Author Topic: China passes law to counter US sanctions  (Read 2460 times)

Offline Nefertiti

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China passes law to counter US sanctions
« on: June 11, 2021, 01:17:40 PM »
Seem countries and companies will soon be caught in US-China cross-hairs.
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♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: China passes law to counter US sanctions
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2021, 01:43:21 PM »
It's going to be a dog-fight like US-Soviet days as China refuses to turn the other cheek and fights back hard

♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Georgesoros

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Re: China passes law to counter US sanctions
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2021, 04:05:08 AM »
Am not sure China can win this one.
My reasoning is that USA sanctions target a wrong, while China's is reactionary.
Prove me wrong in 20+yrs.
Only thing that will help China is if Republicans win the white house, and revert to just talk with no action, otherwise the G7 will gang up and slowly shift their buying power to other nations.
Time to build and export like Korea did.

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Re: China passes law to counter US sanctions
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2021, 08:15:09 AM »
  China unlike the Soviet union is mostly homogeneous and has the population to sustain its own growth.  It's also mastered state capitalism where it let's some sectors of its economy go almost full capitalism without going rogue.  Another thing they are good at is buying influence.  Europe cannot have a united stand against China because they have so much economic power starting with Germany, Greece and Hungary. The US can only supply weapons against a nuclear armed Russia while the Chinese are providing real investments in Europe and the rest of the world.  If we position ourselves well in this superpower fight we might be the biggest beneficiaries.  China got the US and G7 talking about infrastructure gap in the developing world.  That is an achievement worth celebrating.

Offline MOON Ki

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Re: China passes law to counter US sanctions
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2021, 01:10:20 PM »
  China unlike the Soviet union is mostly homogeneous and has the population to sustain its own growth.  It's also mastered state capitalism where it let's some sectors of its economy go almost full capitalism without going rogue.  Another thing they are good at is buying influence.  Europe cannot have a united stand against China because they have so much economic power starting with Germany, Greece and Hungary. The US can only supply weapons against a nuclear armed Russia while the Chinese are providing real investments in Europe and the rest of the world.  If we position ourselves well in this superpower fight we might be the biggest beneficiaries.  China got the US and G7 talking about infrastructure gap in the developing world.  That is an achievement worth celebrating.

Here we go again.  Such was the theory during the Cold War. Instead of Africans thinking and working on what they could do for themselves, they saw themselves as a pretty woman being fought over by two strong men (USA and allies, USSR and allies).  They would surely be huge beneficiaries, right?  Just sit back and reap the benefits ... free lunch, etc.

Fast forward to the end of the Cold War, and, quite appropriately and ironically, given how they had perceived themselves, it turned out that the only thing Africans got was .... fucked. 

And this time it will be worse.   Already many are neck-deep in Chinese debt but yet some appear
 to  be hoping for (or even begging for) more Chinese tarimbo ...  Ati "if we position ourselves well ...."!

That aside, I am amused by the number of people  who keep singing Kung Fu's praises.   I wonder how many of them have actually spent a non-trivial period of time in China.   First, anyone who has would have a more practical view of the great Chinese advances.  Second, and perhaps more important, they would get a very rude awakening on what Kung Fu really thinks of the black person.      As it is, bizarrely as it sounds, Africans in China have even had to fight against the perception (among significant parts of the general public) that they are the source of the Covid-19 problem. 

Most of Kung Fu's fans would hardly last a month there .... Many of the "Africa for China!" crowd don't even care to be in Africa!  But never mind ... Kung Fu will conquer the world, and, in the process, save Africans for free.   Right?  There was a time when thinking Africans could at least contemplate the idea of "neo-colonialism".  These days, it looks like all thinking has been set aside!

It's nice to see that once in a while there's something here that does not involve the endless petty stuff about tribal politics ... led by some semi-illiterate guy whose main mission in life is apparently  to be the first in line to suck the dick of a "President Ruto".   

But it's most really tiresome stuff  here lately...  Really depressing shit actually, given the potential for a forum like this to be an opportunity for people to share and show some real understanding of (and the desire to do something practical about) Africa's endless woes. One wonders where some  people here went to school ..

Africa will be saved by Africans.  When Africans wake up to that fact.   Tarimbo in the butt is tarimbo in the butt, whether it is from the West or from the East.   Doesn't matter how well you position yourself!

