Author Topic: Moi Should Be Buried Beside Jomo Kenyatta  (Read 4532 times)

Offline Garliv

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Moi Should Be Buried Beside Jomo Kenyatta
« on: February 07, 2020, 04:44:48 PM »

He should be buried alongside Kenyatta. He's 2nd President of Kenya and that should say it all.

Kibaki (when he dies) be buried next to Moi.

Offline Kadudu

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Re: Moi Should Be Buried Beside Jomo Kenyatta
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2020, 04:47:32 PM »
Kenyatta should be reburied in Gatundu.

Offline Garliv

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Re: Moi Should Be Buried Beside Jomo Kenyatta
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2020, 05:03:54 PM »
Why? It can also be turned into national burial grounds for Presidents.

Kenyatta should be reburied in Gatundu.

Offline Garliv

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Re: Moi Should Be Buried Beside Jomo Kenyatta
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2020, 05:19:02 PM »
Been thinking since Gideon is behaving like big bum vetting those who can and cannot view Moi's body, maybe it's time to realize those who become Presidents end up being public property and public history. They should be buried where even future generations of Kenyans can freely visit their burial sites.

I know all about Families, feelings and all that but being President is kind of special honour. The highest office. Only one Kenyan can be a president at a time.

My two cents.

Offline Kadudu

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Re: Moi Should Be Buried Beside Jomo Kenyatta
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2020, 06:59:42 PM »
Presidents in Kenya are overrated. They just end up enriching themselves, their kids, henchmen ans some of their tribesmen. They should be buried at their rural homes. Story kwisha.

Btw. just some time back Kenya had two presidents. One residing at SH and the othe People's president residing in Kibera. :D :D :D

Been thinking since Gideon is behaving like big bum vetting those who can and cannot view Moi's body, maybe it's time to realize those who become Presidents end up being public property and public history. They should be buried where even future generations of Kenyans can freely visit their burial sites.

I know all about Families, feelings and all that but being President is kind of special honour. The highest office. Only one Kenyan can be a president at a time.

My two cents.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Moi Should Be Buried Beside Jomo Kenyatta
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2020, 07:07:56 PM »
He should be cremated and his gravestone places everywhere they want. Well, I think some people, at least Kalenjin want to be buried next to their wife's, kids etc etc.

Offline MOON Ki

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Re: Moi Should Be Buried Beside Jomo Kenyatta
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2020, 07:13:10 PM »

He should be buried alongside Kenyatta. He's 2nd President of Kenya and that should say it all.

Kibaki (when he dies) be buried next to Moi.

What says it all is what he did to the country during his 24 years in power.  The sooner people can forget everything to do with Moi, the better.  Future generations can learn a few things about Moi and his rule---to wit, extreme nastiness in the abuse of power---but they can do that without visiting the man's grave site.  I can think of only one good reason to have a public grave for Moi: so that people can piss or take a shit on his head.

RV Pundit seems to have the right idea in cremation. 

His son is within his rights.   Ati public property!
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Offline Garliv

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Re: Moi Should Be Buried Beside Jomo Kenyatta
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2020, 10:41:04 PM »
I believe history is one of the most important discipline to grasp. Reason being its the only way the present generation and the next and the next can learn what's went wrong or what went right and reasons for that. Just because one is viewed as having messed or "destroyed" the country is even more important to remember him and the reasons why he got it so long.

All that is learned so as to avoid mistakes or impossibilities which had been tried before. And also to build on the those ideals and strategies that have worked well and improve on them.
Just like in Science/research the current scientists build on what the previous one did.

Now a public grave would make such history obvious. So as whoever sees it or visit it they can be prompted to study and understand who was who..

If one was a monster let he be remembered as such but let him be accorded special honour having risen to be President.

Of course personal wishes also matter. Am not so sure but US may have Presidents burial site at Arlington but at the end of it depends on individual preference.

My two cents...

NB:  public property was stated in jest but Presidents do affect public/country in profound ways such that they shouldn't just be forgotten..


He should be buried alongside Kenyatta. He's 2nd President of Kenya and that should say it all.

Kibaki (when he dies) be buried next to Moi.

What says it all is what he did to the country during his 24 years in power.  The sooner people can forget everything to do with Moi, the better.  Future generations can learn a few things about Moi and his rule---to wit, extreme nastiness in the abuse of power---but they can do that without visiting the man's grave site.  I can think of only one good reason to have a public grave for Moi: so that people can piss or take a shit on his head.

RV Pundit seems to have the right idea in cremation. 

His son is within his rights.   Ati public property!

Offline MOON Ki

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Re: Moi Should Be Buried Beside Jomo Kenyatta
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2020, 11:51:06 PM »
I believe history is one of the most important discipline to grasp. Reason being its the only way the present generation and the next and the next can learn what's went wrong or what went right and reasons for that. Just because one is viewed as having messed or "destroyed" the country is even more important to remember him and the reasons why he got it so long.

Fair enough on the learn-from-history part.   But I miss the part that properly justifies a public grave-site, paid for by the very people who got f**ked.   People all over the world have, and throughout history, have had little trouble in remembering their monsters, even without the sort of public stuff you propose.

If one was a monster let he be remembered as such but let him be accorded special honour having risen to be President.

