Ro, who's Remi ?
Termi, the kayaking was way too much work. I knew I'd be terrible at it but there were chics worse than me, squealing with huffs and puffs miles behind me in their string bikinis. That's when I realised I'd reached menopause .. particularly at the point when I could see my dimpled biceps flapping in the wind. .. those chics had drifted out into the sea and had to be rescued by those jamas in the photo whereas I quietly paddled back to shore to start the next task.
The chopper was amazing ! Loved it ! I want to learn how to fly one, felt like driving in the air. Would be nice to fly to work and I've enquired with HR about investing in helipads to get to work faster .. I'd rather fly than drive to work.
Thanks so much, happy 2020 !!!