Well - even the US school system has arithmetic, comprehension, etc problems. But your comparison is unnecessary - in term of "quality" Kenya is nowhere.
WORLD EDUCATION RANKING - on reading, maths & science - they don't even bother to rank Africa
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Rm4gr_BMteklQGIy1NapooVqSOWD9AxlhUmYFk73jHk/edit?hl=en&hl=en#gid=1Overall Singapore & Japan are the top - in reading, maths & science. China is doing great given its massive size
http://www.bbc.com/news/education-38212070Other metrics:
EDUCATION INDEX (mean vs expected years of schooling)
Australia 0.927 - the average Aussie has a masters degree
US 0.890
UK 0.860
SA 0.695
Kenya 0.515 - it means the average Kenyan drops out of high school
TZ 0.426
Russia - 58%
UK - 42%
US - 36%
SA - 14%
Kenya - ?
UPDATE: considering most stats show <1M graduates, this is rough est 5% of 25yr+ populationLITERACY - adults who can read & write
North Korea - 100%
China 96.4%
SA - 94.3%
TZ - 80.3%
Kenya - 78%
Education is dicy... considering schooling is about economic development. Russia has some of the best indicators from all angles - kids per teacher, no of graduates, gender parity, etc - yet performs dismally economically - with the lowest productivity in Europe
http://worldtop20.org/worldbesteducationsystem - check Russia here
These global rankings for uniuversities in "top 800" tell alot about education in Africa. Only UoN and Makerere make the cut