Author Topic: Battle of Titans in infrastructure Investment  (Read 2052 times)

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Battle of Titans in infrastructure Investment
« on: August 08, 2021, 06:38:17 AM »
 Finally the US is waking up to the reality that China is outcompeting us and will soon eat our dinner after its pretty much done eating our lunch. The US is realizing that propaganda alone is not going to cut it against China and investments have to be done.  While the US spend trillions fighting men in sandals for 20 years, China has poured more concrete than probably the whole world combined.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Battle of Titans in infrastructure Investment
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2021, 01:28:29 PM »
Yes they are waking up

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: Battle of Titans in infrastructure Investment
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2021, 02:35:38 AM »
Finally the US is waking up to the reality that China is outcompeting us and will soon eat our dinner after its pretty much done eating our lunch. The US is realizing that propaganda alone is not going to cut it against China and investments have to be done.  While the US spend trillions fighting men in sandals for 20 years, China has poured more concrete than probably the whole world combined.

Stupid propaganda. China pouring more concrete doesn't mean progress, building endless ugly concrete commie blocks on credit doesn't signify anything. China is destroying its urban built environment through its thoughtless building craze leading to ghost cities with no inhabitants. The pollution is ungodly. America maybe fucked up but China is ten times worse. China eating our lunch trope is a useful tool for Biden and big government lovers to engage in fiscally irresponsible infrastructure splurge. You wanna stop China's arrogant behavior supercharge Trump's policy of economic disengagement/disentanglement, what is feeding the CCP hubris is economic boost they get from US exports. 
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Offline mankind

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Re: Battle of Titans in infrastructure Investment
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2021, 06:07:30 AM »
 Unfortunately you've been fed so much anti Chinese propaganda to even appreciate an obvious fact.  Despite what you wrote which has some truth to it the facts on that article speak for themselves.  Give us a reference to counter them instead of resorting to the usual dismissive attitude that got the west having to play catch up.  What would you rather we spend money on?  The military that spends more than the next 10 countries combined has been fighting men in sack clothes and sandals for 20 years and still sneaked out at night from Bagram airbase.  Just a  few days ago I saw the taliban riding in American humvees.It is becoming obvious to any pragmatic person that today China is becoming known for infrastructure around the world while we in America are known for military adventures.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Battle of Titans in infrastructure Investment
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2021, 09:32:58 AM »
Some year back I posted  Putins Speech on Americas preference of a Uni Polar World vis a vis a Multi-Polar world which is not sustainable .

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Re: Battle of Titans in infrastructure Investment
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2021, 09:33:11 AM »

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: Battle of Titans in infrastructure Investment
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2021, 05:05:21 PM »
Unfortunately you've been fed so much anti Chinese propaganda to even appreciate an obvious fact.  Despite what you wrote which has some truth to it the facts on that article speak for themselves.  Give us a reference to counter them instead of resorting to the usual dismissive attitude that got the west having to play catch up.  What would you rather we spend money on?  The military that spends more than the next 10 countries combined has been fighting men in sack clothes and sandals for 20 years and still sneaked out at night from Bagram airbase.  Just a  few days ago I saw the taliban riding in American humvees.It is becoming obvious to any pragmatic person that today China is becoming known for infrastructure around the world while we in America are known for military adventures.

American military adventurism abroad is dumb and criminal obviously. This article however is drumming up support for Biden's infrastructure plan using patriotic anti China fear mongering. I don't support Federal infrastructure spending, Obama tried it and failed miserably, Obamacare failed also.

