Author Topic: Omtatah & Wanjeri Strike  (Read 1464 times)

Offline Omollo

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Omtatah & Wanjeri Strike
« on: June 11, 2021, 04:02:58 PM »
The wires just sent this:

ACTIVISTS Okiya Omtatah, Wanjeri Nderu petition court to quash F/Y 2021/2022 budget, saying it exceeds limit set by Parliament by Sh608.85bn.

Uhuru will take up weed and the bottle again. Ujeuri begets ujeuri
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Omtatah & Wanjeri Strike
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2021, 04:28:01 PM »
Omtatah from his cybercafe has undone almost every illegal move by Uhuru. That is beauty of Cok2020. As long as it's a public interest case - the dynasties
cannot use legal fees to prevent justice.

Cok2010 people should have understood well. Ruto told Uhuru in 2010 that thing was bad news - he didn't listen. He said we will ammend it when we get there. Ruto told him it almost impossible to ammend and it is.

We need more Omtatahs using public interest clause to protect Katiba and to go for those disobeying it.

Offline Omollo

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Re: Omtatah & Wanjeri Strike
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2021, 05:48:48 PM »
Pundit that's what turns me off Ruto. He's more brainy and ruthless and can amend the cok2010
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Omtatah & Wanjeri Strike
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2021, 05:56:26 PM »
Ruto doesn't need a cok to reign like a king. Uhuru has stripped pretty much everything from him now and yet Ruto still get his stuff done without complaining.

If you're as talented as Ruto - then you cannot blame your tools.

Ruto will get anything he wants almost by deploying smart intelligent power.

Dictators are people who are insecure - either for personal failings like Raila or MOI or political reason - like say Kagame from minority ruling majority.

Ruto is almost good in everything - he doesn't need coercive power  - if omtatah take him to court - he will likely invite Omtatah and iron out the issues - by agreeing to work within the legal limits - and get stuff done.It hard work to get all the things right - Uhuru and many lazy balls like Raila - don't want the hard work.

Pundit that's what turns me off Ruto. He's more brainy and ruthless and can amend the cok2010

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Re: Omtatah & Wanjeri Strike
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2021, 07:46:59 PM »
The amount that the budget has overshot with is uncannily similar to what disappeared from the Treasury. Equity bank denied borrowing. That means Uhuru Kenyatta pinched it. That borana will land in prison. The theft is so amateurish and he was told he'd be protected.

Did Moi protect Chahonyo? He ordered him to withdraw 50m and bring to state house in a suitcase. Case comes up and Moi denies. He rubbed in by telling chahonyo to carry his own cross. Mutula then asked chahonyo to describe the procedure of withdrawal of funds from post bank accounts. He did. Where then does the president feature?

Chahonyo went to prison..

Then came Goldenberg and Moi denied Karuga Koinange. Same questions: what part gives the president powers to order withdrawal of funds from the Treasury? Any written orders? Any minutes? I  think death saved Karuga from certain prison if I'm not mistaken. I think he was in fact convicted and died while on appeal. I'll check.

Pattni tried the game. Kulei rubbished it. Again told to carry his own cross quietly.

Rotich and Thugge are next. I  think eventually Njuguna Mahugu will face some music even if he's pandering to Ruto. A politician is no protector when it threatens his position.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline gout

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Re: Omtatah & Wanjeri Strike
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2021, 02:01:27 PM »
Great to have you back Omollo. This kind of analysis and attention to detail is what I have found most lacking in Kenyan society.

Very few can fathom how kenyatta's, mois and every civil servant have stolen yet we are all struglling to put a few savings together. Those struggling a plot in desolate Kitengela or Ruai will defend kenyatta or moi land grabbing like sickos. No connecting the dots.

Mwangi's denial that he never got the money was quite something- and now this. Seems ufool is taking mama nyakua's hallucination on billions and president till death very serious.
The amount that the budget has overshot with is uncannily similar to what disappeared from the Treasury. Equity bank denied borrowing. That means Uhuru Kenyatta pinched it. That borana will land in prison. The theft is so amateurish and he was told he'd be protected.

