Author Topic: Kenya economy to nosedive to -0.3 - talk of legacy - 2002!  (Read 2103 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Kenya economy to nosedive to -0.3 - talk of legacy - 2002!
« on: July 01, 2020, 12:53:01 PM »
Uhuru should abandon any rosy ideas about legacy and really try to steady the ship. Cut back on expenditure.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Kenya economy to nosedive to -0.3 - talk of legacy - 2002!
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2020, 01:29:46 PM »
Uhuru should abandon any rosy ideas about legacy and really try to steady the ship. Cut back on expenditure.

You expect some one who ran down 2 parties Kanu and Jubilee to save the economy. Forget it . Uhuru is lucky in his first term Ruto was runnimg the show. Actually Raila had managed in 2017 to steal his win only for Ruto to come out Guns blazing.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kenya economy to nosedive to -0.3 - talk of legacy - 2002!
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2020, 01:51:59 PM »
Yes, it a fraud on us who voted Jubilee knowing Ruto would be helping him.For now, he should stop many ideas, and try to pay salaries, debts and the bare minimum to keep the gov running. These are lean times.
You expect some one who ran down 2 parties Kanu and Jubilee to save the economy. Forget it . Uhuru is lucky in his first term Ruto was runnimg the show. Actually Raila had managed in 2017 to steal his win only for Ruto to come out Guns blazing.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Kenya economy to nosedive to -0.3 - talk of legacy - 2002!
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2020, 01:57:16 PM »
Yes, it a fraud on us who voted Jubilee knowing Ruto would be helping him.For now, he should stop many ideas, and try to pay salaries, debts and the bare minimum to keep the gov running. These are lean times.
You expect some one who ran down 2 parties Kanu and Jubilee to save the economy. Forget it . Uhuru is lucky in his first term Ruto was runnimg the show. Actually Raila had managed in 2017 to steal his win only for Ruto to come out Guns blazing.

He is busy looting with the help of ODM and Raila

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kenya economy to nosedive to -0.3 - talk of legacy - 2002!
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2020, 02:22:33 PM »
IMF will come and run the show. There is no more money from IMF and WB that will come without serious conditions - and essentially IMF will be one running the gov - firing people - and many very difficult unpopular decision he won't make - but will be forced to make.

Next thing Wanjohi will be doing is IMF BAIL OUT -  credit facility for distressed nations.

And IMF will arrive in town - to run things.

Already banks are facing a crisis - if people don't recover their small business and jobs - nobody will repay loans - banks will have to declare bankruptcy - or they will start collapsing with people savings.

He is busy looting with the help of ODM and Raila

Offline patel

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Re: Kenya economy to nosedive to -0.3 - talk of legacy - 2002!
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2020, 08:13:35 PM »
Of lately I have noticed the gang that voted 3 times for criminals indicted by ICC for crimes against humanity towards their own people are the ones making the loudest noise about economy and corruption. Kuleni ujeuri yenu. Tumewazoea. Us will finishing the journey with Uhuru. Baba wa taifa.

Offline hk

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Re: Kenya economy to nosedive to -0.3 - talk of legacy - 2002!
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2020, 08:00:56 AM »
Uhuru should abandon any rosy ideas about legacy and really try to steady the ship. Cut back on expenditure.

You expect some one who ran down 2 parties Kanu and Jubilee to save the economy. Forget it . Uhuru is lucky in his first term Ruto was runnimg the show. Actually Raila had managed in 2017 to steal his win only for Ruto to come out Guns blazing.

Kenya economy is where it is cause of bonehead policies of the first jubilee term. The covid was just the last straw. Private sector went into recession way back in 2016. Jubilee literally doubled the budget accompanied with domestic and foreign borrowing. The effects of such ppolicies of ignoring fiscal responsibility its the reason why the economy is in recession.
I would like to know just one CS from URP wing of the government that has performed? There's no good side of jubilee, both sides are inept and corrupt period.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kenya economy to nosedive to -0.3 - talk of legacy - 2002!
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2020, 08:07:10 AM »
Jubilee 1.0 borrowed but also delivered. They build 10K paved roads - when they found only 11k. They double or tripled electricity connections. They delivered SGR - kenya largest investment. They also did very well in social investment - we are now seeing 100% transition from primary to secondary.