That's it from me for a while.  Back to hibernating. 
MOON Ki  is  Muli Otieno Otiende Njoroge arap Kiprotich
Your True Friend, Brother,  and  Compatriot.

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Re: China passes law to counter US sanctions
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2021, 04:15:12 PM »
  Well  Moonki I get your skepticism but one thing is for sure, Kung-fu has really rattled the Yankee.  During the cold War there are countries that benefited a lot from the competition.  A case in point is South Korea who despite the often story you hear of their economy being at par with  Kenya then  received the equivalent of 60 billion dollars from the US in development aid so as not to fall to communism.  I  could argue the Marshall plan for  rebuilding Europe after the second world war was partly to achieve the same result.  So I am not advocating Africans sit back and wait for manna to fall but use the leverage offered by competition by the powers to get the best deal out there.  Remember the Americans trying to counter the Chinese build SGR in Kenya with a highway running along the same corridor through Bechtel during Trump?  Anyone with a little brain could clearly see it wasn't being done in good faith but to undermine the Chinese.  Were it not for the fact that the Americans changed tune and asked for a government guarantee instead of the original PPP  model we would have ended up with a freeway to the coast.  A French consortium is building the carriageway to Mau Summit from September on the same PPP model Waiyaki way . So competition amongst the big boys can be good for us.  Now about Africans finding solutions for themselves I have very little faith in that.  When all we do is corruption in order to own 5 homes and drive big cars.  The average young person is looking to be the next mheshimiwa instead of an entrepreneur and the most common investment is a plot maguta maguta I tell you we need 100 years to  achieve anything meaningful. Am not sold on the China bashing especially coming from a people who have done worse stuff in the world. I  started college in South Africa and saw first hand what the Boer had done to mwafrika. I later came to the US and despite being the best place to be one wrong move can destroy you.  Racism is hidden but very rampant.  I have some Chinese friends we met in college as international students and I found them to be trustworthy.  Most went back home but still keep in touch.  I haven't spend time in China so I can't tell you what an average Chinese thinks of an African but I refuse to join the chorus of anti Chinese being spearhead by people whose history is written in all sorts of evil.

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Re: China passes law to counter US sanctions
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2021, 04:26:18 PM »
  Well  Moonki I get your skepticism but one thing is for sure, Kung-fu has really rattled the Yankee.  During the cold War there are countries that benefited a lot from the competition.  A case in point is South Korea who despite the often story you hear of their economy being at par with  Kenya then  received the equivalent of 60 billion dollars from the US in development aid so as not to fall to communism.  I  could argue the Marshall plan for  rebuilding Europe after the second world war was partly to achieve the same result.  So I am not advocating Africans sit back and wait for manna to fall but use the leverage offered by competition by the powers to get the best deal out there.  Remember the Americans trying to counter the Chinese build SGR in Kenya with a highway running along the same corridor through Bechtel during Trump?  Anyone with a little brain could clearly see it wasn't being done in good faith but to undermine the Chinese.  Were it not for the fact that the Americans changed tune and asked for a government guarantee instead of the original PPP  model we would have ended up with a freeway to the coast.  A French consortium is building the carriageway to Mau Summit from September on the same PPP model Waiyaki way . So competition amongst the big boys can be good for us.  Now about Africans finding solutions for themselves I have very little faith in that.  When all we do is corruption in order to own 5 homes and drive big cars.  The average young person is looking to be the next mheshimiwa instead of an entrepreneur and the most common investment is a plot maguta maguta I tell you we need 100 years to  achieve anything meaningful. Am not sold on the China bashing especially coming from a people who have done worse stuff in the world. I  started college in South Africa and saw first hand what the Boer had done to mwafrika. I later came to the US and despite being the best place to be one wrong move can destroy you.  Racism is hidden but very rampant.  I have some Chinese friends we met in college as international students and I found them to be trustworthy.  Most went back home but still keep in touch.  I haven't spend time in China so I can't tell you what an average Chinese thinks of an African but I refuse to join the chorus of anti Chinese being spearhead by people whose history is written in all sorts of evil.


