Author Topic: Someone remind Dr. Ruto Politics 101: There are no friendships, just interests  (Read 3527 times)

Offline audacityofhope

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Daktari is exposing himself as overrated.
This argument of his that he stuck with Uhuru through difficult times (anataja Hague) and that his current "friends" were at that time, the ones in the opposition, opposing him politically - is falling on deaf ears. Kwani a country is not supposed to have an opposition?
In 2007 was he not himself in the camp that opposed Ouru's camp tena violently? We are supposed to forget that bit.

WSR needs to come up with something better than that. Let him focus on why he is the right leader to take Kenya forward post 2022. Who lives in the past?

Offline RV Pundit

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Ruto is making his argument to the Gema nation. When you see ODMer advising Dr Ruto on matters politics - then you know we are dealing with desperados.  Stick to you career - Ruto got sold Moi in 90s (nearly impossible task) and went ahead to sell their candidate in 2013 when he was facing ICC.

Ruto when it come to messaging, propaganda and the works doesn't need your help.

Try help Raila - for example his Mr Six months is too mouthy! He needs to re-jig his message. Tell mganga mtu ya vitendawili to find something easy on mwafrika brain and mouth.

Daktari is exposing himself as overrated.
This argument of his that he stuck with Uhuru through difficult times (anataja Hague) and that his current "friends" were at that time, the ones in the opposition, opposing him politically - is falling on deaf ears. Kwani a country is not supposed to have an opposition?
In 2007 was he not himself in the camp that opposed Ouru's camp tena violently? We are supposed to forget that bit.

WSR needs to come up with something better than that. Let him focus on why he is the right leader to take Kenya forward post 2022. Who lives in the past?

Offline audacityofhope

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I am listening to Dr. Mukhisa Kituyi being interviewed live on a local TV channel and can't help contrast his vision for Kenya with the vision being propagated by the wheelbarrow mjama. Mukhisa in his words says he has never been Jubilee nor NASA. He wants to build Enterprise Kenya without Jubilee  or NASA baggage. Borrowing to pay for recurrent expenditure is not sustainable he affirms. Who wouldn't want this kind of thinking informing decision-making for us, our children and grandchildren save of course the supremacist- what @FairandBalanced rightly calls "idiots captured by tribal thinking"

Offline RV Pundit

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He is good as minister. President requires a little more talents than he has. He is obviously brilliant and arrogant - but presidency sio mchezo nani. He should convince at least one MCA in Kabuchai that he has vision for this country.

Remind me again why he lost Bungoma senate and even Mp seat.These are the people who know him deeply. Moi was not all that but he never lost Baringo seat since 1950s! for example. Kibaki was Mp for like 50yrs before he became PORK. Ruto has been in leadership since 1990s till now.

Mukhisa should save his money and forward his CV to Ruto. I am sure he can be squeezed somewhere :(

I am listening to Dr. Mukhisa Kituyi being interviewed live on a local TV channel and can't help contrast his vision for Kenya with the vision being propagated by the wheelbarrow mjama. Mukhisa in his words says he has never been Jubilee nor NASA. He wants to build Enterprise Kenya without Jubilee  or NASA baggage. Borrowing to pay for recurrent expenditure is not sustainable he affirms. Who wouldn't want this kind of thinking informing decision-making for us, our children and grandchildren save of course the supremacist- what @FairandBalanced rightly calls "idiots captured by tribal thinking"

Offline audacityofhope

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You may have brilliant ideas but if your boss - the head of government doesn't give you political support they are all DOA. I watched the movie "The iron lady" so many times. The story of Margaret Thatcher. She was Minister of Education then and was so frustrated by the then PM. An aide told her, if you want to change Britain, you have to be in-charge, take over the leadership. And she did exactly that: Challenged the PM and became Prime Minister herself.

He is good as minister. President requires a little more talents than he has. He is obviously brilliant and arrogant - but presidency sio mchezo nani. He should convince at least one MCA in Kabuchai that he has vision for this country.

Remind me again why he lost Bungoma senate and even Mp seat.These are the people who know him deeply. Moi was not all that but he never lost Baringo seat since 1950s! for example. Kibaki was Mp for like 50yrs before he became PORK. Ruto has been in leadership since 1990s till now.

