Author Topic: Safaricom’s Launch of 5G Network Underway  (Read 1543 times)

Offline Gumzo

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Safaricom’s Launch of 5G Network Underway
« on: March 18, 2019, 11:40:06 PM »
Are those people on youtube videos saying that 5G will fry our brains just paranoid fools or what
in .ke the main concern seems to be that the existing 3 and 4g capacity is not fully utilized

others are saying stuff like:

3 weeks ago (edited)
5G is a greater threat to all life on earth than global thermal nuclear war; it permanently alters DNA and destroys the genetic code in human seed (and seed of all life), once that seed is passed on to future generations, the mutated genetic code never goes away;  this radiation basically has the same effect on DNA as radiation from nuclear fallout, but from a much greater distance. If they put 20,000 satellites of this into space to radiate every inch of the planet, as they have planned, it will be similar to blanketing the entire planet with depleted uranium;?

Mark Bignell
3 weeks ago
Any technology which is destructive to all health on the planet and takes away all freedom is unacceptable. More people need to wake up.?

Safaricom prepares for 5G network
Zachary Ochuodho @zachuodho
Safaricom is gearing up for the expected launch of 5G services after it yesterday unveiled an innovative network technology aimed at enhancing coverage across the country.
The mobile network operator has started trial of the new technology which is aimed at enhancing coverage in urban areas.

Telcos mull 5G launch amid network coverage concern
Further growth
Broadcasting and Telecommunications Principal Secretary Sammy Itemere said the roll-out of the advanced 5G network would contribute to further growth of the ICT sector.
The new technology will succeed 4G, which mobile network operators have just started rolling out in a move that is expected to further deepen the use of ICT among Kenyans in their day-to-day lives as well as business.

Plans for the advanced networks come against the backdrop of networks that remain largely unused such as the 3G as well as 4G, with the latter having coverage only in a few towns.

France tightens 5G network controls amid Huawei backlash
Huawei is facing scrutiny in many countries over its ties with the Chinese government and allegations that Beijing could use its technology for spying. It denies those allegations.
The United States and some allies, including Australia and New Zealand, have banned Huawei from 5G networks.

Offline Gumzo

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Re: Safaricom’s Launch of 5G Network Underway
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2019, 11:45:10 PM »
5G Horrors Prophesied in the Bible?

The 5G EMF Apocalypse And Why Health Food Won't Save You With Dr. Jack Kruse

Scientists Warn of Health Effects: Washington DC Council 5G Small Cell Roundtable

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Safaricom’s Launch of 5G Network Underway
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2019, 01:14:15 AM »
Hii ujinga peleka huko mashada

Offline GeeMail

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Re: Safaricom’s Launch of 5G Network Underway
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2019, 04:07:18 PM »
Kenyanplato you should watch your language. Gumzo is a respected member of the forum and deserves dignified treatment like everybody else.
Celebratory violence: 2017 crime invented to justify killings to prevent Raila from becoming PORK.