Is Jubilee 1.0 economic growth was consistent at 6% - highest we have seen in kenya regimes - but Jubilee 2.0 - that growth has gone down to 5% - and next -0.3% (according to IMF projection) - and 2021 - and 2022 - will give us an average - it could be back to Moi era of 2-4%.

The economic problems started with interest rate capping - when private credit was frozen by banks - and now COVID-19 has done complete damage.

Uhuru has to tighten gov belts - but seem he is happy with 200B kshs - :) from IMF/WB - if nothing changes - we will next be asking for IMF bailout and the attended IMF conditionalities.

Kenya economy is where it is cause of bonehead policies of the first jubilee term. The covid was just the last straw. Private sector went into recession way back in 2016. Jubilee literally doubled the budget accompanied with domestic and foreign borrowing. The effects of such ppolicies of ignoring fiscal responsibility its the reason why the economy is in recession.
I would like to know just one CS from URP wing of the government that has performed? There's no good side of jubilee, both sides are inept and corrupt period.

Offline hk

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Re: Kenya economy to nosedive to -0.3 - talk of legacy - 2002!
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2020, 08:49:29 AM »
Jubilee 1.0 borrowed but also delivered. They build 10K paved roads - when they found only 11k. They double or tripled electricity connections. They delivered SGR - kenya largest investment. They also did very well in social investment - we are now seeing 100% transition from primary to secondary.

Is Jubilee 1.0 economic growth was consistent at 6% - highest we have seen in kenya regimes - but Jubilee 2.0 - that growth has gone down to 5% - and next -0.3% (according to IMF projection) - and 2021 - and 2022 - will give us an average - it could be back to Moi era of 2-4%.

The economic problems started with interest rate capping - when private credit was frozen by banks - and now COVID-19 has done complete damage.

Uhuru has to tighten gov belts - but seem he is happy with 200B kshs - :) from IMF/WB - if nothing changes - we will next be asking for IMF bailout and the attended IMF conditionalities.

Kenya economy is where it is cause of bonehead policies of the first jubilee term. The covid was just the last straw. Private sector went into recession way back in 2016. Jubilee literally doubled the budget accompanied with domestic and foreign borrowing. The effects of such ppolicies of ignoring fiscal responsibility its the reason why the economy is in recession.
I would like to know just one CS from URP wing of the government that has performed? There's no good side of jubilee, both sides are inept and corrupt period.
Jubilee hasn't constructed 10k roads here is real data  and even the about 4k built was grossly inflated.
The idiotic policy of universal electricity connection is what led to 1m idle connection and high power bills for everyone else. Now we're stuck with thermal energy for another 15yrs
The 6% jubilee growth was more than 50% being driven by public expenditure, it wasn't private sector led. After treasury hit fiscal limit the growth stalled, now the economy is suffering the consequences of fiscal irresponsibility. SGR is probably the worst public investment kenya has ever done, if it were cheaper to use that would be atleast be bearable.
Again is there a single CS from URP wing that has performed?

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kenya economy to nosedive to -0.3 - talk of legacy - 2002!
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2020, 09:10:26 AM »
You're throwing curve balls by attaching a document without any idea where I would find the information. The total paved roads when I checked was 21K - Jubilee found 10-11k in 2013. I can tell you from Bomet, Kericho and Nakuru and Narok where I am invested; the roads are reality; and the main reason why Jubilee is very popular.

