I mean "normally" what Uhuru is doing to NASA would be rank up there with North Korea or Ethiopia - and would call for global condemnation - but after Raila ignored warning from his buddies in the West (read EU/US) & transformed into Africa's most laughable resistance movement - Uhuru has the okay to crackdown on NASA.
--media crackdown
--security withdraw
--passport withdraw
--financial choke-hold.
I mean everything is now on the table after NASA transformed into proscribed movement NRM.
I mean things were already bad for NASA - they lost the presidency in a rout - they lost parliament & senate in such devastating defeat Duale basically ran the show - now they are not any better than Mungiki
And worse they think by continually weakening their position...they are improving their leverage...and eventually will force Uhuru to the dialogue
There has never been another set of fools as worse as the current bunch whose chief strategist & owner is one MAINA WANJIGI