Author Topic: Uhuru the joker-in-chief is a civilian commander-in-chief  (Read 10868 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Uhuru the joker-in-chief is a civilian commander-in-chief
« on: October 15, 2014, 10:38:54 AM »
His new feitish for military jungle uniform is playing into the hands of Karangi who seem to want to assert military authority over civilian matters.We saw how Uhuru used the military to sink drugs..a civilian job for police and the judiciary.Before that Karangi had drove tanks into Westgate, taken over command, shot GSU recce command inside, ended up looting the building before finally detonating part of it 4 days pursuit of 4 skinny somali terrorist..whom seem to have escaped..something our police force could have handled. We know of Nairobi Metro command by the military that am told are fighting terrorism. We have a Major General now running immigration. Add to NIS director being a military guy. Karangi is now seen everywhere taking selfies with Uhuru...

This is military force that want to behave like Uganda military...they do not want to stay in the barracks anymore.

Uhuru was elected to oversight the military. Not to act as part of the military. He is a civilian commander-in-chief.

I am afraid after another 10yrs of a weakling joker-in-chief..the military might be so powerful....and have so much encroached into civilian affairs...they might just take over power.

Official Uhuru is Karangi errand boy. This is quite dangerous. Kibaki trusted Mbugua and his AP forces. Moi trusted Special branch/CID. Jomo trusted the GSU.

This unprecedented move by Uhuru is dangerous because the military has no point of return.

Offline Olekoima

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Re: Uhuru the joker-in-chief is a civilian commander-in-chief
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2014, 11:14:49 AM »
Very worrying indeed.

Offline Mr Mansfield.

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Re: Uhuru the joker-in-chief is a civilian commander-in-chief
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2014, 11:54:31 AM »
The Kenya police in an unreliable entity,its independent and corrupt while its being hunted by court orders and IPOA,NPSC on the other hand,The best body for uhuru to rely on is military with karangi thuita kamweru etc etc,He needs to increase the number from 25K to 40K like museveni and be ready to kick anybody arse any minute,

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Offline Mintos

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Re: Uhuru the joker-in-chief is a civilian commander-in-chief
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2014, 12:18:42 PM »
If he prefers the majeshi then he's a despot in the making and kenyans berra be weary of this. Karangi was to retire this year but they secretly amended the rules and said he's got 2 more yrs. Am sure the tenure will be extended to 2017.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Uhuru the joker-in-chief is a civilian commander-in-chief
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2014, 12:22:21 PM »
Military are not trained or prepared to handle civilian issues. They will begin by kicking your arse, taking your property, your wife and maybe even kill you.

Uhuru i am afraid will hand us a monster 10yrs from now...a military force who will think they have the right to intervene on civilian issues.

If Mps are invading private land in Karen...the military will invade people homes.

The Kenya police in an unreliable entity,its independent and corrupt while its being hunted by court orders and IPOA,NPSC on the other hand,The best body for uhuru to rely on is military with karangi thuita kamweru etc etc,He needs to increase the number from 25K to 40K like museveni and be ready to kick anybody arse any minute,

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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Uhuru the joker-in-chief is a civilian commander-in-chief
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2014, 12:23:45 PM »
It seem to be a pattern developing...the military are increasing encroaching on civilian friend told me military parade nairobi nights...doing essentially police work..must be part of nairobi  metro command thing,
Very worrying indeed.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Uhuru the joker-in-chief is a civilian commander-in-chief
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2014, 12:25:31 PM »
I think he is insecure..and think he can project parading himself in military gear.
If he prefers the majeshi then he's a despot in the making and kenyans berra be weary of this. Karangi was to retire this year but they secretly amended the rules and said he's got 2 more yrs. Am sure the tenure will be extended to 2017.

Offline Mr Mansfield.