Mukhisa should save his money and forward his CV to Ruto. I am sure he can be squeezed somewhere :(

I am listening to Dr. Mukhisa Kituyi being interviewed live on a local TV channel and can't help contrast his vision for Kenya with the vision being propagated by the wheelbarrow mjama. Mukhisa in his words says he has never been Jubilee nor NASA. He wants to build Enterprise Kenya without Jubilee  or NASA baggage. Borrowing to pay for recurrent expenditure is not sustainable he affirms. Who wouldn't want this kind of thinking informing decision-making for us, our children and grandchildren save of course the supremacist- what @FairandBalanced rightly calls "idiots captured by tribal thinking"

Offline Fairandbalanced

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  • Reputation: 0 the idea that Ruto has the whole mountain under his thumb is propaganda and fallacy. I do get it though, politics is more about perception than ideas. Ruto seems to be ahead right now, he has a lot of energy and you cannot deny but once he starts going after Uhuru, the kikuyu siege gene takes over. Kikuyus start seeing Moi all over again, that is an era Kikuyus want to forget and move on.

Offline RV Pundit

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1) For every vote GEMA elite wins back - Ruto get two in Non-GEMA - because GEMA elite are using BBI arguments that it will bring more benefits to them from marginalized areas.

2) Moi won without a single kikuyu vote. Kibaki in 97 had entire GEMA plus (Raila his luos, Ngilu kambas, Wamalwa bukusu etc) - but Moi got 40% from small tribes. Ruto Plan A has always been to rebuild that Moi alliance - the one that has been helping Raila win in 2007 and almost win in subsequent elections. That project has succeeded because if you look up Moi old constituency - Ruto has very small bits and parts to get there. So it possible for Ruto to win 40% like Moi without any GEMA.

3) GEMA people are stuck btw Raila and Ruto - it obvious for many Ruto is the lesser evil. Raila is already an impossible sell. Nobody is selling him anymore. They are busy trying to divorce Raila from BBi. Therefore Ruto will not be competing with Raila in GEMA but either another GEMA candidate or another proxy.

4) Raila is losing Non-GEMA for sucking up to GEMA and Ruto is inhering that.  Once Ruto has 40% support of his own - he is free basically to go for even a Non-GEMA deputy if he wanted.  But obviously he will still go for GEMA deputy - coz he still has significant support and is keen not just win by 50% but by higher unriggable margin.

Bottomline - GEMA elite are scoring their own goal - they are in cul-de-sacs - and a kikuyu may not even become DPORK in 2022 - if GEMA elites will be running 2 tribe propaganda.  Ruto could go with Meru like Prof Kindiki and still get significant portion of Kikuyus votes. the idea that Ruto has the whole mountain under his thumb is propaganda and fallacy. I do get it though, politics is more about perception than ideas. Ruto seems to be ahead right now, he has a lot of energy and you cannot deny but once he starts going after Uhuru, the kikuyu siege gene takes over. Kikuyus start seeing Moi all over again, that is an era Kikuyus want to forget and move on.

Offline Kichwa

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Delusion as usual.  In the end Ruto is going to lose Gema just like he lost luos eventually when he separated from RAO and how RAO lost Kikuyus and Kalenjins when he separated from their leadership.  Once Ruto loses kikuyus, then you can pork him with a fork because he will be soft-cooked.  Kikuyus are going home to Ouru-kicking and screaming but eventually they will find a reason to go back.  NON kikuyu/Gema still remember Ruto's 50/50 government with Ouru.  Its just a matter of time my fren.

1) For every vote GEMA elite wins back - Ruto get two in Non-GEMA - because GEMA elite are using BBI arguments that it will bring more benefits to them from marginalized areas.

2) Moi won without a single kikuyu vote. Kibaki in 97 had entire GEMA plus (Raila his luos, Ngilu kambas, Wamalwa bukusu etc) - but Moi got 40% from small tribes. Ruto Plan A has always been to rebuild that Moi alliance - the one that has been helping Raila win in 2007 and almost win in subsequent elections. That project has succeeded because if you look up Moi old constituency - Ruto has very small bits and parts to get there. So it possible for Ruto to win 40% like Moi without any GEMA.

