Author Topic: 1973 Documentary on Kenyatta  (Read 5141 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: 1973 Documentary on Kenyatta
« Reply #20 on: January 30, 2021, 01:58:57 PM »
This Luo lie. Kikuyu had always a caretaker chairman of KANU to take care of Kenyatta and Kikuyu interest. Jaramogi never stepped down or refused to become PM. He had no say. Kikuyus were the major partner and KANU was their party Harry Thuku was the caretaker - and later James Gichuru. Those are people who refused to form gov until Jomo was out. Jomo had been elected Chair as absentia and James Gichuru became the caretaker...and resigned as soon as Jomo was out and he became chair.

Perhaps the same way ODMers Think Uhuru and System will handover them the presidency to Raila in 2022

The 1963 Kenyan general election was held in Kenya Colony between 18 and 26 May 1963. Voters elected members of the House of Representatives and Senate. The election was the last before independence later in the year.

The result was a victory for the Kenya African National Union (KANU), which won 83 of the 124 seats in the House of Representatives and 18 of the 38 seats in the Senate. Five seats in the House and three in the Senate remained unfilled due to a secessionist conflict on the border with Somalia.

But how would Jaramogi become PORK when James Gichuru was the Chairman of KANU. It would have been the drunkard James Gichuru.
Seems mzungu and Kenyatta sold the lie that Mau Mau would remain in the forest in case Jaramogi became head of government. Rational, maybe naive Jaramogi swallowed it fully.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: 1973 Documentary on Kenyatta
« Reply #21 on: January 30, 2021, 02:52:43 PM »
Pre Internet times one would by such type of lies , but with information readily available .Its a matter of a click and you get the information you need .
Colonialists actually were pro KADU to safeguard their own selfish interests . They mistrusted K.A.N.U.  Below is how K.A.N.U was formed and how Settlers joined forces with K.A.D.U to fight K.A.N.U.

On 14 May 1960 KAU having been resurrected by James Gichuru merged with Tom Mboya's Kenya Independence Movement and the Nairobi People's Convention Party to form the Kenya African National Union (KANU) with Tom Mboya as its first secretary general and James Gichuru as KANU chairman. Oginga Odinga was the KANU first vice chairman.

The Kenya African Democratic Union (KADU) was a political party in Kenya. It was founded in 1960 when several leading politicians refused to join Jomo Kenyatta's Kenya African National Union (KANU). It was led by Ronald Ngala who was joined by Moi's Kalenjin Political Alliance, the Masai United Front, the Kenya African Peoples Party, the Coast African Political Union,Masinde Muliro's Baluhya Political Union and the Somali National Front.[1] The separate tribal organisations were to retain their identity and so, from the very start, KADU based its political approach on tribalism.[2] KADU's aim was to defend the interests of the so-called KAMATUSA (an acronym for Kalenjin, Maasai, Turkana and Samburu ethnic groups) as well as the British settlers, against the imagined future dominance of the larger Luo and Kikuyu that comprised the majority of KANU's membership, when it became inevitable that Kenya will achieve its independence.[3] The KADU objective was to work towards a multiracial self government within the existing colonial political system.[1] After release of Jomo Kenyatta,KADU was becoming increasingly popular with European settlers and, on the whole, repudiated Kenyatta's leadership.[4] KADU's plan at Lancaster meetings was devised by European supporters, essentially to protect prevailing British settlers land rights.[4]

 The colonial authorities instead promoted the idea of regional moderate tribal political parties all over the country other than in central Kenya where the political party ban remained until 1960.Regional moderate 'kingpins' subsequently emerged with their regional political parties. These included Daniel Moi, Masinde Muliro and Ronald Ngala. Majority of these regional leaders had been elected to the LegCo in 1957 general elections. Ronald Ngala brought all these regional outfits together to form KADU when Jomo Kenyatta was released from prison in 1961 and made the president of the newly formed KANU[7]

KADU lost to KANU in the first general elections in Kenya in 1963, where it had campaigned on a platform of Majimboism, multiracial nation with white minority rule under the principles established in the Lyttelton Constitution of 1954

This Luo lie. Kikuyu had always a caretaker chairman of KANU to take care of Kenyatta and Kikuyu interest. Jaramogi never stepped down or refused to become PM. He had no say. Kikuyus were the major partner and KANU was their party Harry Thuku was the caretaker - and later James Gichuru. Those are people who refused to form gov until Jomo was out. Jomo had been elected Chair as absentia and James Gichuru became the caretaker...and resigned as soon as Jomo was out and he became chair.

Perhaps the same way ODMers Think Uhuru and System will handover them the presidency to Raila in 2022

The 1963 Kenyan general election was held in Kenya Colony between 18 and 26 May 1963. Voters elected members of the House of Representatives and Senate. The election was the last before independence later in the year.