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Re: China passes law to counter US sanctions
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2021, 03:51:03 PM »
I haven't spend time in China so I can't tell you what an average Chinese thinks of an African but I refuse to join the chorus of anti Chinese being spearhead by people whose history is written in all sorts of evil.
Amen, Mankind. And if racism from some Chinese individuals towards baafrika should turn us Chinese-weary, then we really should have nothing to do with the West for at least 500 years! :D WHAT have they not done to mwafrika? The only racism I experienced in China was the kind a bazungu finds walking through a slum or shugs in Kenya: Bunch of staring people following you around, asking for photos. Was terrifying at first coz first reaction as a Black person to being singled out for attention by non-Black strangers is alarm :D And you generally don't see this type of "curiosity" if you're used to sticking to cosmopolitan cities when you travel abroad. But I soon found it was harmless. You see, MANY Chinese walking around in the Capital were tourists themselves from the countrysides and simply had never seen a meero before in their life! Want to touch hair, take a picture to bring back home to their people. It's very uncouth. But . . . I've seen Gusii in my shagz behave exactly the same way toward White people. Esp kids. Follow them around saying "Mzungu" and things like that. Even in Nairobi slums people don't behave all that differently. I walked through one with a Philipina chick and spent most of the time shielding her from excessive querries/attention :D

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: China passes law to counter US sanctions
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2021, 05:10:29 PM »
Moonki, Africans are habitual beggars, congenital serikiali saidia mentality has been exported to the International stage, China is seen as benefactor that can endow us with goodies and freebies. Nothing changes on the continenet, different colonial master, the same goofy welcoming smile for every hegemon persists. The problem lies with us.

North Korea is a pariah under crippling sanctions, they have no contact with the outside world except through China YET they don't grovel, beg or ask for favors from China, they deal with them on their own terms as equals. There in lay a lesson for African states toadying up to China. Many a times you hear Africans shamelessly telling us to supplicate at the feet of the dragon so we can get infrastructure, goods etc. There are rarely any voices urging caution. Respect is earned, dignity is inborn, it can't be taught. Seems ours is a continent of man children.
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: China passes law to counter US sanctions
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2021, 07:31:18 AM »
] Amen, Mankind. And if racism from some Chinese individuals towards baafrika should turn us Chinese-weary, then we really should have nothing to do with the West for at least 500 years! :D WHAT have they not done to mwafrika? The only racism I experienced in China was the kind a bazungu finds walking through a slum or shugs in Kenya: Bunch of staring people following you around, asking for photos. Was terrifying at first coz first reaction as a Black person to being singled out for attention by non-Black strangers is alarm :D And you generally don't see this type of "curiosity" if you're used to sticking to cosmopolitan cities when you travel abroad. But I soon found it was harmless. You see, MANY Chinese walking around in the Capital were tourists themselves from the countrysides and simply had never seen a meero before in their life! Want to touch hair, take a picture to bring back home to their people. It's very uncouth. But . . . I've seen Gusii in my shagz behave exactly the same way toward White people. Esp kids. Follow them around saying "Mzungu" and things like that. Even in Nairobi slums people don't behave all that differently. I walked through one with a Philipina chick and spent most of the time shielding her from excessive querries/attention :D

Lies, bloody lies. Chinese are deeply racist to black people. Covid episode in Chinese cities where  Africans were being denied entry to their homes, shopping malls while white people go in proves that. You are a clown.

Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline Dear Mami

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Re: China passes law to counter US sanctions
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2021, 07:43:12 AM »
Lies, bloody lies. Chinese are deeply racist to black people. Covid episode in Chinese cities where  Africans were being denied entry to their homes, shopping malls while white people go in proves that. You are a clown.
The resident genius strikes again. :)

There are 1.3 billion Chinese. :o Would you say "Kenyans as a people are deeply racist towards Somalis" because some matatus refused to carry Somalis after Kenya was hit by terrorists in a string some years back?

Keep your deplorable "values" to yourself. You already had a thread shut down for espousing disgusting tribalism. You should feel quite comfortable among the alt-right you so blatantly resemble while hypocritically pretending to be against.

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: China passes law to counter US sanctions
« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2021, 08:39:28 AM »
The resident genius strikes again. :)

There are 1.3 billion Chinese. :o Would you say "Kenyans as a people are deeply racist towards Somalis" because some matatus refused to carry Somalis after Kenya was hit by terrorists in a string some years back?

Keep your deplorable "values" to yourself. You already had a thread shut down for espousing disgusting tribalism. You should feel quite comfortable among the alt-right you so blatantly resemble while hypocritically pretending to be against.