3) GEMA people are stuck btw Raila and Ruto - it obvious for many Ruto is the lesser evil. Raila is already an impossible sell. Nobody is selling him anymore. They are busy trying to divorce Raila from BBi. Therefore Ruto will not be competing with Raila in GEMA but either another GEMA candidate or another proxy.

4) Raila is losing Non-GEMA for sucking up to GEMA and Ruto is inhering that.  Once Ruto has 40% support of his own - he is free basically to go for even a Non-GEMA deputy if he wanted.  But obviously he will still go for GEMA deputy - coz he still has significant support and is keen not just win by 50% but by higher unriggable margin.

Bottomline - GEMA elite are scoring their own goal - they are in cul-de-sacs - and a kikuyu may not even become DPORK in 2022 - if GEMA elites will be running 2 tribe propaganda.  Ruto could go with Meru like Prof Kindiki and still get significant portion of Kikuyus votes. the idea that Ruto has the whole mountain under his thumb is propaganda and fallacy. I do get it though, politics is more about perception than ideas. Ruto seems to be ahead right now, he has a lot of energy and you cannot deny but once he starts going after Uhuru, the kikuyu siege gene takes over. Kikuyus start seeing Moi all over again, that is an era Kikuyus want to forget and move on.
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline RV Pundit

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Why are kikuyus not with Kibaki - or what is so special about a retiring uhuru :) or why did Kalenjin abandon Moi. Look here Uhuru sell by date came and went. You guys just bought him time hoping he can help you..but you're just helping him enjoy his sunset years.

GEMA have a decision to make in 2022  - about their future POST-UHURU - So far Ruto is most compelling option to them. Maybe there will be other options. But Raila we can already count him out.

Btw now and 2022 - about a year - Uhuru has to decide whether to quietly influence things from behind or to forcefully push like Moi

Delusion as usual.  In the end Ruto is going to lose Gema just like he lost luos eventually when he separated from RAO and how RAO lost Kikuyus and Kalenjins when he separated from their leadership.  Once Ruto loses kikuyus, then you can pork him with a fork because he will be soft-cooked.  Kikuyus are going home to Ouru-kicking and screaming but eventually they will find a reason to go back.  NON kikuyu/Gema still remember Ruto's 50/50 government with Ouru.  Its just a matter of time my fren.

1) For every vote GEMA elite wins back - Ruto get two in Non-GEMA - because GEMA elite are using BBI arguments that it will bring more benefits to them from marginalized areas.

2) Moi won without a single kikuyu vote. Kibaki in 97 had entire GEMA plus (Raila his luos, Ngilu kambas, Wamalwa bukusu etc) - but Moi got 40% from small tribes. Ruto Plan A has always been to rebuild that Moi alliance - the one that has been helping Raila win in 2007 and almost win in subsequent elections. That project has succeeded because if you look up Moi old constituency - Ruto has very small bits and parts to get there. So it possible for Ruto to win 40% like Moi without any GEMA.

3) GEMA people are stuck btw Raila and Ruto - it obvious for many Ruto is the lesser evil. Raila is already an impossible sell. Nobody is selling him anymore. They are busy trying to divorce Raila from BBi. Therefore Ruto will not be competing with Raila in GEMA but either another GEMA candidate or another proxy.

4) Raila is losing Non-GEMA for sucking up to GEMA and Ruto is inhering that.  Once Ruto has 40% support of his own - he is free basically to go for even a Non-GEMA deputy if he wanted.  But obviously he will still go for GEMA deputy - coz he still has significant support and is keen not just win by 50% but by higher unriggable margin.

Bottomline - GEMA elite are scoring their own goal - they are in cul-de-sacs - and a kikuyu may not even become DPORK in 2022 - if GEMA elites will be running 2 tribe propaganda.  Ruto could go with Meru like Prof Kindiki and still get significant portion of Kikuyus votes. the idea that Ruto has the whole mountain under his thumb is propaganda and fallacy. I do get it though, politics is more about perception than ideas. Ruto seems to be ahead right now, he has a lot of energy and you cannot deny but once he starts going after Uhuru, the kikuyu siege gene takes over. Kikuyus start seeing Moi all over again, that is an era Kikuyus want to forget and move on.