Author Topic: What is the best way to talk of a group people out of hate  (Read 5004 times)

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: What is the best way to talk of a group people out of hate
« Reply #20 on: June 17, 2020, 05:50:19 AM »
A_D you are a NUT case,, No need to split hairs with that .. Even in Black states only hate exists.. So total separation won't work .. Remember there is no time in recent history that people have not mixed.. Even in East Africa going back to 1600s there was still new races and groups coming in to live and trade

Bury your head in the sand, see where that takes you.

I always laugh at the anti racism initiatives of European football leagues, it is so hollow and meaningless because they are fighting human nature. Crackers are getting more racist and uppity not less. Same way tribalism is getting worse in Kenya, in the past tribal identity was fluid but now it is fixed, it is so bad the only solution is confederation of tribes ala Switzerland. Hate diminishes when you have a homogeneous society.

Even in East Africa going back to 1600s there was still new races and groups coming in to live and trade

The earliest non black outsiders were the Arab and Portuguese slavers who came to conquer and enslave blacks. See, any time two races meet trouble ensues, struggle for domination and competition for resources.

I know this is deep belief within ultra conservatives. I hate labels but I remember when I used to subscribe to the economonist this were theories advanced by Conservative Thinkers and scholars.  I think Africans are better at multiculturalism. If you think about Kenya you can see most instances we do very well in multiculturalism whenever there is no White power structure creating artificial conflict. I am more convinced that White People are very poor in dealing with Multiculturalism because they lack the experience. Something like the USA institutionalized racism is due to Whites being lazy and lacking imagination. Whites culture has a lot of short-term view and very artificial way to relating to each other. It seems like all the advancements in technology are based on getting ahead now consequences be damned. Look at Bio engineering.. these fuckers would knowingly kill the pillars of an ecosystem so that they can have the best trading company.. No other races behaves like Whites.. what we call daring is some type of cultural stupidity of some sort.. I hope I am making sense.

I think we know that Homogenus societies ships sailed way back in 1650s and wont be back. America idea of melting pot won't happen on terms of everyone becoming White. I am seeing Islands like Britain being overrun by brown people in a matter of years.. France will fall to Africans so it is up to white people to take the intiative now or face a bloody show down.. In USA after this elections and by 2030 it will be game over for Whites..

What I have noticed in my time as a consultant is that Corporate America (CAPITAL) has realized that the future is not with White Power. IT is moving rapidly to bring in New races and gender equality. As matter of fact most of big Banks/ financial institutions are embarking on Salary equalization and disclosure of their pay to women and minorities.. They know that their market depends on this group. America Capital owners know that a weak consumer means their death and so the White Power time is up and is a matter of time of total power loss or a show down that will make Rwanda look like paradise

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: What is the best way to talk of a group people out of hate
« Reply #21 on: June 17, 2020, 07:12:29 AM »
I know this is deep belief within ultra conservatives. I hate labels but I remember when I used to subscribe to the economonist this were theories advanced by Conservative Thinkers and scholars.  I think Africans are better at multiculturalism. If you think about Kenya you can see most instances we do very well in multiculturalism whenever there is no White power structure creating artificial conflict. I am more convinced that White People are very poor in dealing with Multiculturalism because they lack the experience. Something like the USA institutionalized racism is due to Whites being lazy and lacking imagination. Whites culture has a lot of short-term view and very artificial way to relating to each other. It seems like all the advancements in technology are based on getting ahead now consequences be damned. Look at Bio engineering.. these fuckers would knowingly kill the pillars of an ecosystem so that they can have the best trading company.. No other races behaves like Whites.. what we call daring is some type of cultural stupidity of some sort.. I hope I am making sense.

You absolutely are. We in agreement here. I have quibble about being labeled ultra conservative, I don't believe in labels too.

Your observations on white culture and outlook to life are very astute. I would add East Asians are similarly shallow people who lack nuance and soul.

I think we know that Homogenus societies ships sailed way back in 1650s and wont be back. America idea of melting pot won't happen on terms of everyone becoming White. I am seeing Islands like Britain being overrun by brown people in a matter of years.. France will fall to Africans so it is up to white people to take the intiative now or face a bloody show down.. In USA after this elections and by 2030 it will be game over for Whites..

