OMG, vooke this post sharply resonated. I was on a Catholic forum too and saw two things that just simply shocked me to where I questioned those guys on how genuine their religious beliefs were.
One was the shootings of blacks in the US like you. I was so shocked. The knee-jerk rush to defend the police whenever these stories were posted, even in cases where the dead guy posed no threat utterly chilled my blood. I used to think if I was in the States I would never vote Democrat because they are so aggressively anti-Christian but after that I realized if I lived there I could never support conservatives either because guess what? I am a negro dammit. These guys
really didn't seem to think it a big deal for a cop to pump bullets into an unarmed black man just coz he had been stealing or even just been suspected of doing something. It's one thing if they;re secular but to see that from Christians is very disheartening. I started thinking, Gosh, black lives really
don't matter the same way to them, do they?
The other thing was the cold reaction to the issue of dreamers that I saw. The lack of compassion from proclaimed Christians for people who were brought into the country
as children and had known no other home than the U.S...I couldn't reconcile that attitude with someone who claims they follow Jesus. I once asked one point blank, if Jesus was standing in your room right now as you debate this issue, could you say the same thing to him? Could you tell Jesus, "It's the law! They were brought in illegally, they must go!" Or "They've already gotten advantages in education here, so let them go to Mexico and apply it there". Mind you these are 17/18 year-olds sometimes or even often. They never answered. They basically say "it's the law" but I was asking them as Christians why they support a law or oppose the changing of it, that is so cruel. Even Trump the heathen knew that to deport dreamers was inhuman but these believers were really OK with it even contrary to the stances of their churches, they were celebrating Trump's "deportation machine" under works right after the election. So sad.