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Re: Uhuru the joker-in-chief is a civilian commander-in-chief
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2014, 12:35:48 PM »
Your fears are exaggerated...kibaki choose general Ali and made him police boss,Gichangi was former military guy while many other soldiers are servicing in different capacities,there is nothing much which uhuru has done except enjoying wearing military uniform,former generals like nkaissery and i think mathioya mp or someone from that area have proved to be disciplined and patriotic..If police could not help deal with insecurity,the military is just assisting,

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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Uhuru the joker-in-chief is a civilian commander-in-chief
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2014, 12:46:23 PM »
We have to fear the military and guard our hard won freedoms as a democracy. Uhuru was not hired to enjoy himself in military fatigue...he is also not a military dude...his job as C-I-C is unique...he is not military guy...he is a civilian.
Your fears are exaggerated...kibaki choose general Ali and made him police boss,Gichangi was former military guy while many other soldiers are servicing in different capacities,there is nothing much which uhuru has done except enjoying wearing military uniform,former generals like nkaissery and i think mathioya mp or someone from that area have proved to be disciplined and patriotic..If police could not help deal with insecurity,the military is just assisting,

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Offline Mintos

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Re: Uhuru the joker-in-chief is a civilian commander-in-chief
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2014, 01:00:06 PM »
Your fears are exaggerated...kibaki choose general Ali and made him police boss,Gichangi was former military guy while many other soldiers are servicing in different capacities,there is nothing much which uhuru has done except enjoying wearing military uniform,former generals like nkaissery and i think mathioya mp or someone from that area have proved to be disciplined and patriotic..If police could not help deal with insecurity,the military is just assisting,

Without Prejudice.

Kibaki chose Gen Ali on reccomendation by Murungaru. Ali could not operate beyond what the then Kenya Police Act stipulated. 

Wewe angalia KDF Act bwana and tell us what the majeshi would not do handling civilian issues. Westgate was an example they took over by force fired at and injured GSU people and they went ahead to loot and then blow part of teh building up!  What would they do to civilians bwana?  Rememeber SLDF issue of Mount Elgon? Ask the Mount Elgon people what they underwent under the KDF operations.

Offline vooke

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Re: Uhuru the joker-in-chief is a civilian commander-in-chief
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2014, 01:08:48 PM »
what has donning military fatigue got to do with anything? If he is not delivering, the gear+ boots won't save him
petty paranoid freaks
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Uhuru the joker-in-chief is a civilian commander-in-chief
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2014, 01:13:16 PM »
If it has nothing to do with anything why did he don them?

Obviously it has part of physiological warfare on Kenyans..that is is military commander..not a civilian we elected.

Once was excusable..but donning military fatigue regularly.

This is like Museveni or Mugabe whom during election time...regularly appear in military remind people they are military commanders who won it by fighting in forests..

What exactly is the message Uhuru is trying to pass?

Prof Ngitthusque "Legally" he can even wear that military fatigue daily but he shouldn't if he understand the difference btw military and civilian authority..and the oversight.

what has donning military fatigue got to do with anything? If he is not delivering, the gear+ boots won't save him
petty paranoid freaks

Offline vooke

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Re: Uhuru the joker-in-chief is a civilian commander-in-chief
« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2014, 01:24:38 PM »
He dons them so idlers can waste time reading tea leaves to guess his next move.
You are also into silly conspiracy theories. So what if Kenians are reminded 24/9 that he is a military commander? Will he discard the katiba and become a strongman?
If it has nothing to do with anything why did he don them?

Obviously it has part of physiological warfare on Kenyans..that is is military commander..not a civilian we elected.

Once was excusable..but donning military fatigue regularly.

This is like Museveni or Mugabe whom during election time...regularly appear in military remind people they are military commanders who won it by fighting in forests..

What exactly is the message Uhuru is trying to pass?

Prof Ngitthusque "Legally" he can even wear that military fatigue daily but he shouldn't if he understand the difference btw military and civilian authority..and the oversight.

what has donning military fatigue got to do with anything? If he is not delivering, the gear+ boots won't save him
petty paranoid freaks
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline Mr Mansfield.