I remember being told globalization was a fact of life and we must get on with it. Post covid 19, the world looks very different, countries are seriously talking about reshoring, bringing back PPE manufacturing, declaring some industries national security assets such food production, global trade is shrinking, those heady days of global village are truly over. The clamor everywhere is for Nationalism and ethnic puritanism. Which is a paradox because where were are connected than ever, most people on this planet have heard of George Floyd for example. It doesn't make us more accepting of each other, just as 50 years of being kept together in pseudo nation hasn't made Kenyan tribes love each other. It is all moot though, because we only 50 years max of stable climate before all hell breaks loose.

What I have noticed in my time as a consultant is that Corporate America (CAPITAL) has realized that the future is not with White Power. IT is moving rapidly to bring in New races and gender equality. As matter of fact most of big Banks/ financial institutions are embarking on Salary equalization and disclosure of their pay to women and minorities.. They know that their market depends on this group. America Capital owners know that a weak consumer means their death and so the White Power time is up and is a matter of time of total power loss or a show down that will make Rwanda look like paradise

One hopes so.
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Re: What is the best way to talk of a group people out of hate
« Reply #22 on: June 17, 2020, 10:07:36 AM »
Hate is a genetic component of animals based primarily on tangible differences such as species, colour blah blah. There is no walking out of it - maybe moderation and self control.

Even pre slavery and pre colonial mwafrika were killing each other over petty hate differences like lions over water, food, and well women. Our current facade of hospitality is built over violent reinforcement and some carrot rewards based on how we have treated mzungu and now Chinese. On any fair day we would make mince meat out the mzungu in Laikipia ranches or in these hotels just like Mau Mau did.  Those who enforce the colonial love are rewarded like Jomo and friends or brutally finished like Kimathi, so we learn to make hospitable choices.

The problem when institutionalised for decades, centuries and generations, the hate becomes embedded as way of life as with religious, racial and tribal hatreds. Even this there is no easy way as reforming institutions to address the hate means more hate.

In those circumstances, first is to appreciate that hate is largely nothing personal and thus take all the safety precautions as systems put in place measures such as police cam. Even such is not a solution as there are always loopholes as the one where a rational police officer stopping another officer from choking will be disciplined. 
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Re: What is the best way to talk of a group people out of hate
« Reply #23 on: June 18, 2020, 10:11:49 PM »
I know.  Arcadian seems intelligent.  Which is all the more puzzling.  4 buddies *SMDH*.

I was just using those four people to illustrate my point, there is silent majority of all races that doesn't buy the liberal fluff of free lunch and stuff.

It's not even silent.  Most people, given the option, would rather earn than be given free stuff.

You guys would be surprised just how much Americans like the status quo. I was very happy when Biden triumphed over Bernie. Trump folks are deflated now, they badly wanted Bernie because they could hammer him.

Washington, D.C. — Large majorities of Americans across demographic and partisan lines overwhelmingly reject congressional proposals to cut Medicaid, nutrition assistance, affordable housing, and other programs essential for helping provide basic living standards for low-income families, according to new polling from the Center for American Progress and GBA Strategies.

American healthcare is fine, they just need to remove employer based health insurance.

It's the most expensive with the worst outcomes in the developed world.
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Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: What is the best way to talk of a group people out of hate
« Reply #24 on: June 19, 2020, 12:09:30 AM »
America healthcare is shit. it is worst system for such a rich country.. The infant mortality is still high because doctors are after money and they can't overcome racial bias to help POC. It is the most fucked up thing I have ever seen. Medicare is used by rich people as a piggybank to steal from. The amount of sleeze that is in Medicare mind boggling. Americans are too greedy to really do healthcare right

Offline Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants

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Re: What is the best way to talk of a group people out of hate
« Reply #25 on: June 19, 2020, 12:17:20 AM »
America healthcare is shit. it is worst system for such a rich country.. The infant mortality is still high because doctors are after money and they can't overcome racial bias to help POC. It is the most fucked up thing I have ever seen. Medicare is used by rich people as a piggybank to steal from. The amount of sleeze that is in Medicare mind boggling. Americans are too greedy to really do healthcare right

I gave up trying to understand the behemoth.  It's almost like you need a degree in accounting to just start wrapping your head around it.  There are entire industries whose sole existence is because of health as a commodity and they have nothing to do with actual provision of health.  You are right, the corporate greed and welfare is beyond the pale.
"I freed a thousand slaves.  I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."

