Scenario 003 - Ruto versus 50 percent- Overally I see 2 percent gain from Jubilee 2022 - with GEMA stratified. Total expected votes 15,170,163
Ruto with 50 percent of GEMA - 6,738,067 (44%)
Ruto with 60 percent of GEMA - 7,224,253 (48%)
Ruto with 70 percent of GEMA - 7,701,926 (51%)
Ruto with 80 percent of GEMA - 8,148,769 (54%)
Ruto with 90 percent of GEMA - 8,564,128 (56%
1) Outside GEMA, I see small improvement everywhere compared to Uhuru except in Gusii (Nyamira/Kisii) and Kajiado where Ruto will perform worse than Uhuru - Uhuru had 55 of Nyamira - I see Ruto dropping 20 percent - to 35 percent thanks Matiangi wars. Kajiado Jubilee are influenced by GEMA and are confused on where to go now. The other half is solidly NASA.
2) Ruto will do well in Kalenjin counties including West Pokot. Let see Gideon Moi gameplan - it hazy - but he can only get few votes in Baringo and West Pokot.
3) I see Ruto doing well in Kamatusa except in Kajiado. Capturing Nanok - will see improvement from 39 percent to I think 69 percent in Turkana - while settling NAROK restlessness with Mau/Kipsigis - will see small improvement - it was 50-50 with Raila thanks to Kalenjin/Kikuyu vote - with Maasai voting Raila 3:1. I see Ruto going 1:1 with Raila - considering Ruto failure to win over Narok senator Ole Kina. But Ruto has won over Purko - the most popolous- who were unhappy with governor seat going to Tunai.
4) I think NEP will vote almost at the same level - didnt bother to tinker with that - Ruto will do better than Uhuru but it wont change much.
5) Ruto will do better than Uhuru in coast...especially Kwale and Taita Taveta...also see improvement in Kilifi and Mombasa.
6) I see mt kenya turnout dropping to around 80 percent from 87 - and Kalenjin improving from 80 to 87 percent - Luos will remain there if not depressed - excitment level we shall see - if it will rise with Uhuru fuzy games. So far excitment in Nyanza and NASA region is subdued - Kichwa Mbaya is good indicator. The only people I see really excited about 2022 are Kalenjin.
7) Western - Jubilee improved in 2017 - compared to disaster of 2013 (mademoni debacle) - where they got 4 percent Jubilee Tawe - to as much as 18 percent - I see Ruto improving that to 25 percent. It worst ROI

but that is political life.
Most importantly Ruto only need 70 percent of GEMA to win PORKIf he get as much GEMA support as Uhuru did - he will win with 56 percent - or 8.5m - or even 58 percent if the turnout is sustained.
If Ruto get another of NASA principles - 2% (Weta), MaDVD(4 %), Kalonzo(8%) - then percentages increase by those margins. It possible MaDVD has moved to 6 percent - considering Raila has lost Western soul - he is just left with fringes.
Ruto if he get Weta - will only need 60 percent of GEMA to win.Ruto if he get maDVD - will only need 50 percent of GEMA to win.Ruto if he get Kalonzo - will only need 40 percent of GEMA to win.Next Scenario :
How much Kalenjin can improve their voter registration numbers? Can they match GEMA who registered 60 percent of their total population? And what percentage would Ruto gain from that.
GEMA has 5 percent advantage from registration (roughly 27 percent of national vote) compared to their population (roughly 23 percent).Ruto if he works on registering 60 percent ( demographics allowing) - will have 4m kalenjin votes. But Mt Kenya demographics is in transition - I' think Kalenjin adult are probably 50:50 - so best is to get 3.3 million votes - assuming Kalenjin population is now close to 6.7 - adding about 150K kids per annum.