The genie is out of the bottle; even if they dump Raila; the haves- and have-not - class war - will go on. They will be accepted back like Moi elites are accepted in Kalenjin - but NO LEADERSHIP.
Mt kenya next year - political space will be new and fresh - I don't see anyone with dynastic roots or long family history - making it.
Mt kenya hustlers will elect fellow hustlers.This is a class war...and as Kibe pointly it correctly it has it genesis right in aborted one in Mau Mau.
It will be more Ndindi Nyoros, Kangatas, Moses Kuria - the poor sons and daughters - and they will mostly be young -just like happened in Kalenjin 10yrs ago - after Kalenjin remaining elite decided to stick to ODM - KANU ones had been purged in 2007.
Majority poor have smelt blood...they won't back out...they will kick the elites out.
For them they cannot phathom Mt Kenyans voting for an outsider.
My simple advice to them Mt Kenya elite lost control of the masses simply by associating with Raila.
Cut yies with Raila and you can be accepted back .Uhuru did that in 2007, Kibaki did that in 92 with Moi and most recently Ruto has shown he is the one who can fight it out with Raila .Hence the support.
Its very simple lile ABCD. All these writeups , media appearances ....etc will amount to nothing if they still associate with Raila.