You can imagine that so far the highest the Counties have got is 12% of revenue. Just have a look at the projects carried out and the changes. See how the people feel empowered? With that in mind, grant them FOUR times what they already have!
Gentlemen (and ladies) GEMA aint gonna like this one bit however you present it! If you use parliament to enact 40% for real (and remove all the traps), it is still 40%.
I get very amused when the Kikuyu Intelligentsia grab on to some "initiative" and pronounce it a winner to beat OKOA. When Oloo and Sakaja proposed a parliamentary option, the KI sung kumbaya! Then it fizzled out and we heard some Governors were proposing their own referendum - it turned out to be the same 40%. In fact the man who was to be the savior has since become the enemy - Isaac Ruto! The reason: 40%!! GEMA does not want to part with 40%. That is why they are using old figures to avoid fairly sharing out the revenue at minimum 15% as provided for under the Katiba.
They fear that a referendum bill will block them from using old figures. They could get a few CORD rebels to aid them pass 30%. There is a problem! GEMA cannot even accept 30% or 25% or even 20%.