This seems to be the other side of the African Big-Man mentality:  "The man was an asshole and a monster, and he really f**ked us up; but let's give him special honours because he was the Big Man".   Seriously ?!?   
MOON Ki  is  Muli Otieno Otiende Njoroge arap Kiprotich
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Offline Garliv

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Re: Moi Should Be Buried Beside Jomo Kenyatta
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2020, 09:36:53 AM »
I get you aren't convinced on public graves for Presidents. Fair enough. But when you start dragging clichés such as "African Big Man mentality" beloved by activists/Leftists African liberals without addressing issues or any justification i bail out.

This seems to be the other side of the African Big-Man mentality:  "The man was an asshole and a monster, and he really f**ked us up; but let's give him special honours because he was the Big Man".   Seriously ?!?

Offline Dear Mami

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Re: Moi Should Be Buried Beside Jomo Kenyatta
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2020, 03:11:02 PM »
Probably the only time I'll ever agree with Garliv. I think Presidents should be buried at a publicly accessible place. He led the nation for 24 years and was the 'baba', he does not belong just to his family but to the nation, IMO. Would be best buried together in a museum-like place for presidents, for the reasons Garliv mentioned: anybody should be able to visit his grave.

Offline Garliv

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Re: Moi Should Be Buried Beside Jomo Kenyatta
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2020, 08:24:18 PM »
Me thinks the problem we have with current generation is that anything goes. We are so engrossed in our own sense of righteousness that even we cannot debate issues beyond such prejudices. People don't realize importance of their history.

Recently UK exhumed King Richard III who died in the year 1485. And gave him a "decent burial" in one of the olaxe where Royals are laid to rest. Just put that into context. French their Napoleon and others..

Probably the only time I'll ever agree with Garliv. I think Presidents should be buried at a publicly accessible place. He led the nation for 24 years and was the 'baba', he does not belong just to his family but to the nation, IMO. Would be best buried together in a museum-like place for presidents, for the reasons Garliv mentioned: anybody should be able to visit his grave.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Moi Should Be Buried Beside Jomo Kenyatta
« Reply #12 on: February 10, 2020, 05:54:59 PM »
Moi must have died a while ago and kept frozen. Corpse is so bloated and disfigured.

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Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Moi Should Be Buried Beside Jomo Kenyatta
« Reply #13 on: February 10, 2020, 06:00:40 PM »
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants

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Re: Moi Should Be Buried Beside Jomo Kenyatta
« Reply #14 on: February 10, 2020, 07:19:39 PM »
He should be buried wherever he or his family want him to.

On the issue burial, what were the precolonial burial or disposal of corpses traditions of Tugens?
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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Moi Should Be Buried Beside Jomo Kenyatta
« Reply #15 on: February 11, 2020, 10:44:38 AM »
Precolonial.. adults thrown to hyenas..children and old buried.Those berieved would shave their hair.If a husband died one firestone would be removed.The aerial on the thatch house would be cut so people would know that house is windowed.Now there is overnight stay and vigil are kept before and after burial.Husband buried next to their first wife and generally grave is dug the same day facing east side direction.There is still shaving of hair for close family.

Offline Garliv

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Re: Moi Should Be Buried Beside Jomo Kenyatta
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2020, 12:18:16 PM »
My argument was that once a person become President of Kenya, his traditional roots are subsumed by national (sometimes international) traditions especially on some matters. Yes, even lying-in-State is a tradition that came with Brits but we have embraced it. All over Kenya precolonial traditions of burial have been replaced due to influence of religion (Christianity and Islam) and also what can be referred to as "" Westernisation... "

True, a person wishes should also be considered and where possible such be granted. But as a principle I believe its good to have Presidential Burial Site. As a principle.

He should be buried wherever he or his family want him to.

On the issue burial, what were the precolonial burial or disposal of corpses traditions of Tugens?

Offline Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants

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Re: Moi Should Be Buried Beside Jomo Kenyatta
« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2020, 05:07:30 AM »
My argument was that once a person become President of Kenya, his traditional roots are subsumed by national (sometimes international) traditions especially on some matters. Yes, even lying-in-State is a tradition that came with Brits but we have embraced it. All over Kenya precolonial traditions of burial have been replaced due to influence of religion (Christianity and Islam) and also what can be referred to as "" Westernisation... "

True, a person wishes should also be considered and where possible such be granted. But as a principle I believe its good to have Presidential Burial Site. As a principle.

He should be buried wherever he or his family want him to.

On the issue burial, what were the precolonial burial or disposal of corpses traditions of Tugens?

I am not huge on symbolism and patriotism.  But I understand these things mean a lot to people.  Even then, I think if we are to go the symbolism way, it should not be done contrary to the family wishes.
"I freed a thousand slaves.  I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."

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Offline Garliv

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Re: Moi Should Be Buried Beside Jomo Kenyatta
« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2020, 05:26:04 PM »
Point noted. Family (personal wishes) prevail..

Finally Moi's State Burial is Over. It was a  beautiful symbolism and display of honour. He deserved it. He rest in peace.

I am not huge on symbolism and patriotism.  But I understand these things mean a lot to people.  Even then, I think if we are to go the symbolism way, it should not be done contrary to the family wishes.