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Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: What is the best way to talk of a group people out of hate
« Reply #26 on: June 19, 2020, 04:05:46 AM »
America healthcare is shit. it is worst system for such a rich country.. The infant mortality is still high because doctors are after money and they can't overcome racial bias to help POC. It is the most fucked up thing I have ever seen. Medicare is used by rich people as a piggybank to steal from. The amount of sleeze that is in Medicare mind boggling. Americans are too greedy to really do healthcare right

I will agree that minorities are still shafted in healthcare, comes back to my point about racial separation. Btw don't use POC, it is an archaic useless term coined by white supremacists. That said the problem with American healthcare is bad tax incentives in healthcare. American healthcare is not a s bad as it is painted. Folks just regurgitating talking points, we are here and it is cheap by comparison to other countries with no waiting lists or rationing.
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: What is the best way to talk of a group people out of hate
« Reply #27 on: June 19, 2020, 04:08:07 AM »
I gave up trying to understand the behemoth.  It's almost like you need a degree in accounting to just start wrapping your head around it.  There are entire industries whose sole existence is because of health as a commodity and they have nothing to do with actual provision of health.  You are right, the corporate greed and welfare is beyond the pale.

Bitmask, I implore you to read this article before you give up. It will change your whole outlook on this subject. A bit lengthy but well worth the read.
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: What is the best way to talk of a group people out of hate
« Reply #28 on: June 19, 2020, 04:37:03 AM »
America healthcare is shit. it is worst system for such a rich country.. The infant mortality is still high because doctors are after money and they can't overcome racial bias to help POC. It is the most fucked up thing I have ever seen. Medicare is used by rich people as a piggybank to steal from. The amount of sleeze that is in Medicare mind boggling. Americans are too greedy to really do healthcare right

I will agree that minorities are still shafted in healthcare, comes back to my point about racial separation. Btw don't use POC, it is an archaic useless term coined by white supremacists. That said the problem with American healthcare is bad tax incentives in healthcare. American healthcare is not a s bad as it is painted. Folks just regurgitating talking points, we are here and it is cheap by comparison to other countries with no waiting lists or rationing.

Covid 19 is a pointer of how shitty the system is..I have been in healthcare from the floor to boardroom. I know my way around the system. Even before a hand is laid on you by a doctor you fate is determined by a some accounting wonk and statistician. Healthcare in usa is like military. You remove state and federal govt the pile of fraud collapses. You just have to work in the industry especially in compliance, finance to understand this you know doctors have one of the toughest lobbyists. Do you know the take the biggest chunck of medicare dollars. Then you have pharmacies ..they are nothing but glorified money laundering machines for phamarcetical companies

If you manted 5 million dollars and be able to get it and flee.. Open a ghetto pharmacy look for Aids patients. You could compete with mafias on how big money make. If you go to ghettos you see west africans with a pharmacy kiosk. Those are money makers. They do this for 5 years and skip town at night

Offline Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants

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Re: What is the best way to talk of a group people out of hate
« Reply #29 on: June 24, 2020, 01:34:37 AM »
I gave up trying to understand the behemoth.  It's almost like you need a degree in accounting to just start wrapping your head around it.  There are entire industries whose sole existence is because of health as a commodity and they have nothing to do with actual provision of health.  You are right, the corporate greed and welfare is beyond the pale.

Bitmask, I implore you to read this article before you give up. It will change your whole outlook on this subject. A bit lengthy but well worth the read.

Thanks for the interesting read.  The Cheesecake Factory analogy actually confirms what I think is at the core of America's healthcare problems.  Healthcare as a commodity. 

