Author Topic: ODM reject parliamentary route - and put all eggs on court basket.  (Read 1219 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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The Suba South MP said he had instructed ODM members not to engage in any attempts to participate in constitutional reforms through Parliament as being pushed by some legislators.

After the court rejects their BBI in few months - they will run to parliament - only to find it empty as everyone would be busy in their constituency trying to get re-elected.

Court of Appeal - will need minimum - 3 months - so earliest they will be ready with a decision - will be maybe September.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: ODM reject parliamentary route - and put all eggs on court basket.
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2021, 04:05:15 PM »
The timelines - are starting to get tight - 2022 is basically electioneering year.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: ODM reject parliamentary route - and put all eggs on court basket.
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2021, 06:34:49 PM »
BBI is 2022 combo - otherwise it useless to Handshake crew - every goat herder gets this. Except RV Pundit :) Ruto is desperate to sneak in the carrots thru parliament - 35%, 1/3 gender, etc - and avoid the elections face-off.

BBI is merely in ICU not the cemetery. CoA-SCORK likely to revive it and resurrect Raila chances. Calm down, Ruto not out of the woods yet.
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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: ODM reject parliamentary route - and put all eggs on court basket.
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2021, 06:45:20 PM »
Matusi ya nini? Why not wait until 2023 then bring the goat herder insult;
Anyway - like I said - you've put all your strategies in BBI.
Not very smart.
Have a Plan B, C and D.
BBI - cannot be resuscitated by the Judiciary that it seek to bury.
Not unless - all SCORK judges are retiring in a month time after BBI.
Judiciary are killing BBI - for nothing more than - attacking their independence - and threatening their jobs.
It that simple. Ruto is saying - remove Ombusdman - and JSC - and pass that thing - through parliament.

Judiciary will care less...if you have prime minister or have the entire opposition is in gov.

The moment you cross the redline - and put judiciary in BBI - it's dies - and dies - and dies - until it's confirmed dead.

BBI is 2022 combo - otherwise it useless to Handshake crew - every goat herder gets this. Except RV Pundit :) Ruto is desperate to sneak in the carrots thru parliament - 35%, 1/3 gender, etc - and avoid the elections face-off.

BBI is merely in ICU not the cemetery. CoA-SCORK likely to revive it and resurrect Raila chances. Calm down, Ruto not out of the woods yet.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: ODM reject parliamentary route - and put all eggs on court basket.
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2021, 07:06:37 PM »
Am saying: wait for few days - or months - and then celebrate BBI death. Not before. Koome was just rigged in and your head is still in the sand. You have put all your eggs in Ngugi, Mwilu and Odunga.

About Plan B and C if BBI die, there are many ways of dealing with Ruto. Some are obvious, some not. You used to tell us yourself, Raila can easily tosha kakati PK-Mdvd or such. BBI is not the only way to skin the cat.

Matusi ya nini? Why not wait until 2023 then bring the goat herder insult;
Anyway - like I said - you've put all your strategies in BBI.
Not very smart.
Have a Plan B, C and D.
BBI - cannot be resuscitated by the Judiciary that it seek to bury.
Not unless - all SCORK judges are retiring in a month time after BBI.
Judiciary are killing BBI - for nothing more than - attacking their independence - and threatening their jobs.
It that simple. Ruto is saying - remove Ombusdman - and JSC - and pass that thing - through parliament.

Judiciary will care less...if you have prime minister or have the entire opposition is in gov.

The moment you cross the redline - and put judiciary in BBI - it's dies - and dies - and dies - until it's confirmed dead.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: ODM reject parliamentary route - and put all eggs on court basket.
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2021, 07:12:12 PM »
After you put Koome inside - her priorities changed :) - she has security of tenure for 8yrs (folks who put her in have less than a year in power) - you think she will surrender that to BBI new imperial president. Some jokers.There are things you do not have to wait - BBI is one such - dead as DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODO. It like taking constitution to teachers that remove TSC and takes them to PSC - no teacher will accept such - be they primary or secondary or college. It doesn't matter - which court you take BBI - as long as it threatens the judiciary - the judiciary will FIGHT BACK!

Start thinking about Plan B.

Let's wait and see Kiambaa-Muguga - if UDA wins - you're about DONE KAPUT.

Uhuru will run to Ruto and make a deal - he will tell Kikuyu nation he was just skinning the Jaruo - and he will be back in good books - and will be recognized as political proffesori :) - with french or italian accent.

