Moi's breakup with Lena happened when Moi in the early 70s set eyes on the later Lilian Githunguri. Moi fell in love with the woman and never wanted to look back. Bad luck for Moi Stanley Githunguri who had just looted over 300M Ksh (today's value approx. 30B Ksh) from National Bank of Kenya to whom he was then chairman came around and pinched the lady from Moi. Githugunri later built the Lilian Towers opposite UoN naming it after his new found bird using part of the loot from NBK. Which woman from Kiambu would resist this kind of cash and Moi then as VP was not so moneyed?
Moi in his days was known to chase mainly headmisstresses of girls schools and he harassed a lot of female teachers in Kabarak. Even wives and daughters of his ministers were not spared. The man was really jogoo no. 1. Wife no official wife to bind him, Moi was a man on the loose completely.
Moi divorced his wife and had her literally jailed at home in Baringo. You can almost bet - infidelity was the chief cause of the divorce. What I have heard both Ruto and Moi has a thing for women - it sort of true - its either you're a wanjohi or a malaya.