Author Topic: UHURU now ask Ruto resign..very funny  (Read 5990 times)

Offline Kichwa

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Re: UHURU now ask Ruto resign..very funny
« Reply #20 on: February 14, 2021, 02:53:16 PM »
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: UHURU now ask Ruto resign..very funny
« Reply #21 on: February 14, 2021, 04:09:00 PM »
I think there land issues mostly with Taitas, the Lamu (Bajunis), Kwale (Digos). The Giriama I doubt lost land to Kikuyus - the arabs definitely. They lost few beachfront  plots to kenyatta elite.Mijikenda beef therefore is just historical marginalization and fear of being dominated.

For Mijikenda its more political than land . They have land issues with arabs , wahindi . It goes back to Majimbo politics and KADU then assassination's of R.G. Ngala . Deprivation of education ,lack of placements in Civil Service and the forces and Hotels being owned by the Elites instead of locals 

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: UHURU now ask Ruto resign..very funny
« Reply #22 on: February 14, 2021, 04:10:19 PM »
The guy gave up gov prado and all the perks because he is interested in becoming muranga governor. Uhuru is on the wall kichwa. He should listen to Duale - and urgently reconcile with Ruto.

He never left.

Offline Fairandbalanced

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Re: UHURU now ask Ruto resign..very funny
« Reply #23 on: February 14, 2021, 05:26:59 PM »
I am not afraid of Raila or Luos at all. All that fear was propaganda from elites. As far as I am concerned Luos are the most misunderstood tribe in Kenya. I have personally being on a journey to debunk all the myths and stereotypes about Luos. I do not subscribe to any Kikuyu superiority and nyumba nonsense, it pisses me off that I even entertained such nonsense or bought into political manipulation. The politics of tribe or wheel barrow class war is all unsustainable garbage. We need guys who can leapfrog us with great vision and not idiots captured by tribal thinking.

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: UHURU now ask Ruto resign..very funny
« Reply #24 on: February 14, 2021, 10:22:10 PM »
I am not afraid of Raila or Luos at all. All that fear was propaganda from elites. As far as I am concerned Luos are the most misunderstood tribe in Kenya. I have personally being on a journey to debunk all the myths and stereotypes about Luos. I do not subscribe to any Kikuyu superiority and nyumba nonsense, it pisses me off that I even entertained such nonsense or bought into political manipulation. The politics of tribe or wheel barrow class war is all unsustainable garbage. We need guys who can leapfrog us with great vision and not idiots captured by tribal thinking.
I have nothing to add  :sign0098:

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: UHURU now ask Ruto resign..very funny
« Reply #25 on: February 14, 2021, 10:39:54 PM »
No! That was not your point! Uou hadn't a clue what the "context" was and you did know that Mijikenda was in the mix until I provided the link to bring you up to speed. Now unajifanya mjuaji taking us on your pet tangent instead of sticking to the specific debate namely that it is not the Luo community that has the most problems with the Kikuyu. STFU! You are one of those idiot captured by tribal thinking and I wouldn't have the patience to debate your types. Usitubebe malenge.. we are not pumpkins to be carried helter skelter!
Exactly my point , Ruto was mentioning he was able to reconcile Kalenjin with Kikuyus , so Mijikenda should stop the bile and support Jubilee which went by the name JAP at that time during By elections in Malinidi.
Well you know what happened next .ODM managed to incite Mijikenda and ended up maintaining their stronghold there . This stronghold built on quick sand of ethnic antagonism against Kikuyu was broken down by No 1 -Hustler Narrative and No 2. Ruto being a contender in 2022 and being non Kikuyu the Mijikenda can eventually support him bearing in mind they have  had a long partnership from the years of KADU to the KANU Years .

This is one reason ODM and Raila fear Ruto - They built ODM under the pillar of anti Mt Kenya  and managed to rally different tribes against Mt Kenya - although this has been watered down from 2013 to 2017 .Here we have a first election where  the top contender is not from Mt Kenya and  secondly has a narrative that resonated well with the masses of all tribes -ODM and Raila dont have a boogeyman for once to rally against - Hence the now narrative which is bound to fail of Rotational Presodency

It is Ruto himself who said (so confidently) early in Jubilee 1.0 after "kyuk/kale reconciliation" that (and I quote) "if there is any kabila in Kenya that has a problem with GEMA, it is the Kalenjins". So why the fuck are you contradicting your party leader?? Your hatred for an individual blinds you. Why pick on a peaceful tribe - the luo who were far removed from the PEV of 2007/8? Since independence the luo have been wronged but have they taken up weapons against anybody?

In which context did he say so ? , When asking RV to reconcile with Mt Kenyans ? Its on record in political matters who are intolerant , who do not accept results and take violence to the streets when defeated . Raila swearing in was treason and in retrospect it was a  mistake to let that go and reward him instead with Handshake , CAS positions , ambassadorial positions , parliament committee positions . The culture of interolance perpertuated for a long time by Raila and his ilk  has now trickled down to other leaders , from MCAs , M.PS and Senators to even Police and CS/PS .

Stop splitting hairs you idiot and cease and desist from diluting my point into another raila this raila that. Pundit was making a sweeping statement about a whole community and its relationship to another community - which I had to dispute as those are not the facts - and you dare answer my post by being personal about an individual? Continue being a small mind and discuss people. I do not repeat do NOT engage in small talk. What I post here is verifiable and is information in the PUBLIC domain. If you happen to have no recollection that such an event happened perhaps because you were living under a rock, it is not my problem! It is not my job to explain to you or anybody else for that matter, "in what context". Ask Pundit to explain to you, hopefully he has more time and patience to do so.
Public information is just that - public; if I read it, you should have read it too. Nkt. DP Ruto spoke about this candidly on or before around about early 2016 ....
VIDEO: William Ruto Admits That Kalenjins Have A Problem With Kikuyus

A video has emerged of William Ruto admitting that the Kalenjin community have the most problems with Kikuyus than any other community in Kenya.

The video in which William Ruto was a the coast in a rally meant to drum up support for the Jubilee Alliance Part (JAP) he tells members of the Mijikenda community to forget their differences with the Kikuyu community as they are minor.

It was from the same event that another video emerged of a Mombasa gubernatorial seat aspirant, Suleiman Shahabal was taped saying that Jubilee Alliance Party will use whatever means possible to win the 2017 election- including rigging.

In William Ruro's video, he goes ahead to tell the public that they should put aside their differences with the Kikuyus ahead of the 2017 General Election so they form part of the next government.

The region has a history of claims of land injustices with natives accusing other communities-majority of whom are from the Kikuyu community-of taking over their land.

Like the rest of the Coastal region, the Mijikenda community is known to form part of the opposition's voting block headed by Raila Odinga.