Murathe, Tuju and rest will be fired. Jubilee will be united :)
Am saying: wait for few days - or months - and then celebrate BBI death. Not before. Koome was just rigged in and your head is still in the sand. You have put all your eggs in Ngugi, Mwilu and Odunga.

About Plan B and C if BBI die, there are many ways of dealing with Ruto. Some are obvious, some not. You used to tell us yourself, Raila can easily tosha kakati PK-Mdvd or such. BBI is not the only way to skin the cat.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: ODM reject parliamentary route - and put all eggs on court basket.
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2021, 05:36:37 PM »
Well we'll see soon how Koome dance this BBI song - won't we? - isit Reggae or Jerusalema style  :) You have all your eggs in Odunga basket - not smart. I doubt Uhuru rigged Koome for her FIDA feminist profile - otherwise why not just let Ngatia or Ouko be CJ. The brazen rigging is a big deal.

BBI is dead... ha! Hold your horse. Wait to see the corpse first - it mere in ICU until CoA & SCORK rule.

About Kiambaa and Muguga.. I don't fully get your obsession with Uhuru. He is retiring and backing Ruto, Raila, Giddy or neutral will not change anything. He has literally nothing to lose - he can even hide in SH for next full year until handover like Kibaki. With no consequence.

Now Mt Kenya Ruto is scoring 60% and fighting with Kuria. He should be sweeping it by now. He was just chased out of non-Gema - Muthama 5-1 rout was so bad. He lost to useless Weta 2-1 in Bukusu whom you were singing here for long they are hustlers. He lost Gusii despite holding those huge rallies you plastered photos here. Even Diani-Pwani I doubt UDA/hustler can mount anything without Mvurya or Kingi.

I don't get what you are celebrating. BBI remain the big card. If court resurrect it - Ruto headache return - for one BBI easily return Gema headache with Ruto still watermelon. If BBI die - Raila is in trouble but can still play serious cards.

Uhuru is not in any trouble except his secret vendetta with Ruto.

After you put Koome inside - her priorities changed :) - she has security of tenure for 8yrs (folks who put her in have less than a year in power) - you think she will surrender that to BBI new imperial president. Some jokers.There are things you do not have to wait - BBI is one such - dead as DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODO. It like taking constitution to teachers that remove TSC and takes them to PSC - no teacher will accept such - be they primary or secondary or college. It doesn't matter - which court you take BBI - as long as it threatens the judiciary - the judiciary will FIGHT BACK!

Start thinking about Plan B.

Let's wait and see Kiambaa-Muguga - if UDA wins - you're about DONE KAPUT.

Uhuru will run to Ruto and make a deal - he will tell Kikuyu nation he was just skinning the Jaruo - and he will be back in good books - and will be recognized as political proffesori :) - with french or italian accent.

Murathe, Tuju and rest will be fired. Jubilee will be united :)
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: ODM reject parliamentary route - and put all eggs on court basket.
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2021, 07:22:21 PM »
okay we shall wait for miracles;
As for Uhuru; he is btw hard rock and hell; coz both Raila and Ruto are cut from same clothe; very forcefu political animals
So kenyatta say ends in August next yea.

Well we'll see soon how Koome dance this BBI song - won't we? - isit Reggae or Jerusalema style  :) You have all your eggs in Odunga basket - not smart. I doubt Uhuru rigged Koome for her FIDA feminist profile - otherwise why not just let Ngatia or Ouko be CJ. The brazen rigging is a big deal.

BBI is dead... ha! Hold your horse. Wait to see the corpse first - it mere in ICU until CoA & SCORK rule.

About Kiambaa and Muguga.. I don't fully get your obsession with Uhuru. He is retiring and backing Ruto, Raila, Giddy or neutral will not change anything. He has literally nothing to lose - he can even hide in SH for next full year until handover like Kibaki. With no consequence.

Now Mt Kenya Ruto is scoring 60% and fighting with Kuria. He should be sweeping it by now. He was just chased out of non-Gema - Muthama 5-1 rout was so bad. He lost to useless Weta 2-1 in Bukusu whom you were singing here for long they are hustlers. He lost Gusii despite holding those huge rallies you plastered photos here. Even Diani-Pwani I doubt UDA/hustler can mount anything without Mvurya or Kingi.

I don't get what you are celebrating. BBI remain the big card. If court resurrect it - Ruto headache return - for one BBI easily return Gema headache with Ruto still watermelon. If BBI die - Raila is in trouble but can still play serious cards.

