Uhuru if he wants to stand a chance for 2022 elections . Even the system as it did in 2002 and 2013 realizes there will be change of power it switches allegiance very quick to the supposed incomming President.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Its Official Uhuru Is Now Lameduck
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2021, 03:23:31 PM »
He probably negotiated for a jail free card from COA. He is now free because COA were nice to him. So no appeal from AG or him. He is done with BBI.He is now onto new project - fool like raila for the umpteenth time with unity talks.

Where I come you do not negotiate for cow or anything - unless you can see it - hii ya NASA ni kudanganywa kabisa. Where are the cows that Uhuru is promising. Why are they not lined up? Why are all cows in the stampede to UDA.

One Way to know that Uhuru was never intetrsted in BBI is he has not relesead a statement nor addressed the nation . He would have done that if it was dear to him. How do you launch something with Raila more than 4 times and when it hits a dead end you only let Raila give a statement.
All the so called Mombasa meetings signified inteligence that BBI had lost and now to keep NASA crew happy was to front the idea Jubilee will support OFM and Uhuru is spear heading unifying them.

Uhuru is just bluffing them , keep their allowances going on , meet them here and there while he does another last round of loot which in the last year they do it massively.
Now for Raila to tag along and he is not sharing the loot is very baffling. His aides will come out strongly and tell him yo dissasociate with Uhuru if he wants to stand a chance for 2022 elections . Even the system as it did in 2002 and 2013 realizes there will be change of power it switches allegiance very quick to the supposed incomming President.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Its Official Uhuru Is Now Lameduck
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2021, 05:16:22 PM »

They managed yo set aside 3 declarations. They will go to suptreme court and hope to score some more points. Our SC is known yo be the weakest link in Judiciary. He might score some more points there but still BBI will be time bared.

This BBI thing just made the threshold of holding a referendumn very high.
It was a misadventure and Uhuru is very lucky not to have been dented financially or by impeachment.
If the Supreme court was upto the standards we opted in the C.O.K. then there would be hope to reinstate the 3 declarations set aside and also hold Uhuru liable financially for the money spent on this misadventure.
Lucky him.
He probably negotiated for a jail free card from COA. He is now free because COA were nice to him. So no appeal from AG or him. He is done with BBI.He is now onto new project - fool like raila for the umpteenth time with unity talks.

Where I come you do not negotiate for cow or anything - unless you can see it - hii ya NASA ni kudanganywa kabisa. Where are the cows that Uhuru is promising. Why are they not lined up? Why are all cows in the stampede to UDA.

One Way to know that Uhuru was never intetrsted in BBI is he has not relesead a statement nor addressed the nation . He would have done that if it was dear to him. How do you launch something with Raila more than 4 times and when it hits a dead end you only let Raila give a statement.
All the so called Mombasa meetings signified inteligence that BBI had lost and now to keep NASA crew happy was to front the idea Jubilee will support OFM and Uhuru is spear heading unifying them.

Uhuru is just bluffing them , keep their allowances going on , meet them here and there while he does another last round of loot which in the last year they do it massively.
Now for Raila to tag along and he is not sharing the loot is very baffling. His aides will come out strongly and tell him yo dissasociate with Uhuru if he wants to stand a chance for 2022 elections . Even the system as it did in 2002 and 2013 realizes there will be change of power it switches allegiance very quick to the supposed incomming President.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Its Official Uhuru Is Now Lameduck
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2021, 06:02:20 PM »
I think you give a lot of weight to grand mullah who still smarting from losing Jubilee petition. He hates Maraga for that. No self respecting court will okay BBI. The violation were too much.

There were just too many mistake - supreme court will not waste their bullet on that.

Supreme court know managing transition - is their biggest task - and so they are not going to show their hands even if they have been bought by Uhuru this early.

And looking at SCORK - I see great judges - maybe three ladies have ish ish credentials but Lenaolas, Oukos, Smokin, Somali guy - those are TOP BRAINS.

Definitely Mwilu, Njoki and CJ - are average - judges - who can embrass themselves like Fatuma Sichale did.

They managed yo set aside 3 declarations. They will go to suptreme court and hope to score some more points. Our SC is known yo be the weakest link in Judiciary. He might score some more points there but still BBI will be time bared.

