Author Topic: Babu’s Finest Speech yet...  (Read 3926 times)

Offline vooke

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Re: Babu’s Finest Speech yet...
« Reply #20 on: October 21, 2017, 06:09:24 PM »
Ouruto think they can break the law at will and everybody else will obey the law so that they can get unfair advantage all the time. That was 2013. This is 2017 and the opposition is also learning from their past mistakes or naiveties. NASA is only going to obey the laws when Jubilee does and they are ready for all the eventualities that ouruto may unleash.  Folks are not scared of the state power that Ruto always brag of. The abusive use of that state power is a double edged sword and I tell Ouru that the more people you kill the less chances you have of surviving in that public building they call statehouse.

When speeches like this are given then you know something is wrong with such a society.

Whatever provoked it, I wonder why he failed to caution against election disruption which is even more imminent and apparent

Maybe people are baying for some Kikuyu bodies in that neighborhood.

Why should he?  People have a right to oppose and demonstrate against things they don't like.
Disruption is not demonstration by any stretch of hallucination. It will be violent. Babu has been quick to declare their protests/demonstrations peaceful.

It can also be simply discouraging people from going to vote.  There is nothing inherently violent about that.

There's no crime NASA supporters can commit thst would surpass the killings, massive electoral fraud that jubilee have embarked on.
You are high on imagination and soundbites.

There's a good reason stations are manned by cops.

Which is? 
They are aide de camp to the Presiding Officer
Babu if he has any balls let him openly call for disruption instead of parables.
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.