Bush 1 evicted Saddam from Kuwait in 91. This was provoked by Saddam.
Bush 2 invaded Afghanistan after 911. Then invaded Iraq over fictional WMD.
Obama wrecked Libya, Tunisia, Yemen, Syria and nearly brought Egypt, Bahrain to their knees in the hare-brained Arab Spring project. After killing 100s of 000s it spread into the European Spring. Arguably Obama incited Brexit. Unilaterally deserting an Iraq still in turmoil largely aided ISIL - the brutal Daesh remnants of the Ba'ath Army.
Trump... he has been a hands-off kind of man. Aloof or don't care. The open pandering to Israel over Palestine, to Saudi Arabia over Iran, etc - are way worse than absconding the Paris Climate Accord and other strategic copouts. Trump's hallmark foreign policy was the trade war with China - but today I am watching the protests demanding that US troops withdraw from Iraq during the anniversary of Iranian General Qassam Suleimani. Despite years of US sanctions with the harshest from Trump, Iran seems more powerful than ever, with a stranglehold on Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen. Yes, Iran has prevailed over yet another passing cloud! an Iran official twitter handle declares.
I can't help but wonder: does China even feel our sanctions? Have they not consistently aided Iran and ignored us? Did they not impose a national security law on Hong Kong despite our protests? Have the Europeans not embraced them in new trade deals at our expense? From Israel, Palestine, Iran, China to Europe - have we not lost the world?