Uhuru will not appear and Raila mouthpiece odm just appeared.Its over.It appears there are people around Uhuru doing their thing...likes of Waiguru n Matiangi aiming for PM.Not Uhuru.Otherwise how does Uhuru take a lame position.
I see you are back to blaming Jezebel for everything. Waiguru or Kibicho has no gravitas to marshall all those governors and Gema elite - Mungas, KRA Waweru, Eddy Njoroge, etc - that Uhuru hand obviously. I asked you what would Uhuru gain by backing Raila for PORK without payback? He is betraying Ruto to be PM not for nothing. The man has said that himself - not just thru Atwoli, Waiguru and Munga.
So hold that horse... what exactly is over? Wiper wants majority party leader as PM to name cabinet - only fired by 2/3. Only the BBI wazee will produce final report. Raila and ODM of course will not play to Ruto advantage so not sure what excites you here.