My dissertation professor did pot. He was really clever, like almost a genius. Most of the "genius" academic and entrepreneur types do. I just don't like the title as it implies one didn't work hard to accomplish stuff. Most achievers - say my favorite Musk - he's just genuinely creative and passionate. He does seem off at times. Folks like Nikola Tesla and Tom Edison - if you read up - had psycotic or neurological symptoms like OCD or bipolar - that rather than a handicap are a mental optmization or calibrated efficiencies for superior performance. How I know this is besides these stars my supervisor claimed he had panic disorder so the pot calmed him down. The man is a wizard in applied statistics. We struck a friendship cause he thought I was "different" and worth his study. As in once I started my MS I discovered the topics were trivial and completed them at once in 2 sems then got on with the PhD. Whileas I thought he was a lonely cartoon and milked his worth cracking CV, my pet subject.