Author Topic: Evidence that anti-graft war is not "everything" - TZ going DOWN FAST  (Read 5108 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Evidence that anti-graft war is not "everything" - TZ going DOWN FAST
« Reply #20 on: July 21, 2019, 01:06:51 PM »
Jubilee has grown the economy on average 6% - higher than Kibaki - and the stealing Ruto does is skimming of the cream - sort of taking the ceasar 10% - like GOD also does. That 10% is also called profit/consultancy/CRC.donation in the developed world. Generally, speaking having a few bureaucrats skimming the cream off the top to supplement their salaries is not a big deal for me or the economy. Ruto clearly not worth 2M kSHS HE GETS - when Bob & some private sector players make nearly 1B from salaries & stock option annually. You cannot expect the public sector to oversee trillion of shs - get paid peanuts - while you at Pablo Alto Silicon valley - easily earn 1M dollars annually. The economy start having issues - when bureaucrats go for a higher percentage - making it impossible to deliver anything - or to be delivered in such poor quality it's of no use. For reference, you can study the moi regime, where people would steal money meant for building roads and deliver no road. And worse such monies are also banked outside - capital flight.

Now Magufuli problem is fighting corruption through public lynching. The same way Raila wanted to wage anti-graft war. It best to let processes and systems deal with corruption. Magufuli has managed to scare his gov and civil servants so much nothing get's done. He has extended his war on private sector - and now the economy is in doldrums because of both private and public investment - have dried up.

True GDP is a key metric. Magufuli needs to get his priorities right. Fight graft strategically by tightening laws and processes, etc. Not roadside declarations. However, the slaying graft now while haphazard and poorly tactical will still pay off in future. Manageable graft still leaves room for growth. Insidious graft - at some level - becomes catastrophic where either the economy stalls - or there is growth with big inequality. Our contention is that Average Joe Ruto cannot redeem his zero ethics and poor role-modeling with imaginary genius. Our analysis shows there are a thousand and one problems caused by graft even when not as insidious as he is working so hard to make it. Let us have clean growth and a happy society free from all those self-inflicted maladies.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Evidence that anti-graft war is not "everything" - TZ going DOWN FAST
« Reply #21 on: July 21, 2019, 05:46:22 PM »
Yes, Magufuli should tackle graft tactfully and strategically.

Please revise the Aukot bill that has you so excited. Public servants who want hefty wages should go into business or the corporate world. Noone stops Ruto from putting his great skills to use in his own enterprises. No again, great performance - real or imagined - does not redeem his greed and graft.

It's true I earn good money in America. Ruto should join me and stop fleecing poor Kenyans and promoting graft to be more insidious. They might make an issue of his long rap-sheet though.

Jubilee has grown the economy on average 6% - higher than Kibaki - and the stealing Ruto does is skimming of the cream - sort of taking the ceasar 10% - like GOD also does. That 10% is also called profit/consultancy/CRC.donation in the developed world. Generally, speaking having a few bureaucrats skimming the cream off the top to supplement their salaries is not a big deal for me or the economy. Ruto clearly not worth 2M kSHS HE GETS - when Bob & some private sector players make nearly 1B from salaries & stock option annually. You cannot expect the public sector to oversee trillion of shs - get paid peanuts - while you at Pablo Alto Silicon valley - easily earn 1M dollars annually. The economy start having issues - when bureaucrats go for a higher percentage - making it impossible to deliver anything - or to be delivered in such poor quality it's of no use. For reference, you can study the moi regime, where people would steal money meant for building roads and deliver no road. And worse such monies are also banked outside - capital flight.

Now Magufuli problem is fighting corruption through public lynching. The same way Raila wanted to wage anti-graft war. It best to let processes and systems deal with corruption. Magufuli has managed to scare his gov and civil servants so much nothing get's done. He has extended his war on private sector - and now the economy is in doldrums because of both private and public investment - have dried up.
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Re: Evidence that anti-graft war is not "everything" - TZ going DOWN FAST
« Reply #22 on: July 21, 2019, 11:44:52 PM »
Jubilee growth is superficial; based on government spending which in turn is based on excessive borrowing ,which is not sustainable. To sustain it we have to keep on borrowing and right now we are doing so bad that not even Kung Fu will lend to us. If Kenya had TZ corruption levels then our growth would be a few integers higher
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.