Lol! What conservatism exists in Kenyan politics? Desire for power or more centralized power with fewer checks is NOT conservatism by any definition ever. There's no conservatism in Kenya.
Extreme tribalism is some crude form of conservatism.
That's not conservatism. It's nationalism or far right politics. Ugly stuff. I know since Trump's weird relationship with ethno nationalists (white racists) this has come to be confused with conservatism but the two have no necessary relationship.
Conservatism is an ideology about the role of government in a person's life and the relationship between central government and local governments. Pro-devolutionism is a form of sensible conservatism, actually, fighting the role of the central govt where it's not necessary. Tea partiers take it to a whole other level: govt should NOT even help you to not die if it can be avoided. I've seen some real heartless arguments from deeply religious folks who are Tea-party form of conservative, and it can make your head spin. The most extreme conservatives ever.
To give you a good example to distinguish them, tea partiers like kina Ted Cruz are extreme conservatives. But they are not racists. More like people we think are incredibly heartless vis-a-vis the poor. It tends to get conflated with racism because a lot of poor are disproportionately non-white and of recent migrant heritage. But the core of it is rich and poor.
The thing people associated with Trump are accused of is far sinister. They have zero problems with the govt getting into all these social welfare stuff actually, as long as it's for white people. They are terrified that whites are becoming fewer and losing their power. They are not accused of conservatism. They are accused of straight-up open racism.
What is most unfortunate about American politics in my opinion, is that the two are more and more pushed together so that these days their politics is becoming more and more familiar to a Kenyan like me (more nationalist fights, less fights on proper governance philosphies), which is very sad.