Author Topic: Raila Calls The Corrupt Murathe and Bankrupt Tuju Pro Reforms & Want An Alliance  (Read 1974 times)

Offline Nowayhaha

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Be ready for a new alliance ahead of 2022, Raila tells ODM top organ

ODM chief Raila Odinga has told a key organ of his party to be ready for a new political alliance ahead of the 2022 polls.

This is the clearest indication yet that the former prime minister is determined to dump the moribund Nasa coalition in his new political game plan.

For the first time, Raila on Friday hinted that a partnership with President Uhuru Kenyatta could be in the offing in what could shake up the country's terrain.

Already, Nasa which comprises of Wiper, ANC, Ford-Kenya, ODM and CCM, is technically dead with each of the parties forging different ways forward.

Raila told members of ODM's National Executive Committee, NEC, that the future looks bright for the party following his partnership with Uhuru's wing of Jubilee party.

Deputy President William Ruto, Raila's nemesis, is leading the other faction of Jubilee christened Tangatanga.

“Our existing alliance with the pro-reform wing of Jubilee led by the President has seen the country move forward in critical areas like fighting corruption and initiating key development projects evenly to more parts of the country,” Raila said.

He spoke during a meeting of NEC members held in Machakos on Friday.

The opposition chief told members of his party to be ready for different formations going forward but cautioned against burning bridges.

“We must forge new alliances and strengthen existing ones with the aim of getting the country to move forward,” Raila said.

The remarks come weeks after Jubilee vice-chairman David Murathe, a close confidant of the President, asked Kenyans to prepare for a Raila presidency in 2022.

Raila's own brother Oburu Oginga has claimed Raila will win the 2022 polls because he now has the support of the President and the so called "system".

Murathe's remarks were backed by Cotu secretary general Francis Atwoli who also said 2022 will be Raila's moment to lead the country.

Both Murathe and Atwoli are influential figures in the Building Bridges Initiative, a process Raila and Uhuru are pushing to alter the country's governance structure.

But appraising the NEC members on the benefits ODM stands to reap from its partnership with Uhuru, Raila said his part did not make a mistake in the handshake pact.

The opposition leader warned that before his handshake with the president, people he described as “dark forces against reform” had ensured that certain regions were starved of development.

“To be victorious, we will need synergy and unity of purpose among all our party organs and branches and greater coordination with our members and supporters across the country,” Raila said.

He went on: “We must strengthen our party at the grassroots and recruit more into our ranks. We must activate and strengthen the Youth and Women leagues of the party for the contests ahead.”

Rallying his party to remains firm in the handshake, Raila urged the members to be unrelenting unapologetic in their support for President Uhuru's war on corruption.

By doing so, Raila said, then ODM will be able to achieve its objectives of building a truly prosperous nation with a vibrant and inclusive economy.

He said the support of the anti-graft war will also eradicate poverty, inequality and creates jobs for the youth.

“ Corruption is the single most important cause of the poverty afflicting our people and the underdevelopment afflicting our nation,” Raila said.

"In the months ahead, we are going into a confrontation with the beneficiaries of proceeds of corruption who are arraigned against our agenda for a radical socio-economic transformation, job creation and equitable distribution of prosperity," he said.

Raila said the Building Bridges Initiative is around the corner and the forces opposing change will have to find a place to hide.

"The forces that have always opposed change; the voices of impunity that thrive on corruption and outright lies, have already lined up against the report," he said.

"We must stop them from dragging the country into anarchy."

Raila did not mention names but the Deputy President William Ruto's allies claim the Building Bridges Initiative report is being secretly doctored after President Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila "disagreed" on key issues.

The DP's confidants spoke as anxiety continued to mount over the delay in handing over the BBI report, three weeks after the taskforce confirmed it had completed its work.

The report proposed an executive President with a Prime Minister appointed by the head of state from the majority party in Parliament.

The BBI team, formally known as the Steering Committee on the Implementation of the Building Bridges to a United Kenya Task Force Report, competed its work on June 30.

 The DP's camp has been blowing hot and cold on their support for the BBI report.

At some point they backed it to avert confrontational campaigns against those who wanted to project the DP as opposing the document.

Offline Pajero

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Yea,coalitions are made to be broken.Nothing is permanent in politics,only interests.every election has its own dynamics.One thing Raila beats others is the art of re invention.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Yea,coalitions are made to be broken.Nothing is permanent in politics,only interests.every election has its own dynamics.One thing Raila beats others is the art of re invention.
His re-invention since 82 coup has lead to nowhere . He still lost in  97,07,13,17 elections and will lose again in 2022 elections .

Offline RV Pundit

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As long as you will accept a coalition where Raila is not the head...
Yea,coalitions are made to be broken.Nothing is permanent in politics,only interests.every election has its own dynamics.One thing Raila beats others is the art of re invention.

Offline Pajero

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its a game of numbers,small rivers join big rivers

Offline RV Pundit

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Luo pretty small river...
its a game of numbers,small rivers join big rivers