An American is not expected to NOT see America with rose tinted glasses. It's a big problem. How do you fix what you don't think needs fixing? Same attitude is responsible for many "intractable" issues like healthcare, gun violence etc. Because America cannot be seen to learn from others.
-Muslim immigrants have to work very hard to prove they are Americans. I can finger 911 as the cause.
The trigger is a more accurate description. The underlying animus of the other has always been present. Her Muslim background certainly did not help. But the shock at introspection of America's role in bad things, would still be elicited even if she were white. Maybe they would question patriotism as opposed to nationality.
Prior to 911, the worst attack had been the Oklahoma City bombing by a white supremacist. Of course, this had zero impact on how these folks view themselves. Post 911, you have more to fear from a random white supremacist or mentally disturbed person with easier access to a gun than a bottle of beer, on American streets, than a jihadi. Does that change anything? Nope.
There is not even an acknowledgment that America has a gun problem.
For the Negro, it boils down to simple racism. He is a pain in the butt because he has been around all along, even before independence. You can't just dismiss him but you can sure hate him.