Author Topic: 2021 will be a year of Food shortages  (Read 2430 times)

Offline KenyanPlato

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2021 will be a year of Food shortages
« on: August 15, 2020, 05:42:38 AM »
China is having issues with food supply. Lots of flood over 42 million residents impacted. Most of the land that crops are grown on is flooded. There is a pork shortage.

US seems Iowa just got hit by a bad storm that may have damaged most of the corn in the fields and caused a lot of infrastructure damages

East Africa will have a drought. Forecasts show that end of year rains will fall short and next year will be a dry one. Time to prepare a good green house and capitalize on possible shortages

Even hay farming may be ideal

I just wonder what Kenya needs to be able to mass produce pork for sale to China. Chinese get most of their proteins from Pork meat. We just need to find a way to grow soy cheap and use it as feed

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: 2021 will be a year of Food shortages
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2020, 08:23:18 AM »
China is having issues with food supply. Lots of flood over 42 million residents impacted. Most of the land that crops are grown on is flooded. There is a pork shortage.

US seems Iowa just got hit by a bad storm that may have damaged most of the corn in the fields and caused a lot of infrastructure damages

East Africa will have a drought. Forecasts show that end of year rains will fall short and next year will be a dry one. Time to prepare a good green house and capitalize on possible shortages

Even hay farming may be ideal

I just wonder what Kenya needs to be able to mass produce pork for sale to China. Chinese get most of their proteins from Pork meat. We just need to find a way to grow soy cheap and use it as feed

That is hustling backwards. China has shown it is willing use various trade tools to block Kenyan agricultural exports like Avocados even as it floods our markets with substandard food products notably poisoned fish. I don't know where people get the idea that you can trade with China freely or more accurately export to China freely, there is no concept of win-win in Chinese statecraft. You lose, they have to win, every time. It is the Confucian way, deceitful and malevolent.

Chinese rulers believed they had the Mandate of Heaven over tianxia, meaning "all under Heaven.

All under Heaven" means exactly what it says. In short, humanity's "shared future," in Beijing's eyes, is to be ruled by China. The Communist Party is serious: It employs dozens of scholars to study the application of tianxia to today's world
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Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: 2021 will be a year of Food shortages
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2020, 08:48:58 PM »
May be RV farmers can start growing Soy