Dream on bryan but wake me up when your ilk can handle little tranzoia friendlies.The people who know war are nandi who fought for 10yrs against british and kikuyus.Of course pokot is the ultimate defintion of war.And somalis of course.If odinga had 1000 pokots warriot we may pause and spare kdf some action.
Joho defeated the entire jubilee machine, and legally too. The rest of NASA crew don't play nice like Odinga. You guys will miss him when he finally retires, everywhere you look you'll find a bare knuckle fighter, Joho, Muthama, babu, Arati, Khalwale, kingi, Adhiambo, Wanga, Jumwa, Wamalwa in kiminini and others.
Obviously you still think this is the 1800s when Brits came with maskets. Today's warfare doesn't need mishale. You've been outplayed in 2017, forcing Ruto to go completely ape shit on international TV. He's finished, uhuru too.