Uhuru is not in any trouble except his secret vendetta with Ruto.

After you put Koome inside - her priorities changed :) - she has security of tenure for 8yrs (folks who put her in have less than a year in power) - you think she will surrender that to BBI new imperial president. Some jokers.There are things you do not have to wait - BBI is one such - dead as DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODO. It like taking constitution to teachers that remove TSC and takes them to PSC - no teacher will accept such - be they primary or secondary or college. It doesn't matter - which court you take BBI - as long as it threatens the judiciary - the judiciary will FIGHT BACK!

Start thinking about Plan B.

Let's wait and see Kiambaa-Muguga - if UDA wins - you're about DONE KAPUT.

Uhuru will run to Ruto and make a deal - he will tell Kikuyu nation he was just skinning the Jaruo - and he will be back in good books - and will be recognized as political proffesori :) - with french or italian accent.

Murathe, Tuju and rest will be fired. Jubilee will be united :)

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: ODM reject parliamentary route - and put all eggs on court basket.
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2021, 12:08:48 AM »
Uhuru beef with Uhuru remain gray/vague... something about early campaigns, mlolongo or looting envy. Not clear. Could be Raila enugu :) Point is we don't know why ndugu yangu kumi is long forgotten.

Pundit you keep saying Moi was respected but ignored. Cause he interfered with Kalenjin in retirement. It a very shaky argument: Kibaki handed over and retired very quietly - is he respected? Not ignored? Who cares, is that even a thing?

I don't read Uhuru as so bothered about what Gema do in 2027. He is more interested in his actual achievements and influence right now. Most importantly he doesn't care much for Ruto's opinion vs Raila. From his actions. You can't entice him with false parallels about Moi.

BBI is a gift to Raila. Uhuru can say lose in court but he is already outgoing PORK. BBI adds and removes much less from him... while Raila and Ruto are holding their breaths about Mumbis and Koome.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: ODM reject parliamentary route - and put all eggs on court basket.
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2021, 12:20:07 AM »
Moi was old and immediately Kibaki came to power; he bowed down; and took advantage of LDP-Nak wrangles to endear himself to Kibaki;
Kalenjin disapproved of Moi selection of Uhuru but were convinced then that Moi knew everything; only for only senile fool to let the community down;
From there he was done; he tried for 20yrs to make a comeback; but it was impossible; He bribed; did harambees; name it; Not even Baringo could listen to him.
He died embittered. It hurt him so much that Kalenjin of all people had abandoned him - after what he thought he had done for them.
The same hurt Uhuru is experiencing from GEMA - it different kind of hurt when your own - say siblings or parents or spouse - say you're trash - doesn't matter how many billions you have - that is going to hurt.

Now that was 80yr old Moi.
We are talking a 60yr old Uhuru - with huge family stake - that will definitely become interesting for Raila and Ruto.
He need GEMA as insurance.
Moi always had Kalenjin even when they hated him -Kalenjin were clear that touching Moi - even forcing him to testify in court - was crossing the line. Moi was to be respected but ignored like any old senile man.

Uhuru will be vulnerable without GEMA political support.

Their wealth could easily evaporate - especially under Raila - because Luo goons need a single afternoon to overrun say Ruiru Northland city. Under Kidero - Luo goons in one year overrun Kikuyu land barrons out of Nairobi.

Will a powerful Raila care about Uhuru - nope. The Luos will seek to do in 5yrs what they did not do in 50yrs. It will be brutal.

Ruto will definitely go for Uhuru - unless this is play-acting - I am 50% convinced the Ruto-Uhuru anger is manufactured - scripted - redherring- a diversion- and they will make up before 2022.

Ruto the way I know he is business guy - so he definitely ask Kenyatta to split the pie - or lose it all :). Raila will simply demand 90% or they lose it all - he will let poor Luos and Kikuyus take over them - and will order an investigation by implementing old reports.

There is nothing like loyaty in poltics - Raila was first one to take Ruto to ICC

Uhuru beef with Uhuru remain gray/vague... something about early campaigns, mlolongo or looting envy. Not clear. Could be Raila enugu :) Point is we don't know why ndugu yangu kumi is long forgotten.

Pundit you keep saying Moi was respected but ignored. Cause he interfered with Kalenjin in retirement. It a very shaky argument: Kibaki handed over and retired very quietly - is he respected? Not ignored? Who cares, is that even a thing?

