Terminator here was one such. We need to trust the scientist and doctors and epidemiologists on diseases ad such things. Haitaki siasa and conspiracy theories. Magufuli is a lesson enough.
You sound like New African journalist who used to challenge epidiomologists Data about aids in Africa. In one mathafarking series they asked where are the bodies, where are the Graves that is in early 1990s by 2000 they had gone underground and most didn't acknowledge how wrong they were. There was a certain afrocentric omollo oo type of Ghana Jaduong that saw racism in every Aids data. I bet he is in a village somewhere eat arvs like candy. They egged mbeki to deny sa aids victims arv and the results are evident
Once you get sucked into conspiracy theories culture of the US you lose your head where you need it the most.
You become addicted to skepticism. You doubt for the sake of doubting.
Biggest failure in Uhunye Rona strategy is bringing down the cost of testing. Why does a PCR test cost 6K a year later while PPEs cost a fraction of what they did a year ago?
We are still testing 5K max per day.
I wonder how many are perishing because they learn too late