This BBI thing just made the threshold of holding a referendumn very high.
It was a misadventure and Uhuru is very lucky not to have been dented financially or by impeachment.
If the Supreme court was upto the standards we opted in the C.O.K. then there would be hope to reinstate the 3 declarations set aside and also hold Uhuru liable financially for the money spent on this misadventure.
Lucky him.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Its Official Uhuru Is Now Lameduck
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2021, 06:55:06 PM »

Where is GM comimg in here. You amaze me , you write off the 3 SC judges then you go and mention Leonola , a well known Raila sympathiser , Wanjala an academician( Who already made a dubious ruling against BBI when it was on his table), Ouko Who UhuRaila rigged him recently and Ibrahim who did a dissapearimg in 2017 Presidemtial Petetion when he could have tilted the balance.

RV even before High Court ruled against BBI We discussed in depth and came to a conclusion that It will end up to SC and SC could rule in their favour but it would be time barred. Now where is GM comimg in .

I think you give a lot of weight to grand mullah who still smarting from losing Jubilee petition. He hates Maraga for that. No self respecting court will okay BBI. The violation were too much.

There were just too many mistake - supreme court will not waste their bullet on that.

Supreme court know managing transition - is their biggest task - and so they are not going to show their hands even if they have been bought by Uhuru this early.

And looking at SCORK - I see great judges - maybe three ladies have ish ish credentials but Lenaolas, Oukos, Smokin, Somali guy - those are TOP BRAINS.

Definitely Mwilu, Njoki and CJ - are average - judges - who can embrass themselves like Fatuma Sichale did.

They managed yo set aside 3 declarations. They will go to suptreme court and hope to score some more points. Our SC is known yo be the weakest link in Judiciary. He might score some more points there but still BBI will be time bared.

This BBI thing just made the threshold of holding a referendumn very high.
It was a misadventure and Uhuru is very lucky not to have been dented financially or by impeachment.
If the Supreme court was upto the standards we opted in the C.O.K. then there would be hope to reinstate the 3 declarations set aside and also hold Uhuru liable financially for the money spent on this misadventure.
Lucky him.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Its Official Uhuru Is Now Lameduck
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2021, 07:08:13 PM »

RV remeber this ?

RV , you seem to trust Judiciary too much even with past experience . I for example  have my hopes on them but still warry due to the machinations ongoing .

A sneak preview

Currently the BBI cases are with High Court under Justices Joel Ngugi, George Odunga, Jairus Ngaah, Janet Mulwa and Chacha Mwita, The high court is known for Jurisprudence , We might have an idea how the following activist Judges will rule  Joel Ngugi, George Odunga, Chacha Mwita . Most likely rule against BBI .Regardless of the ruling the aggrieved party (Either Petitioners or respondents will take it to the next stage being Court of Appeal .(We will come back to the COA) .

Meanwhile lets jump to the SC . First Kenya Supreme court is known for not having Jurisprudence (Bahati Nasibu - Pata Potea) Reasons has been give for this , its still in the development stages etc etc

Secondly as early as March SC chickened out on BBI cases, maybe a lesson after 2017  debacle or because 7th Day Adventist /Rightist is left the courts or have been threatened with consequences (JSC/DCI ,DPP or Ombudsman )   

Quote[ /quote]

 Thirdly as we speak Executive have been able to capture the Supreme Court , The following are the Judges  & from the look of it it smells BBI (You need only need 4 judges to win - If the case was to end up there you already know the outcome .

Njoki Ndungu 
Philomena Mwilu
Mohammed K. Ibrahim
Smokin  Wanjala
Isaac Lenaola
Martha Koome (Incomming)
William Ouko (Incomming)

Now the real battle ground will be in the Court of appeal , as we speak the President is on his way to Supreme Court . An election will have to be held to determine the next President who determines which Judges will handle the cases . Its hard to deliberate how the COA judges will vote , they can decide to appease the current CJ & JSC and vote a pro-Executive President who will then assign the BBI cases to pro-executive judges and in that we have a referendum in July 2021 , or they can decide to elect a Pro-Judiciary hardliner and have them derail the BBI and there goes Bye Bye BBI.