All of 1.3 bn of them mafuckas hate brack people. No body shut down my thread I bushed it myself. You are definitely a part of paid poster scheme no way you are impartial. Very pro chinese.
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

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Re: China passes law to counter US sanctions
« Reply #13 on: June 14, 2021, 10:47:27 AM »
All of 1.3 bn of them mafuckas hate brack people. No body shut down my thread I bushed it myself.
I'm glad u shut it down after your bigotry was pointed out to you.

You are definitely a part of paid poster scheme no way you are impartial. Very pro chinese.
You are a preposterously awful thinker besides being a black bigot. :)

And I have not claimed to be "impartial," on this issue; Yes, I'm dead set against Western imperialism and the American War machine. China just happens to be their latest target. I'm also sure Africans are much better off not making enemies of the Chinese on the mere say-so of our former colonists for their own selfish, hegemonic reasons. You keep being a good neoliberal adherent if you please. No one's stopping you.

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: China passes law to counter US sanctions
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2021, 12:08:58 AM »
All of 1.3 bn of them mafuckas hate brack people. No body shut down my thread I bushed it myself.
I'm glad u shut it down after your bigotry was pointed out to you.

You are definitely a part of paid poster scheme no way you are impartial. Very pro chinese.
You are a preposterously awful thinker besides being a black bigot. :)

And I have not claimed to be "impartial," on this issue; Yes, I'm dead set against Western imperialism and the American War machine. China just happens to be their latest target. I'm also sure Africans are much better off not making enemies of the Chinese on the mere say-so of our former colonists for their own selfish, hegemonic reasons. You keep being a good neoliberal adherent if you please. No one's stopping you.

Go sit on a rice Tarimbo fool.
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

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Re: China passes law to counter US sanctions
« Reply #15 on: June 15, 2021, 06:44:49 AM »
 Arcadean...I don't know how much interaction you have had with the Chinese but one thing is clear, you have been fed so much hatred by the so called westerners to a point you can't ask yourself a simple question.  The Chinese civilization is way older than our spreaders of human rights and civilization yet they never engaged in slavery or colonization.  There are records showing that the Chinese even reached the east coast of Africa before the Portuguese.  Now the people you admire and defend have been engaged in all sorts of evil in recorded history.  My own adopted country has been to war 207  years of its 240 plus history destroying everything and everyone from the native population to  using nuclear weapons on the already defeated Japanese, to the worst atrocities in the Vietnam war  where they used chemicals to defoliate  trees in laos and parts of Cambodia when they couldn't beat the Viet cong. Now if you know a little history you clearly understand that starting from the end of the second world war  during the Nuremberg trials the allied countries ruled out any form of defense for the defeated axis powers.  That is why for example Churchill bombing of Dresden that had no military significance but killed a lot of civilians was never brought up.  The same script has been in use to date where America uses all sorts of illegal weapons including depleted uranium in Iraq but are very quick to accuse Asad of using chemical weapons. They have managed to sell you human rights violations in Xinjiang yet will not address the same in places they support like Saudi Arabia or Palestinian territories.  You really need a  whole history of this hypocrisy that you seem to admire.  Juneteenth is coming up soon and that is a good place to start learning about what the people you admire did and continue to do to your race.  When you get a  chance  read the history of Slavery in the US by Dr Richard Bell  a professor of history and see what you are accusing the Chinese is child's play. Mzungu  ni moto wa kuotea mbali my friend.

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Re: China passes law to counter US sanctions
« Reply #16 on: June 15, 2021, 08:54:37 AM »
Arcadean...I don't know how much interaction you have had with the Chinese but one thing is clear, you have been fed so much hatred by the so called westerners to a point you can't ask yourself a simple question.  The Chinese civilization is way older than our spreaders of human rights and civilization yet they never engaged in slavery or colonization.  There are records showing that the Chinese even reached the east coast of Africa before the Portuguese.  Now the people you admire and defend have been engaged in all sorts of evil in recorded history.  My own adopted country has been to war 207  years of its 240 plus history destroying everything and everyone from the native population to  using nuclear weapons on the already defeated Japanese, to the worst atrocities in the Vietnam war  where they used chemicals to defoliate  trees in laos and parts of Cambodia when they couldn't beat the Viet cong. Now if you know a little history you clearly understand that starting from the end of the second world war  during the Nuremberg trials the allied countries ruled out any form of defense for the defeated axis powers.  That is why for example Churchill bombing of Dresden that had no military significance but killed a lot of civilians was never brought up.  The same script has been in use to date where America uses all sorts of illegal weapons including depleted uranium in Iraq but are very quick to accuse Asad of using chemical weapons. They have managed to sell you human rights violations in Xinjiang yet will not address the same in places they support like Saudi Arabia or Palestinian territories.  You really need a  whole history of this hypocrisy that you seem to admire.  Juneteenth is coming up soon and that is a good place to start learning about what the people you admire did and continue to do to your race.  When you get a  chance  read the history of Slavery in the US by Dr Richard Bell  a professor of history and see what you are accusing the Chinese is child's play. Mzungu  ni moto wa kuotea mbali my friend.