As for electricity - this was not a new policy - this was accelerating the old policy - and Jubilee did very well. The problem about thermal energy is long one - that is blamed on Kibaki and Moi. Jubilee did not sign any new thermal energy IPP. The question of power consumption is neither here or there. Until we get manufacturing and mining companies - household however rich - cannot use power. 6,000 or 600 customers out of 8m customers of KPLC consume 70% of power. In South Africa - it even worse - I think less than 100 costumers of Eskom consume 80% of their 30,000MW. The main consumers of power are always mining and large manufacturers.

As you well know the ease of doing business - Kenya is now 3rd to Mauritus and Rwanda in SSA Africa.

Jubilee 1.0 did very well...they were first regime I know who improved their vote count from 50% to nearly 55% - Kibaki screwed up so much - 63% to 43%.

As for URP versus TNA - that is childish talk - you cannot tell who is URP or TNA in this gov or Jubilee 1.0 - unless you want to split them into tribes.

The only URP minister for sure is Charles Keter - who quit as URP senator to join politics - otherwise someone like Finance Minister was Uhuru man but became Ruto man when he got fired.

Jubilee hasn't constructed 10k roads here is real data  and even the about 4k built was grossly inflated.
The idiotic policy of universal electricity connection is what led to 1m idle connection and high power bills for everyone else. Now we're stuck with thermal energy for another 15yrs
The 6% jubilee growth was more than 50% being driven by public expenditure, it wasn't private sector led. After treasury hit fiscal limit the growth stalled, now the economy is suffering the consequences of fiscal irresponsibility. SGR is probably the worst public investment kenya has ever done, if it were cheaper to use that would be atleast be bearable.
Again is there a single CS from URP wing that has performed?

Offline hk

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Re: Kenya economy to nosedive to -0.3 - talk of legacy - 2002!
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2020, 11:26:47 PM »
You're throwing curve balls by attaching a document without any idea where I would find the information. The total paved roads when I checked was 21K - Jubilee found 10-11k in 2013. I can tell you from Bomet, Kericho and Nakuru and Narok where I am invested; the roads are reality; and the main reason why Jubilee is very popular.

As for electricity - this was not a new policy - this was accelerating the old policy - and Jubilee did very well. The problem about thermal energy is long one - that is blamed on Kibaki and Moi. Jubilee did not sign any new thermal energy IPP. The question of power consumption is neither here or there. Until we get manufacturing and mining companies - household however rich - cannot use power. 6,000 or 600 customers out of 8m customers of KPLC consume 70% of power. In South Africa - it even worse - I think less than 100 costumers of Eskom consume 80% of their 30,000MW. The main consumers of power are always mining and large manufacturers.

As you well know the ease of doing business - Kenya is now 3rd to Mauritus and Rwanda in SSA Africa.

Jubilee 1.0 did very well...they were first regime I know who improved their vote count from 50% to nearly 55% - Kibaki screwed up so much - 63% to 43%.

As for URP versus TNA - that is childish talk - you cannot tell who is URP or TNA in this gov or Jubilee 1.0 - unless you want to split them into tribes.

The only URP minister for sure is Charles Keter - who quit as URP senator to join politics - otherwise someone like Finance Minister was Uhuru man but became Ruto man when he got fired.

Jubilee hasn't constructed 10k roads here is real data  and even the about 4k built was grossly inflated.
The idiotic policy of universal electricity connection is what led to 1m idle connection and high power bills for everyone else. Now we're stuck with thermal energy for another 15yrs
The 6% jubilee growth was more than 50% being driven by public expenditure, it wasn't private sector led. After treasury hit fiscal limit the growth stalled, now the economy is suffering the consequences of fiscal irresponsibility. SGR is probably the worst public investment kenya has ever done, if it were cheaper to use that would be atleast be bearable.
Again is there a single CS from URP wing that has performed?
My point is URP is non better contrary to what nowahaya had suggested that somehow jubilee first term was a breeze. To be honest some of the biggest heist and ill thought out policies were developed the first term of jubilee.