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Re: Uhuru the joker-in-chief is a civilian commander-in-chief
« Reply #13 on: October 15, 2014, 01:28:43 PM »
No law forbids the president from wearing military uniform,infact he has been doing it in military functions not while addressing parliament,constitution gives the military power to cooperate or assist other authorities and they are just helping lazy police...unless the military is deployed to restore peace or unrest is when parliament approval is required,

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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Uhuru the joker-in-chief is a civilian commander-in-chief
« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2014, 01:33:26 PM »
There is pattern emerging..and you can re-read again so you can get the context...of continue militarization of our civilian democracy. Uhuru i believe is a civilian military commander. He shouldn't not be wearing military fatigue like a Gen Idi Amin or anyone else who took power through a military coup.

We are under a democracy..not military rule.

He dons them so idlers can waste time reading tea leaves to guess his next move.
You are also into silly conspiracy theories. So what if Kenians are reminded 24/9 that he is a military commander? Will he discard the katiba and become a strongman?

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Uhuru the joker-in-chief is a civilian commander-in-chief
« Reply #15 on: October 15, 2014, 01:36:49 PM »
The same way Kenyatta folks abused GSU and Anti stoke to smuggle coffee; the same way Moi abused special branch to establish a police state complete with torture chambers; the same way kibaki abused the AP to rig elections; is the same way Uhuru will abuse the military; and knowing the military; it won't end very nicely.

Uhuru should be reminded he is a civilian president. our KDF should stay in the barracks and concentrate on dealing with external threats.

No law forbids the president from wearing military uniform,infact he has been doing it in military functions not while addressing parliament,constitution gives the military power to cooperate or assist other authorities and they are just helping lazy police...unless the military is deployed to restore peace or unrest is when parliament approval is required,

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Offline Georgesoros

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Re: Uhuru the joker-in-chief is a civilian commander-in-chief
« Reply #16 on: October 15, 2014, 03:20:02 PM »
And nobody is saying a thing, and they want to be called the opposition!!!
Going the Egypt way..

Offline Georgesoros

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Re: Uhuru the joker-in-chief is a civilian commander-in-chief
« Reply #17 on: October 15, 2014, 03:23:56 PM »
Seems like you are one of the few who has past knowledge of Kenya's politicians and how they destroy the country and leave us to pick the pieces. Every time. All this in the name of more control.
Where are the so called opposition?
To me they are all the same. Different goons in different clothing.

There is pattern emerging..and you can re-read again so you can get the context...of continue militarization of our civilian democracy. Uhuru i believe is a civilian military commander. He shouldn't not be wearing military fatigue like a Gen Idi Amin or anyone else who took power through a military coup.

We are under a democracy..not military rule.

He dons them so idlers can waste time reading tea leaves to guess his next move.
You are also into silly conspiracy theories. So what if Kenians are reminded 24/9 that he is a military commander? Will he discard the katiba and become a strongman?

Offline Kichwambaya

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Re: Uhuru the joker-in-chief is a civilian commander-in-chief
« Reply #18 on: October 15, 2014, 04:51:14 PM »
The military has to be disciplined and kept away from power because they are very dangerous if let go on the public.  This is because they have guns and are only  trained to kill, maim, rape, loot and destroy- and once they are out of the barracks, they only listen to their immediate leaders.  Trusting the military so much can be a double edged sword because once out even Gen. Karangi will have a hard time controlling them.  I am sure you have heard of counter coups.  Karangi probably only wears a pistol but the other guys, the enlisted soldier with std. 8 education carries the heavy machinery. Once they are armed and on the streets with those arms, Karangi is nothing but they will listen to their immediate  charismatic, ambitious, young leaders closests to them.  Keep the military in the barracks and lock the weapons.

Offline Georgesoros

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Re: Uhuru the joker-in-chief is a civilian commander-in-chief
« Reply #19 on: October 15, 2014, 05:10:04 PM »
Am sorry,  but military should not be used in any situation unless authorized by parliament - even so, it should be temporary. They were never trained for civilian duties.