I don't read Uhuru as so bothered about what Gema do in 2027. He is more interested in his actual achievements and influence right now. Most importantly he doesn't care much for Ruto's opinion vs Raila. From his actions. You can't entice him with false parallels about Moi.

BBI is a gift to Raila. Uhuru can say lose in court but he is already outgoing PORK. BBI adds and removes much less from him... while Raila and Ruto are holding their breaths about Mumbis and Koome.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: ODM reject parliamentary route - and put all eggs on court basket.
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2021, 12:47:41 AM »
All those deadbeat horse lines are usual anti-Raila fearmongering. Luo are not genocidal Kalenjin so save it. Why doesn't Uhuru want to appease Ruto warriors - instead he appease his archrival entire 5 years? Ruto is propaganda expert but can't fool Robina.

And why do you care so much about Uhuru future? - that a phony concern while you only really care about Ruto - which is understandably obvious. Uhuru is the best man to mind his own future. Whoever becomes PORK will actually do NOTHING against Kenyattas, Mois, Kibakis - you can bank on that - cause that would be just stupid precedent. They will fuata Uhuru nyayo. Both sides just engage in propaganda and scaremongering.

Let work with reality in the news, instead of conjecture. Uhuru-Raila have been knocked up by Odunga - your new hero with Ndii :) If Odunga was CJ this would be BBI funeral - but they have CoA, SCORK so don't be so excited. I think it very significant to rig in Koome... to lead independent judiciary 8) Big red flag. Do you really think Koome heard about her own rigging in the news like us? - no deals?

I also agree about judges being anti-BBI for obvious reasons so we will see how this plays out.

Bottomline: Uhuru didn't rig Koome or launch appeal to play Raila. Those judges didn't viciously attack him as a choreograph. This is real.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: ODM reject parliamentary route - and put all eggs on court basket.
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2021, 01:07:54 AM »
There is no difference btw Kalenjin or Luo or Kikuyu in a resource or a food fight.
Africa is a tough place - people have to scramble for food, wealth, name it..

As for your tunnel vision - you're stupid and proud of it.

Small tip. Start from the END GAME - and you'll understand the political game better.

You won't bother with small daily moves - that you call news.

I was one best draft players  in my rural home - if you want to know you're about to die in draft game - is when your opponent start feeding you.

Kula hiyo! Kula hiyo! Kula Hiyo! When youre about done with last kulad - is when you're realized youre f.cked beyond redemption - the guy will proceed to finish the game - and leave you looking like a fool.

In fact when someone say kula hiyo - you rather take a fine - by pretending not to see the freebie.

It like raising cattle or pigs or chicken - the day the owners isolate you - and start you on a fattening diet - be very afraid. He doesn't love you. You're about to meet your butcher.

Raila and his people NAIVETY is LEGENDARY - my late grandfather told me this in 1992 - before he died with Jaramogi in 94.

I still recall that day - we had told him Jaramogi of Ford was winning - he laughed so hard :) - he said if Jaramogi won in the morning - by afternoon he will not be president.

We asked him why - he said Luo's naivety was legendary - and he knew because he emigrated from Sondu.

Next year it will be exactly 30yrs of that precise prediction.

All those deadbeat horse lines are usual anti-Raila fearmongering. Luo are not genocidal Kalenjin so save it. Why doesn't Uhuru want to appease Ruto warriors - instead he appease his archrival entire 5 years? Ruto is propaganda expert but can't fool Robina.

And why do you care so much about Uhuru future? - that a phony concern while you only really care about Ruto - which is understandably obvious. Uhuru is the best man to mind his own future. Whoever becomes PORK will actually do NOTHING against Kenyattas, Mois, Kibakis - you can bank on that - cause that would be just stupid precedent. They will fuata Uhuru nyayo. Both sides just engage in propaganda and scaremongering.

Let work with reality in the news, instead of conjecture. Uhuru-Raila have been knocked up by Odunga - your new hero with Ndii :) If Odunga was CJ this would be BBI funeral - but they have CoA, SCORK so don't be so excited. I think it very significant to rig in Koome... to lead independent judiciary 8) Big red flag. Do you really think Koome heard about her own rigging in the news like us? - no deals?

I also agree about judges being anti-BBI for obvious reasons so we will see how this plays out.

Bottomline: Uhuru didn't rig Koome or launch appeal to play Raila. Those judges didn't viciously attack him as a choreograph. This is real.