Author Topic: Duale: ODM Has No Monopoly of Violence  (Read 2167 times)

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Duale: ODM Has No Monopoly of Violence
« on: September 24, 2014, 06:35:34 PM »
I will squeeze the two stories here (from the two competing tabloids). In the first he is playing childish politics. The cheapest spin doctoring one can apply. It is in fact Spin Bush-Doctoring ; where you accuse those who accuse you of the same accusation labeled at you. It doesn't work.

In the second story, he is laying two foundations:
1. The formal split of URP
2. Being cited for contempt of court and humiliated before all and sundry

He is in effect threatening Isaac Ruto with expulsion. I doubt that anybody can beat Isaac should there be a by-election (even though I can't see how that would happen).

I think Duale should accept that Pesa Mashinani has reached a point of no return. He cannot stop it. And since Uhuru is opposed to it and they are not telling him the truth (that it is popular and will pass), then they can continue riding in choppers until the day it is passed and becomes law.

NAIROBI, KENYA: National Assembly Majority Leader Aden Duale has defended United Republican Party ( URP) over claims by Orange Democratic Movement ( ODM) of sponsoring the chaos and hooliganism in Kapsabet on Monday.

Duale pointed out that the despicable acts were perpetrated in ODM and Cord strongholds or in connection with ODM agenda and activities. " ODM cannot escape responsibility for their notorious tradition of violence by pointing fingers at URP or other civilised organisations," said Duale.

He said URP has always been categorical and consistent in their pledge never to allow political competition or another disagreement degenerate to violence and bloodshed. He added that the party has in the past held peaceful nominations with all their candidates maintaining peace throughout the last General Elections.

"This is why we take great exception to the disingenuous slander perpetrated by ODM, vainly trying to connect the recent disgraceful acts of political violence and lawlessness to URP," he said in a statement to newsrooms yesterday.

Duale added that ODM should judicially examine itself judging from its past experiences of violence. ODM had accused URP of sponsoring the attack intimidate Nandi Governor Cleophas Lagat into withdrawing his support for the Pesa Mashinani referendum.

... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread