Author Topic: The Perils of Involving the Military in Politrics  (Read 1477 times)

Offline Omollo

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The Perils of Involving the Military in Politrics
« on: July 28, 2017, 07:56:42 PM »
In 1966 Obote seeking greater power turned to Idi Amin to help him depose Mutesa and the Baganda. Amin responded to the call. He was rewarded with money and more power. Five years later, Amin was The President

1966 -Burundi: The Tutsi King ruling Burundi called on the army to assist it to beat The Hutu. That came about after the Hutu won in elections and secured a majority enough to form a government. The King refused to acknowledge the victory and when protests broke out, he called the army. Leading the army was Capt  Michel Micombero.

A few months after beating the Hutus,  Michel Micombero  was the President having deposed the monarchy.

Let me start with those.

*I have not made a typo. The word I have used is POLITRICs. I could add a K but and no doubt you can add. That is because it is not politics to rig elections nor to involve the military and lead your country on a path of civil war and blood letting.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Perils of Involving the Military in Politrics
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2017, 08:16:45 PM »
Raila has attempted a coup and failed.He is now attempting to divide the army along tribal lines.Uhuruto should after elections have NASa tried for treason... Raila 9yrs is enough but some of the fools trying to play with security of country should be tried in court . Leaking and twisting miliary documents is treason..Gok surely has the machinery to nab the fools trying to drive the country to the precipe like in 1982

Offline Omollo

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Re: The Perils of Involving the Military in Politrics
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2017, 09:03:51 PM »
I can see that since KDF grudgingly admitted that the documents are genuine you no longer call it a rumor but have chosen subterfuge.

You now, like Trump, blame the whistle blower. It is classic and not entirely new.

The laws on Ethics passed by Parliament to give effect to Chapter six protect whistle blowers in addition to its own laws on Whistle Blowing. Treason is a more serious offence than "leaking classified documents". Thus I would like to see who will try and convict a man who revealed treason. Remember there is another charge: Misprision of Treason. Lets get the definition:
the deliberate concealment of one's knowledge of a treasonable act or a felony.

In other words one who gains knowledge of treason or a felony in planning stage is under legal compulsion to "unconceal" the same. The failure to do so is the offence.

Now to your diatribe against Raila: There is no evidence anywhere on earth that Raila tried to overthrow the government of Kenya or any government on earth. That was a rumor started by Moi through Coup Plotter Gethi. No evidence was adduced before any court of law to support the charge and facing the prospect of an acquittal of Raila (who BTW was charged with the deliberate concealment of one's knowledge of a treasonable act or a felony - Misprision of Treason and not Treason), Moi ordered his detention without trial.

Titus Adungosi was on the other hand charged and convicted because there was evidence enough in addition to his own admission (he had vowed never to tell a lie in his life).

Why was Raila targeted? At the time Moi still emerging from Indpendence politics believed that his only threat was from Jaramogi. Unable to take on Jaramogi because of his international connections and the possible repercussions, Moi chose to hit at Jaramogi by detaining his son.

If GOK has the machinery as you say and it is not behind the orders given to Mwathathe by Uhuru, then the logical thing is to arrest the coup (for that it is) plotters not those obeying the law by revealing the plot.

Turning the truth upside down will not change anything. Eventually those coup plotters will fail and either will be court martialed or discharged from the military dishonorably.

Raila has attempted a coup and failed.He is now attempting to divide the army along tribal lines.Uhuruto should after elections have NASa tried for treason... Raila 9yrs is enough but some of the fools trying to play with security of country should be tried in court . Leaking and twisting miliary documents is treason..Gok surely has the machinery to nab the fools trying to drive the country to the precipe like in 1982
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Perils of Involving the Military in Politrics
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2017, 09:27:26 PM »
Ohoo please Raila admit it already in his biography to the Nigerian.who was railA in be arrested n locked up.

Offline vooke

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Re: The Perils of Involving the Military in Politrics
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2017, 09:43:07 PM »
Ohoo please Raila admit it already in his biography to the Nigerian.who was railA in be arrested n locked up.
I can see that since KDF grudgingly admitted that the documents are genuine you no longer call it a rumor but have chosen subterfuge.

You now, like Trump, blame the whistle blower. It is classic and not entirely new.

The laws on Ethics passed by Parliament to give effect to Chapter six protect whistle blowers in addition to its own laws on Whistle Blowing. Treason is a more serious offence than "leaking classified documents". Thus I would like to see who will try and convict a man who revealed treason. Remember there is another charge: Misprision of Treason. Lets get the definition:
the deliberate concealment of one's knowledge of a treasonable act or a felony.

In other words one who gains knowledge of treason or a felony in planning stage is under legal compulsion to "unconceal" the same. The failure to do so is the offence.

Now to your diatribe against Raila: There is no evidence anywhere on earth that Raila tried to overthrow the government of Kenya or any government on earth. That was a rumor started by Moi through Coup Plotter Gethi. No evidence was adduced before any court of law to support the charge and facing the prospect of an acquittal of Raila (who BTW was charged with the deliberate concealment of one's knowledge of a treasonable act or a felony - Misprision of Treason and not Treason), Moi ordered his detention without trial.

Titus Adungosi was on the other hand charged and convicted because there was evidence enough in addition to his own admission (he had vowed never to tell a lie in his life).

Why was Raila targeted? At the time Moi still emerging from Indpendence politics believed that his only threat was from Jaramogi. Unable to take on Jaramogi because of his international connections and the possible repercussions, Moi chose to hit at Jaramogi by detaining his son.

If GOK has the machinery as you say and it is not behind the orders given to Mwathathe by Uhuru, then the logical thing is to arrest the coup (for that it is) plotters not those obeying the law by revealing the plot.

Turning the truth upside down will not change anything. Eventually those coup plotters will fail and either will be court martialed or discharged from the military dishonorably.

Raila has attempted a coup and failed.He is now attempting to divide the army along tribal lines.Uhuruto should after elections have NASa tried for treason... Raila 9yrs is enough but some of the fools trying to play with security of country should be tried in court . Leaking and twisting miliary documents is treason..Gok surely has the machinery to nab the fools trying to drive the country to the precipe like in 1982
Alternative facts.

Omorlo supports Pundito on Ouko hoping he will be paid back and get support on this coup bullshiet
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline Omollo

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Re: The Perils of Involving the Military in Politrics
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2017, 09:51:01 PM »
could you refer me to the page where he makes that admission?

Ohoo please Raila admit it already in his biography to the Nigerian.who was railA in be arrested n locked up.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread