Author Topic: China need babies - chinese are now used to living alone  (Read 4086 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: China need babies - chinese are now used to living alone
« Reply #20 on: June 02, 2021, 10:37:29 AM »
very lame.
Chinas growth is real; you can visit their cities in youtube and see the wonders; their infrastructure has NO competition; not even in the western world
Their factories products are in every imaginable supermarket in the world.
Made in China has undergone a transformation from poor quality to supreme quality.
You're stuck in a time wrap.

Check the patent story again - it changing every year - with China filling serious patents - in serious fields.

The China man work ethic, IQ, saving culture, small families and non-religiousness is paying off big time.

Now when you talk about CCP and ethics - you lose me :) . What exactly is unethical about China and chinese? That it stole some patent to catch up - everyone did that - US stole British patents in early 20th century - about 100 yrs ago!The Japanase stoles US patents in 1950s! China were stealing everyone else patents - a few years ago.

China democracy works - don't expect it to one day CRUMBLE :) :)

It gonna end in tears for you!

The reason 95% of China is Hans Chinese (largest tribe in the world) - that level of homogeneity - means conflict are just a far in btw - there are not in some racial tension like US btw black, brown and white people.

It's like a country with 95% Luo - who have accepted the Odingas to rule them since 1950s!

If Luos have no problem with Odingas - the Hans Chinese have no problem with their leaders - well a few tribes in Tibet may complain but who cares.

1. Just like Ruto's IQ is off the charts and he has a PHD  8)

2. Those patents are stat padding, low merit papers, they was a discussion on that like a few months ago. China is known for that, its called saving face.

3. I'm not anti Chinese, I admire Taiwan, Hong Kong ( before CCP took over), Singapore all Chinese majority countries, they are industrious and talented people, I'm against the CCP, which is holding back the Chinese people from their full potential.

4. CCP successes can't be replicated because it is predicated on repression, land theft, state planning, massive state subsidies, and social engineering that won't fly in free democratic countries like India. GDP is not everything, otherwise Chinese wouldn't be fleeing their country in droves. China's growth is artificial.

5. Oh the irony, are you Chinese?  :D

6. Chinaman has great work ethic all agree, its his dodgy ethics that put people off.

7. We agree here, Africa wastes a lot of energy, money on religion. Africans are the most religious people, they actually believe in those Hebrew fairytales in literal sense. Sad, I think eating too much grains hasn't done wonders for the brains.

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: China need babies - chinese are now used to living alone
« Reply #21 on: June 02, 2021, 11:56:01 PM »
China democracy works - don't expect it to one day CRUMBLE :) :)

It gonna end in tears for you!

Man called China a democracy  :85: :85: :s_laugh:

Ruto people man.

Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: China need babies - chinese are now used to living alone
« Reply #22 on: June 03, 2021, 12:34:20 AM »
Ccp should be overthrown

Offline Georgesoros

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Re: China need babies - chinese are now used to living alone
« Reply #23 on: June 07, 2021, 06:35:31 AM »
1) The average Chinese leader has a Phd and IQ that is off charts.
2)  China are filling more patent than anyone else now. How can they now be innovative when US is blocking Huawei from being far ahead.
3)  Quit this 1980s anti-chinese propaganda.
4)  There is a lot many countries could learn from China - 1.4B India could learn a lot - from China whose GDP per capita is now nearly 7 times more than India or Africa - nearly 15 times.
5)  You're not an American - but an African - trying to hide behind western success. Build your own Kisumu to be 1/20 as good as China.
6)  The Chinese we have seen in Africa and elsewhere - are not only very book smart, they are the hardest of workers, working almost 15 hours, no sunday, no holiday.
7)  The world can learn a lot from china less focus on religion - and religious nonsense - that is hobbling Africa, middle east and asians.

1. Just like Ruto's IQ is off the charts and he has a PHD  8)

2. Those patents are stat padding, low merit papers, they was a discussion on that like a few months ago. China is known for that, its called saving face.

3. I'm not anti Chinese, I admire Taiwan, Hong Kong ( before CCP took over), Singapore all Chinese majority countries, they are industrious and talented people, I'm against the CCP, which is holding back the Chinese people from their full potential.

4. CCP successes can't be replicated because it is predicated on repression, land theft, state planning, massive state subsidies, and social engineering that won't fly in free democratic countries like India. GDP is not everything, otherwise Chinese wouldn't be fleeing their country in droves. China's growth is artificial.

5. Oh the irony, are you Chinese?  :D

6. Chinaman has great work ethic all agree, its his dodgy ethics that put people off.

7. We agree here, Africa wastes a lot of energy, money on religion. Africans are the most religious people, they actually believe in those Hebrew fairytales in literal sense. Sad, I think eating too much grains hasn't done wonders for the brains.

You go Arcadia. You are on a roll!!
Truth has been turned into lies and lies have officially become truth. What next???
A regular Chinese is too busy trying to survive than engage the so called govt. They just accept whatever they are told otherwise .... Jail!!