Author Topic: Postmortem: Jubilee has lost on Every Side  (Read 7473 times)

Offline vooke

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Re: Postmortem: Jubilee has lost on Every Side
« Reply #40 on: February 09, 2018, 08:45:08 AM »
Two tribe domination - it's called universal suffrage democracy. Anyone can run, not all can win. Ruto is next.

You paint Jubilee supporters as brainwashed (by propaganda) - but NASA followers as informed. That was on Windy's video of Nyeri. I do not speak for you or NASA of course, I read your words.

If one just arrived from Mars they might mistake NASA as law-abiding or its demands and agitations as legit. Until they meet the amorphous NRM, People's Assembly, boycotts, demos, oaths and etc illegalities. You are a rogue opposition. I can imagine Mr Miguna explaining to the foreign media why he was deported and expecting sympathy.

"I am entitled to be the People's CJ"

2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

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Re: Postmortem: Jubilee has lost on Every Side
« Reply #41 on: February 09, 2018, 06:36:16 PM »
Two tribe domination - it's called universal suffrage democracy. Anyone can run, not all can win. Ruto is next.

You paint Jubilee supporters as brainwashed (by propaganda) - but NASA followers as informed. That was on Windy's video of Nyeri. I do not speak for you or NASA of course, I read your words.

If one just arrived from Mars they might mistake NASA as law-abiding or its demands and agitations as legit. Until they meet the amorphous NRM, People's Assembly, boycotts, demos, oaths and etc illegalities. You are a rogue opposition. I can imagine Mr Miguna explaining to the foreign media why he was deported and expecting sympathy.

"I am entitled to be the People's CJ"

Robina. I know what we want in NASA but I do not know what Jubilee wants and your guess is as good as mine.  are not qualified to speak for both of us.  What we are doing in NASA is resisting and disrupting a scheme to subvert the constitution through electoral injustice and create a nation where two tribes dominate the rest wapende wasipende.  When you therefore make silly statements like me and Nyeri people are mirror images of each other I know that such statements are based on ignorance and not worth any serious attention.

That is true, if one can casually ignore election rigging on August 8th and pretend that IEBC wanted to defy a court order for fun.  October 26, it was virtually the two tribes by themselves. 
"I freed a thousand slaves.  I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."

Harriet Tubman