Based on the thinking of Uhuru insiders and how they were able to take DPP office by dangling a carrot to Tobiko , they might entice one of COA judges with Ombudsman so they can be well protected with  former judge Martha in JSC, Current COA Judge Warsame in JSC and incomming Ombudsman in JSC . Lets see how it goes .   

Precisely. But judiciary will block this. The judiciary are mad with him for blocking 42 judges hiring and promotion - leave alone the ombusdman.
Isnt by voting Yes giving Uhuru a weapon to materialize some of the content without going the referendum way , If the Courts decide to either derail or delay the referendum .

These people seem not to have studied Uhuru closely. Let him meet with his family members ,dealers ,drunk buddies & St Marys Old Boys . Mtajua hamjui ....

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Its Official Uhuru Is Now Lameduck
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2021, 07:41:56 PM »
You are soiling people names without any basis. Basic Structure father is Lenaola and Ringera in Kenya. Lenaola is very smart judge - a rare gem from Samburu - with great brain. Wanjala is also very smart. Ouko is a sober judge who cannot be swayed by anything but facts. Mohammed the same. Those 4 I trust them. Mwilu and Njoki should not be in Supreme Court. I am 50-50 on CJ - I like her reformist credential and her tenure in COA and High court are exemplar.

Stop the nonsense - where you bring OMOLLO like evidence that you cook up. To soil Ouko name with ODM and Raila - is real the bottom of the barrel - Ouko is a luo yes but he was in judiciary when Moi was president - and he has impeachable records.Some idiots also solid Ojwang name - and said he was ruling because of wife was denied nomination. NO. Prof Ojwang had stellar record.

Everyone has a tribe - but respect proffesionals

When it come to BBI - it cannot be saved. Fatuma Sichale really tried but eventually she found one violation - that still knocks BBI out.

When it come to IEBC - I also believe they sunk Uhuru victory - they were just FUMBLING around. Chebukati is just a confused fellow. Even in this BBI appeal - they were all over the map - with Prof Githu - arguing things that were not in the client brief.

Forget about BBI being saved. That one is dead. If Raila buys into BBI appeal scheme - then you know he is a real fool.

Where is GM comimg in here. You amaze me , you write off the 3 SC judges then you go and mention Leonola , a well known Raila sympathiser , Wanjala an academician( Who already made a dubious ruling against BBI when it was on his table), Ouko Who UhuRaila rigged him recently and Ibrahim who did a dissapearimg in 2017 Presidemtial Petetion when he could have tilted the balance.

RV even before High Court ruled against BBI We discussed in depth and came to a conclusion that It will end up to SC and SC could rule in their favour but it would be time barred. Now where is GM comimg in .

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Re: Its Official Uhuru Is Now Lameduck
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2021, 12:16:56 PM »
So why is lameduck giving you such nightmares you have started a thousand threads in his name like a fulltime job?
Celebratory violence: 2017 crime invented to justify killings to prevent Raila from becoming PORK.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Its Official Uhuru Is Now Lameduck
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2021, 07:23:10 PM »

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Its Official Uhuru Is Now Lameduck
« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2021, 07:24:06 PM »
Nightmare ? Be serious......

So why is lameduck giving you such nightmares you have started a thousand threads in his name like a fulltime job?

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Re: Its Official Uhuru Is Now Lameduck
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2021, 08:46:02 PM »
And In Nipate RV accuses  GM of writing my posts

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Its Official Uhuru Is Now Lameduck
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2021, 09:20:25 PM »
This BBI was a chance for the judges to shine - never before has a court been presented with such egregious violation in almost all aspects of the law. Totally. They dropped the ball so many time. Even Kiswahili edition? IEBC taking a weekend to allow people to confirm signatures?

This is what happens when fools run gov.

And In Nipate RV accuses  GM of writing my posts

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Re: Its Official Uhuru Is Now Lameduck
« Reply #15 on: August 24, 2021, 10:08:57 AM »
One year is long for a desperate  person. Very dangerous.
Convening two OKA meetings in a row and the calling up of editors while stoned confirms the desperation.
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