Too much of the cost(Kenyanplato might know the details better) goes to administration and feeding the insurance beasts than to the actual provision of healthcare.  The insurance companies are in it to maximize profit and if that means placing(cost mediated as opposed to health) limits on the care you can receive they will.  Making the actual health processes more efficient probably doesn't make a dent in this reality.
"I freed a thousand slaves.  I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."

Harriet Tubman

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: What is the best way to talk of a group people out of hate
« Reply #30 on: July 01, 2020, 04:12:56 AM »
Bitmask, I implore you to read this article before you give up. It will change your whole outlook on this subject. A bit lengthy but well worth the read.

Thanks for the interesting read.  The Cheesecake Factory analogy actually confirms what I think is at the core of America's healthcare problems.  Healthcare as a commodity. 

Too much of the cost(Kenyanplato might know the details better) goes to administration and feeding the insurance beasts than to the actual provision of healthcare.  The insurance companies are in it to maximize profit and if that means placing(cost mediated as opposed to health) limits on the care you can receive they will.  Making the actual health processes more efficient probably doesn't make a dent in this reality.

I don't think you comprehended the article otherwise you won't be asking these questions. Some people want to have their one payer system through the government all evidence be damned I guess. Ideology is bad thing when it stands in the way of common sense solutions.
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

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Re: What is the best way to talk of a group people out of hate
« Reply #31 on: July 01, 2020, 04:42:16 AM »
Quote from: Arcadian_Dreamer
Bitmask, I implore you to read this article before you give up. It will change your whole outlook on this subject. A bit lengthy but well worth the read.

Thanks for the interesting read.  The Cheesecake Factory analogy actually confirms what I think is at the core of America's healthcare problems.  Healthcare as a commodity. 

Too much of the cost(Kenyanplato might know the details better) goes to administration and feeding the insurance beasts than to the actual provision of healthcare.  The insurance companies are in it to maximize profit and if that means placing(cost mediated as opposed to health) limits on the care you can receive they will.  Making the actual health processes more efficient probably doesn't make a dent in this reality.
I don't think you comprehended the article otherwise you won't be asking these questions. Some people want to have their one payer system through the government all evidence be damned I guess. Ideology is bad thing when it stands in the way of common sense solutions.

If I recall correctly the author sees healthcare purely as a business.  He even uses the Cheesecake Factory as an useful analogue.  To him it boils down to poor management, rather than a problem with the system itself.  Is that close to how you understand it?  If not, what do you think the guy is saying?

What's the evidence that is damned against government involvement in healthcare?  Don't most OECD countries with a larger government presence have better health outcomes than the US?
"I freed a thousand slaves.  I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."

Harriet Tubman

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: What is the best way to talk of a group people out of hate
« Reply #32 on: July 01, 2020, 05:47:33 AM »
Quote from: Arcadian_Dreamer
Bitmask, I implore you to read this article before you give up. It will change your whole outlook on this subject. A bit lengthy but well worth the read.

Thanks for the interesting read.  The Cheesecake Factory analogy actually confirms what I think is at the core of America's healthcare problems.  Healthcare as a commodity. 

Too much of the cost(Kenyanplato might know the details better) goes to administration and feeding the insurance beasts than to the actual provision of healthcare.  The insurance companies are in it to maximize profit and if that means placing(cost mediated as opposed to health) limits on the care you can receive they will.  Making the actual health processes more efficient probably doesn't make a dent in this reality.
I don't think you comprehended the article otherwise you won't be asking these questions. Some people want to have their one payer system through the government all evidence be damned I guess. Ideology is bad thing when it stands in the way of common sense solutions.

If I recall correctly the author sees healthcare purely as a business.  He even uses the Cheesecake Factory as an useful analogue.  To him it boils down to poor management, rather than a problem with the system itself.  Is that close to how you understand it?  If not, what do you think the guy is saying?

What's the evidence that is damned against government involvement in healthcare?  Don't most OECD countries with a larger government presence have better health outcomes than the US?

Oops! I actually wanted you to read his other article, not this one. Read this article which addresses all your questions.

If you are a fan of  government run healthcare or employer based insurance, read at your own peril.
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.