Author Topic: Owuoth,KDF Spokesperson is missing  (Read 12507 times)

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Re: Owuoth,KDF Spokesperson is missing
« Reply #60 on: August 03, 2017, 08:32:10 PM »
How did NASA get it wrong?

The man ADMITTED that he had been missing. Let me simplify that for you: He stated that he had "not been in touch with his family". Thus his family was justified to approach their MP and seek to know his whereabouts.

So please state how NASA got it wrong. What should NASA apologize for?

We have a man speaking for the army being contradicted by Ms. Rachael Kaliech Omamo (who by the way confessed to not having sen or read the documents). The confirmation by the spokesman came after a meeting of the military officers and he simply as is his job relayed their opinion.

NASWA got it so wrong on so many fronts and they lack the decency of apologizing for nearly setting the country on fire, yet they never bothered verifying.

I read disappointment in NASWA that the negro is alive. What an anticlimax! Their informant, their mole who was kidnapped after being sent on compulsory leave and sent away from NBO resurfaces, and is busy working...and not only that, he gave NASW the middle finger
He was not missing, never told nobody he was on leave not that he was on his way. Total fabrication. He went quiet and NASWA grabbed the opportunity to ride on Msando's disappearance.

Owuoth today also rebuffed claims that he was court martialed.

NASWA as usual, on top of losing nane nane have just confirmed our best fears of that they are full of shiet
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.