1. The Ethiopian analogy does not fit at all. Britain seized Hong Kong and many other ports from China. Hong Kong and Macao (Portuguese) were the last ones to be returned. It is the same as India seizing Lamu, using it for 200 years and when the "agreement" expires, restores Lamu to Kenya.
2. I do understand that Hong Kong under the Brits, pursued a different economic line and ended up with massive wealth - most of it shipped out just before Hong Kong reverted to China. But we are back to the Zimbabwe White Farms analogy. Veritas, if I force you to sign over your apartment to me and I put it to very good use and perhaps see an increase in its value, does it become "mine" on the grounds that I use it "better" than you? This is one of the saddest chapters of colonial exploitation which sadly has left scars for China to suffer with;
3. Hong Kong was NOT sold to the Chinese. It is legitimate, legal and customary Chinese land to which the People's Republic of China has inalienable rights.
4. It is hard to economically describe China as "Communist".
BTW Thanks for the Mwavuli.
If the Brits gave Kenya to Ethiopia, are you going to go oh, we're Africans that's ok. Kenyans are not Ethiopians nor vice versa.
Anything sold to the Chinese become rubbish. Look at Taiwan. China's is one third Communism. Hong Kong has enjoyed the privileges of capital wealth much before China even considered capitalism. They are two very different countries much in the way Congo is different from Kenya. Congo is China, Kenya is Hong Kong.
Take the umbrella dear Omollo.