The result was a victory for the Kenya African National Union (KANU), which won 83 of the 124 seats in the House of Representatives and 18 of the 38 seats in the Senate. Five seats in the House and three in the Senate remained unfilled due to a secessionist conflict on the border with Somalia.

But how would Jaramogi become PORK when James Gichuru was the Chairman of KANU. It would have been the drunkard James Gichuru.
Seems mzungu and Kenyatta sold the lie that Mau Mau would remain in the forest in case Jaramogi became head of government. Rational, maybe naive Jaramogi swallowed it fully.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: 1973 Documentary on Kenyatta
« Reply #22 on: January 30, 2021, 03:05:17 PM »
KADU lost to KANU in the first general elections in Kenya in 1963, where it had campaigned on a platform of Majimboism, multiracial nation with white minority rule under the principles established in the Lyttelton Constitution of 1954

That is false.

The election under Lancaster constitution was held in 1960 - I think - KANU won - but refused to form gov.

KADU and small parties formed coalition - and joined gov. Moi became a Minister of Education in 1961-62 and later Minister of Local Government 1962-64.

Later in 1963 - Jomo Kenyatta was released - and another election - KANU won and had enough numbers to form a gov without a coalition.
Pre Internet times one would by such type of lies , but with information readily available .Its a matter of a click and you get the information you need .
Colonialists actually were pro KADU to safeguard their own selfish interests . They mistrusted K.A.N.U.  Below is how K.A.N.U was formed and how Settlers joined forces with K.A.D.U to fight K.A.N.U.

On 14 May 1960 KAU having been resurrected by James Gichuru merged with Tom Mboya's Kenya Independence Movement and the Nairobi People's Convention Party to form the Kenya African National Union (KANU) with Tom Mboya as its first secretary general and James Gichuru as KANU chairman. Oginga Odinga was the KANU first vice chairman.

The Kenya African Democratic Union (KADU) was a political party in Kenya. It was founded in 1960 when several leading politicians refused to join Jomo Kenyatta's Kenya African National Union (KANU). It was led by Ronald Ngala who was joined by Moi's Kalenjin Political Alliance, the Masai United Front, the Kenya African Peoples Party, the Coast African Political Union,Masinde Muliro's Baluhya Political Union and the Somali National Front.[1] The separate tribal organisations were to retain their identity and so, from the very start, KADU based its political approach on tribalism.[2] KADU's aim was to defend the interests of the so-called KAMATUSA (an acronym for Kalenjin, Maasai, Turkana and Samburu ethnic groups) as well as the British settlers, against the imagined future dominance of the larger Luo and Kikuyu that comprised the majority of KANU's membership, when it became inevitable that Kenya will achieve its independence.[3] The KADU objective was to work towards a multiracial self government within the existing colonial political system.[1] After release of Jomo Kenyatta,KADU was becoming increasingly popular with European settlers and, on the whole, repudiated Kenyatta's leadership.[4] KADU's plan at Lancaster meetings was devised by European supporters, essentially to protect prevailing British settlers land rights.[4]

 The colonial authorities instead promoted the idea of regional moderate tribal political parties all over the country other than in central Kenya where the political party ban remained until 1960.Regional moderate 'kingpins' subsequently emerged with their regional political parties. These included Daniel Moi, Masinde Muliro and Ronald Ngala. Majority of these regional leaders had been elected to the LegCo in 1957 general elections. Ronald Ngala brought all these regional outfits together to form KADU when Jomo Kenyatta was released from prison in 1961 and made the president of the newly formed KANU[7]

KADU lost to KANU in the first general elections in Kenya in 1963, where it had campaigned on a platform of Majimboism, multiracial nation with white minority rule under the principles established in the Lyttelton Constitution of 1954

This Luo lie. Kikuyu had always a caretaker chairman of KANU to take care of Kenyatta and Kikuyu interest. Jaramogi never stepped down or refused to become PM. He had no say. Kikuyus were the major partner and KANU was their party Harry Thuku was the caretaker - and later James Gichuru. Those are people who refused to form gov until Jomo was out. Jomo had been elected Chair as absentia and James Gichuru became the caretaker...and resigned as soon as Jomo was out and he became chair.

Perhaps the same way ODMers Think Uhuru and System will handover them the presidency to Raila in 2022

The 1963 Kenyan general election was held in Kenya Colony between 18 and 26 May 1963. Voters elected members of the House of Representatives and Senate. The election was the last before independence later in the year.

The result was a victory for the Kenya African National Union (KANU), which won 83 of the 124 seats in the House of Representatives and 18 of the 38 seats in the Senate. Five seats in the House and three in the Senate remained unfilled due to a secessionist conflict on the border with Somalia.

But how would Jaramogi become PORK when James Gichuru was the Chairman of KANU. It would have been the drunkard James Gichuru.
Seems mzungu and Kenyatta sold the lie that Mau Mau would remain in the forest in case Jaramogi became head of government. Rational, maybe naive Jaramogi swallowed it fully.