The federal government already intervenes heavily in infrastructure through spending, regulations, and taxes, and all three levers distort investment. Biden would ratchet up the use of each lever and further reduce the role of markets in guiding infrastructure investment.
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline mankind

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Re: Battle of Titans in infrastructure Investment
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2021, 02:31:23 PM »
Unfortunately you've been fed so much anti Chinese propaganda to even appreciate an obvious fact.  Despite what you wrote which has some truth to it the facts on that article speak for themselves.  Give us a reference to counter them instead of resorting to the usual dismissive attitude that got the west having to play catch up.  What would you rather we spend money on?  The military that spends more than the next 10 countries combined has been fighting men in sack clothes and sandals for 20 years and still sneaked out at night from Bagram airbase.  Just a  few days ago I saw the taliban riding in American humvees.It is becoming obvious to any pragmatic person that today China is becoming known for infrastructure around the world while we in America are known for military adventures.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Battle of Titans in infrastructure Investment
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2021, 04:07:24 PM »
This was long overdue. Everyone knows US infrastructure is crumbling. Infrastructure is no 2 job of the gov after security. China is building bullet rails and US is stuck with 1950s expressways.

By now US should have bullet trains if the money wasted in military adventures abroad was invested. Instead of getting stuck in California - you could live anyway - get into a bullet train - and be anywhere in an hour

Private sector will never fund railways - or such infra - it won't make a profit.

China building 600kms per hour train- which could travel US east and west cost - maybe in 5 hours.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Battle of Titans in infrastructure Investment
« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2021, 08:59:33 PM »
in 1998 - China had no motorways (expressway) - now it's 84,000kms and adding 6,000kms per annum. US is waking up to find China is becoming the Next World in infrastructure.

US is actually below many countries - rickety rails

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: Battle of Titans in infrastructure Investment
« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2021, 10:32:51 PM »
This was long overdue. Everyone knows US infrastructure is crumbling. Infrastructure is no 2 job of the gov after security. China is building bullet rails and US is stuck with 1950s expressways.

By now US should have bullet trains if the money wasted in military adventures abroad was invested. Instead of getting stuck in California - you could live anyway - get into a bullet train - and be anywhere in an hour

Private sector will never fund railways - or such infra - it won't make a profit.

China building 600kms per hour train- which could travel US east and west cost - maybe in 5 hours.

You could argue if it doesn't make profit it shouldn't be built. Profit is a signal for viability, otherwise you end up with SGR dodo or our former railways - useless colonial relic.

Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Battle of Titans in infrastructure Investment
« Reply #11 on: August 11, 2021, 11:23:15 PM »
Doe the fiber optical cables that carries internet make as much profit as internet - of course not. But without the fiber optical cable - there would be no facebook or google or these trillion dollar industries. If private sector is allowed to lay it - it will never lay it in unprofitable areas.

Gov is NON-Profit. If we wanted to maximize profit - we would go back to Darwinian existence - survival for the fittest/strongest/most profitable.

Gov provide security, military deterrence, infrastructure and all these non-profit making things that allow individuals and private sector to profit from it - and then pay taxes.

Or let say gov profit is not in monetary terms  - it count profit in having cohesive, secure and safe communities.

If gov built a bullet train - it doesnt have to turn profit for 100 yrs - but the time savings, the fuel savings, the less accidents, the comfort for its citizen - that is the real profit.

US has spent 1 trillion dollars in Afgan - fighting - if it look at it form profit-loss - it would never have engaged.

Anyway bottomline - US infrastructure is so 1950s - countries like China are building next generation infrastructure - making life for Chinese better than the US.

While you have to live 150kms and commute with you car - a chinese get into a bullet train - and is at office 20mins later - living in the same distance. In fact another decade - the only thing you have better than chinese - is the freedom to insult politicians

You could argue if it doesn't make profit it shouldn't be built. Profit is a signal for viability, otherwise you end up with SGR dodo or our former railways - useless colonial relic.


Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: Battle of Titans in infrastructure Investment
« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2021, 02:48:02 AM »
Doe the fiber optical cables that carries internet make as much profit as internet - of course not. But without the fiber optical cable - there would be no facebook or google or these trillion dollar industries. If private sector is allowed to lay it - it will never lay it in unprofitable areas.

Gov is NON-Profit. If we wanted to maximize profit - we would go back to Darwinian existence - survival for the fittest/strongest/most profitable.

Gov provide security, military deterrence, infrastructure and all these non-profit making things that allow individuals and private sector to profit from it - and then pay taxes.

Or let say gov profit is not in monetary terms  - it count profit in having cohesive, secure and safe communities.