Why are you wasting inshas on strawmen? tis not a binary choice, we reject both East and West as Moonki stated.
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: China passes law to counter US sanctions
« Reply #17 on: June 15, 2021, 04:11:39 PM »
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

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Re: China passes law to counter US sanctions
« Reply #18 on: June 16, 2021, 07:30:05 AM »
Go sit on a rice Tarimbo fool.
What a low life  8) Your big brain went straight to "penile" measures. Can't think, can't research, can't argue, a shameless bigot, and now no more cultured than a tout. Truly the most pathetic member to turn up here in years.

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Re: China passes law to counter US sanctions
« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2021, 08:32:48 AM »
Arcadean...I don't know how much interaction you have had with the Chinese but one thing is clear, you have been fed so much hatred by the so called westerners to a point you can't ask yourself a simple question.  The Chinese civilization is way older than our spreaders of human rights and civilization yet they never engaged in slavery or colonization.  There are records showing that the Chinese even reached the east coast of Africa before the Portuguese.  Now the people you admire and defend have been engaged in all sorts of evil in recorded history.  My own adopted country has been to war 207  years of its 240 plus history destroying everything and everyone from the native population to  using nuclear weapons on the already defeated Japanese, to the worst atrocities in the Vietnam war  where they used chemicals to defoliate  trees in laos and parts of Cambodia when they couldn't beat the Viet cong. Now if you know a little history you clearly understand that starting from the end of the second world war  during the Nuremberg trials the allied countries ruled out any form of defense for the defeated axis powers.  That is why for example Churchill bombing of Dresden that had no military significance but killed a lot of civilians was never brought up.  The same script has been in use to date where America uses all sorts of illegal weapons including depleted uranium in Iraq but are very quick to accuse Asad of using chemical weapons. They have managed to sell you human rights violations in Xinjiang yet will not address the same in places they support like Saudi Arabia or Palestinian territories.  You really need a  whole history of this hypocrisy that you seem to admire.  Juneteenth is coming up soon and that is a good place to start learning about what the people you admire did and continue to do to your race.  When you get a  chance  read the history of Slavery in the US by Dr Richard Bell a professor of history and see what you are accusing the Chinese is child's play. Mzungu  ni moto wa kuotea mbali my friend.
Here, here. But this story is starting to crumble. Too many people waking up to the propaganda.

Xinjiang: Is it wrong? Yes. Is it being hyped? Absolutely! It's super important to the West, apparently, to make noise about a govt that's choosing to deal with terrorism within its borders by forcing the target population to get an education, modernize, and integrate into the economy so they can't be recruitment fodder for terrorist organizations across the border; but it's just too much to ask them not to give the Saudis weapons as they commit mass murder in Yemen and fund terrorists everywhere. Also, notice: the Chinese have decided to make sure the Uyghur are integrated into the Chinese population, NOT to start a war in Turkey where those recruiting and attacking terrorists come from. Maybe that's why the West refuses to go inspect Xinjiang as invited and their News won't cover the many Muslim countries who have gone there to investigate and reported nothing of alarm to themselves. Compare to the last 20 years of Western "response" to terrorism :D.

The lack of shame in Westerners as they whine and also simply invent stories (Uyghur genocide!!!) is astonishing. Their news networks are sophisticated propaganda machines whose job is to demonize whoever the War machine wants to target in the coming years. It was mwarabou in the first two decades of the 2,000s, and some of us (like me!) bought it hook, line, and sinker then; now it's the Chinese fellow. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice? Heck no. :)