Did Moi protect Chahonyo? He ordered him to withdraw 50m and bring to state house in a suitcase. Case comes up and Moi denies. He rubbed in by telling chahonyo to carry his own cross. Mutula then asked chahonyo to describe the procedure of withdrawal of funds from post bank accounts. He did. Where then does the president feature?

Chahonyo went to prison..

Then came Goldenberg and Moi denied Karuga Koinange. Same questions: what part gives the president powers to order withdrawal of funds from the Treasury? Any written orders? Any minutes? I  think death saved Karuga from certain prison if I'm not mistaken. I think he was in fact convicted and died while on appeal. I'll check.

Pattni tried the game. Kulei rubbished it. Again told to carry his own cross quietly.

Rotich and Thugge are next. I  think eventually Njuguna Mahugu will face some music even if he's pandering to Ruto. A politician is no protector when it threatens his position.
Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one ~ Thomas Paine

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Re: Omtatah & Wanjeri Strike
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2021, 03:40:04 PM »
Mwangi HAS to deny the lie and do it publicly. Why

Because equity has a diverse portfolio of shareholders.  In this internet and 24 hour news cycle, he would have been woken several times by panicking brokers from Europe and us demanding to know why they weren't told the bank was insolvent. Some brokers may have immediately dumped equity shares even without seeking clarification because what government LIES about a loan to a bank? You got to be Nicholas Biwott with a mission to fuck up a bank on the orders of the president to do that. Even then biwotts lie was give me the money tutalipa. Then he reneged on the deal knowing full well the bank would collapse and the owner will most likely commit suicide.

That introduces an interesting angle I hadn't seen: did Uhuru do that to try to screw Equity and advantage his own banks? The state has the primary fiduciary responsibility and here it not only failed but appears to have become the threat itself. That makes me say: we will hear about this again in future. A shareholder will sue.

I never went anywhere. Contractual obligations and sometimes pretending to be young and jump into a Landcruiser to head to jungles where it costs a fortune to send a single email. So you just leave the internet for a while and when you're ready you grow tired of the sick politics.

You see mzungu country and its sterile clean having ended mass poverty. And you know they did it simply by ending cheapened public theft and invested in social programs not for elections but for all future. They made social programs politically neutral so even right wing parties have accepted that unlike say Kenya or America.

Then you land in Kenya and all you can see is poverty. Sickening mind boggling poverty. Then you meet the likes of MaDvD  (God knows I detest that man slightly more than Uthamaki) he defends corruption criticizes social programs and is singing Enoch Powell ( also known as Thatcherism development and implemented by Sir Geoffrey Howe (May they Rot in Purgatory!))

That's when I just stay off and instead concentrate on individual charity. That's not without risks. The local MP, senator and governor feel threatened. Their conclusion; you want become Governor, MP and senator simultaneously.  Once read a book "Hills of Fools". Author was Lepetini or something from South Africa. I happened to be in Swaziland when he died a few years ago. I suspected he actually wrote about Swaziland. The mass and collective idiocy was my hint.

Pleasure FnB. Atleast you know debating positions change and we end up on the same side and then against each other at fast pace.

Like banks in Europe. I fled my bank to avoid wife who mostly went to the withdrawals section. I wanted to put a stop to meeting coincidentally as I came from the deposits side.

Within 5 years and several mergers we found ourselves in the same bank and I had to flee again. Needless to say I've fled 4 times.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline gout

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Re: Omtatah & Wanjeri Strike
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2021, 03:25:02 PM »
Soiling Mwangi and Equity brand has good dividends for ufool and even ruto, given the mt kenya camp insisting on having own candidate. It would be thus more political than business to me, though mama nyakua and son are swinging crazy. they have taken their confidantes through hell, so mwangi should count as special.

It is interesting to note that Mwangi has stayed away from bidding for the small and medium banks. The Humphrey Kariuki lesson has to be heeded where Kenyattas have interest.

Which FnB box are you putting me into?  I always thought this online platforms with a bit of anonymity would enable robust engagement without petty personalities coming in the way but so far the two decades have shown it is near impossible.
Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one ~ Thomas Paine