If gov built a bullet train - it doesnt have to turn profit for 100 yrs - but the time savings, the fuel savings, the less accidents, the comfort for its citizen - that is the real profit.

US has spent 1 trillion dollars in Afgan - fighting - if it look at it form profit-loss - it would never have engaged.

Anyway bottomline - US infrastructure is so 1950s - countries like China are building next generation infrastructure - making life for Chinese better than the US.

While you have to live 150kms and commute with you car - a chinese get into a bullet train - and is at office 20mins later - living in the same distance. In fact another decade - the only thing you have better than chinese - is the freedom to insult politicians

Governments esp Western ones build undersea fiber optic cables more for eavesdropping not altruism, private companies used to lay telegraphic  lines across the Atlantic so it can be done without government. Fiber optic cables are profitable on their own without government subsidies unlike stupid trains you are so fond of.

I need to educate your primitive mind, first of all governments don't make money, they confiscate it from us by force. Government should only do THREE things: Military, Police, and the courts to protect citizens from aggression, theft, breach of contract, fraud, and to enforce property laws. Hayo tu, otherwise it is an invitation to characters like Ruto and Uhuru to decide the winners and losers in the market place and you end up with endless grand corruption, impoverishment and no progress. Get serikali out of business altogether and you end up with clean government. Simple.

America DOESN'T NOT NEED BULLET TRAINS,  :D planes are much more cost effective. Why you waste days on rail when you can go coast to coast in hours  :D Common sense

US infrastructure is actually superb for the most part don't listen to naysayers, parrots, big government big deficit loving liberals and cronies. What America needs is to come up with ways to make users pay for the infrastracture they use, right now they tax gasoline but with electric cars coming up it doesn't make sense. A mileage based user fees would be the best idea. 
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Battle of Titans in infrastructure Investment
« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2021, 07:49:05 AM »
Doe the fiber optical cables that carries internet make as much profit as internet - of course not. But without the fiber optical cable - there would be no facebook or google or these trillion dollar industries. If private sector is allowed to lay it - it will never lay it in unprofitable areas.

Gov is NON-Profit. If we wanted to maximize profit - we would go back to Darwinian existence - survival for the fittest/strongest/most profitable.

Gov provide security, military deterrence, infrastructure and all these non-profit making things that allow individuals and private sector to profit from it - and then pay taxes.

Or let say gov profit is not in monetary terms  - it count profit in having cohesive, secure and safe communities.

If gov built a bullet train - it doesnt have to turn profit for 100 yrs - but the time savings, the fuel savings, the less accidents, the comfort for its citizen - that is the real profit.

US has spent 1 trillion dollars in Afgan - fighting - if it look at it form profit-loss - it would never have engaged.

Anyway bottomline - US infrastructure is so 1950s - countries like China are building next generation infrastructure - making life for Chinese better than the US.

While you have to live 150kms and commute with you car - a chinese get into a bullet train - and is at office 20mins later - living in the same distance. In fact another decade - the only thing you have better than chinese - is the freedom to insult politicians

Governments esp Western ones build undersea fiber optic cables more for eavesdropping not altruism, private companies used to lay telegraphic  lines across the Atlantic so it can be done without government. Fiber optic cables are profitable on their own without government subsidies unlike stupid trains you are so fond of.

I need to educate your primitive mind, first of all governments don't make money, they confiscate it from us by force. Government should only do THREE things: Military, Police, and the courts to protect citizens from aggression, theft, breach of contract, fraud, and to enforce property laws. Hayo tu, otherwise it is an invitation to characters like Ruto and Uhuru to decide the winners and losers in the market place and you end up with endless grand corruption, impoverishment and no progress. Get serikali out of business altogether and you end up with clean government. Simple.

