Author Topic: What is behind rising Lakes and Rivers! RV Pundit & Gout  (Read 1737 times)

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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What is behind rising Lakes and Rivers! RV Pundit & Gout
« on: September 19, 2020, 12:06:53 AM »
In Kenya, rising water levels in lakes along the Great Rift Valley have forced thousands of people from their homes, submerging huge areas of farmland. Schools, hospitals, roads and water pipes have been destroyed. Crucially, there is a real fear that Lake Baringo and Lake Bogoria, one fresh and the other saline, will contaminate each other.

What is causing this? Pay close attention!

Helen Robinson, a geologist with extensive experience in East Africa, explained to me that when it is hot and dry for a long time the soils becomes so dry that they cannot absorb water. Then when it rains, huge amounts run along the surface to the rivers, then the lakes. Robinson explained that if the soils had some moisture content, much more of the rainwater would drain into the groundwater system. Trees help soils to retain moisture, but Kenya’s forest cover is only 7% of its landmass, 3 per cent less than the 10 per cent recommended by the United Nations.

It is a concern that the Baringo County government shares. A post-floods report published in June by the Kenya Inter-Agency Rapid Assessment Mechanism concluded that the Rift Valley is becoming the most flood-prone region in Kenya. Much of that water ends up in the lakes, which inevitably swell. The report attributed the flooding to a combination of poor land use practices, deforestation and accumulation of silt.

We got to do better!

Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: What is behind rising Lakes and Rivers! RV Pundit & Gout
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2020, 02:04:31 AM »
Nonsense. Historical rainfalls surpassing those of 1961. The last 5yrs have seen rainfall never seen before. And you're crying Mau. The climatic natural forces are bigger than those. This is affecting the region - uganda, tz, name them.

It just cyclical patterns...happen every couple of years.

Let hope the rains will continue.