I opposed the IPO and still think it was misguided - I'd have gone for strategic partnership with world leading power generator - instead of bringing 300,000 idiots like you to Kengen.
I don't mind privatizing KPLC - but I think KenGen requires capital outlay you as small time shareholder cannot afford - I mean rights issue after rights issue - reinvested divided after re-invested dividend- Kengen is still doing puny projects - and in it's wake are 300,000 frustrated shareholders who have no business buying such a company.
Because of this mistake of privatizing - we ended up having to start new company - GDC - that has couple lots more billions and has not done as good.
I want Kengen that is goK owned be able to borrow 10B dollars from WB or China to do really big thinks - like LAMU coal project - that can hopefully reduce our cost of generation from 9-13shs to 3-6shs like in most countries.
Kengen privitisation was big mistake. We should only privatize mature companies like Safaricom. Right now I don't understand why GoK has not completely divested from Safaricom - the amount of billions we can get from safaricom - is enough to tarmac maybe 50,000kms of road - and ensure every kenya has a tarmac all the way to their driveyard. We should also privatize dead woods that are hopeless and don't serve any strategic interests - like the many hotels GoK own - internconn and name a hundrend of them.
Seem privatization commission is now dead kabisa.
You really talk a lot of economic shit pundit. I am an investor of Kengen. The reason this company is not doing well is because GOK privatized it without restructuring the debt. GOK should have written off the debt or looked for a single strategic investor that would have injected new capital. The problem with Kenyan energy production is that most of the money goes to consulting fees. I wonder how profitable is the $20 billion power plants in Ethiopia.