America DOESN'T NOT NEED BULLET TRAINS,  :D planes are much more cost effective. Why you waste days on rail when you can go coast to coast in hours  :D Common sense

US infrastructure is actually superb for the most part don't listen to naysayers, parrots, big government big deficit loving liberals and cronies. What America needs is to come up with ways to make users pay for the infrastracture they use, right now they tax gasoline but with electric cars coming up it doesn't make sense. A mileage based user fees would be the best idea. 
confirmed nutcase sloganeering without job is to provide basic infrastructure like airports then you can buy your plane... railway..roads..fiber optic..water.. sewage... otherwise if you want everyone to create their own that would chaos.Typical ojinga moron that dominates our slums with retrogressive thinking

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: Battle of Titans in infrastructure Investment
« Reply #14 on: August 12, 2021, 08:16:45 AM »
confirmed nutcase sloganeering without job is to provide basic infrastructure like airports then you can buy your plane... railway..roads..fiber optic..water.. sewage... otherwise if you want everyone to create their own that would chaos.Typical ojinga moron that dominates our slums with retrogressive thinking

Luo bashing has now become de rigueur for you? You are Kale for heavens sake, super ugly soot black alien looking mudafaka.

What can I say, I'm a small government conservative/libertarian you are a big government statist. We can't see eye to eye.

Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Battle of Titans in infrastructure Investment
« Reply #15 on: August 12, 2021, 09:10:55 AM »
Luo callng kale ugly is really funny - youre the ugliest of them all; big head;big lips; big wide nose; soot black; the poorest; of them all; infact for kalenjin to date a luo girl is considered abomination;at least kalenjin have 50-70 percent cushitic blood; but a pure negroid like jaluo; pleeeeeeeeease;

 Youre just sloganeering writing nonsense.

Luo bashing has now become de rigueur for you? You are Kale for heavens sake, super ugly soot black alien looking mudafaka.

What can I say, I'm a small government conservative/libertarian you are a big government statist. We can't see eye to eye.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Battle of Titans in infrastructure Investment
« Reply #16 on: August 12, 2021, 09:27:50 AM »

It has reached this level. Truth you are black and black is beauty.
Keep it politics . Such type of bile is unwarranted

Luo callng kale ugly is really funny - youre the ugliest of them all; big head;big lips; big wide nose; soot black; the poorest; of them all; infact for kalenjin to date a luo girl is considered abomination;at least kalenjin have 50-70 percent cushitic blood; but a pure negroid like jaluo; pleeeeeeeeease;

 Youre just sloganeering writing nonsense.

Luo bashing has now become de rigueur for you? You are Kale for heavens sake, super ugly soot black alien looking mudafaka.

What can I say, I'm a small government conservative/libertarian you are a big government statist. We can't see eye to eye.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Battle of Titans in infrastructure Investment
« Reply #17 on: August 12, 2021, 09:31:00 AM »
I dont need any validation; she was rejected and dumped by her kipsigis boyfriend; for being unworthy; so this long feud of hers; we gotta deal with it.
It has reached this level. Truth you are black and black is beauty.
Keep it politics . Such type of bile is unwarranted

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: Battle of Titans in infrastructure Investment
« Reply #18 on: August 12, 2021, 03:17:56 PM »
Luo callng kale ugly is really funny - youre the ugliest of them all; big head;big lips; big wide nose; soot black; the poorest; of them all; infact for kalenjin to date a luo girl is considered abomination;at least kalenjin have 50-70 percent cushitic blood; but a pure negroid like jaluo; pleeeeeeeeease;

 Youre just sloganeering writing nonsense.

 :D :D

What a bloody racist, so now negroid is an insult? maajabu ya dunia.

You sound like that dave chappelle character - the black racist. Bure sana wewe

I'm a man for the record, wacha usenge ya kuniita mke.

Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Battle of Titans in infrastructure Investment
« Reply #19 on: August 12, 2021, 03:23:17 PM »
Why would a Luo - a pure nilote call a Kalenjin - black; You're more black than average Kalenjin; coz you're 50-70 percent Nilote; Kalenjin are like 25-50 percent Nilote.There is nothing wrong with black - or negroid - but if you want to start talking about ugly - you're most welcome.

 :D :D

What a bloody racist, so now negroid is an insult? maajabu ya dunia.

You sound like that dave chappelle character - the black racist. Bure sana wewe

I'm a man for the record, wacha usenge ya kuniita mke.