Biden is one of the nutcases that unconditionally back #metoo nonsense where due dilligence goes thru the window. It now biting him hard in the arse. Suddenly the Rethugs don't see need for evidence - they want a Kavanaugh circus. Can't say I feel much for Biden on this one as accusations from 1980s emerge
It's always good to approach these things on principle instead of team-thinking, and it takes a great deal of integrity to be fair to your 'enemy.'
There was no evidence that Kavanaugh did anything apart from a 40-year old completely uncorroborated story. The other cases that 'emerged' after were so ridiculous, even the Times was like nah. Democrats said due process does not matter "because this is a job application, not a court case," and to "believe the woman." Well, they are now making the exact same case Republicans did for Kavanaugh for Biden.
Here's the truth: nobody knows what happened between Biden and Reade or Ford and Kavanaugh besides the people directly involved as none have direct witnesses. The "believe women" nonsense is madness because it's about determining guilt by group-membership (who's the male, who's the female) and has absolutely nothing to do with fairness or justice. Why? Because humans have no other way of determining the truth of a disputed claim of wrong-doing except objective evidence. There's no way to compensate for that by "believing" one side based on their gender, and that should be the rule/standard regardless of whether the person accused is Republican, Democrat, White, Black, Male, Female. Democrats now learning that lesson.