Author Topic: Pro Jubilee Media Bias  (Read 5357 times)

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Pro Jubilee Media Bias
« Reply #20 on: June 21, 2017, 08:51:28 PM »

You are right about the incompetency, however, you can differentiate very easily when they are being openly biased or incompetent. When the media start singing the same song, then you know they have been ordered to do so.  A good example is in 2013 when they uniformly went after international media accusing them of causing the 2007 PEV.  You also saw how they blocked out the opposition after the 2013 stolen elections. You can also see that now when they are trying to ridicule Raila for raising the issue of KDF being involved in rigging. Jubilee needs the media to "preach" peace after rigging and to deny the opposition an avenue to air their grievance's.  They did that very effectively in 2013 and they are preparing to do it again.  The Kenyan media is not as diversified ideologically in ownership as the US media and therefore you cannot compare.  The owners allow the commentators some slack but when they need to, they pull in the rope.  The opposition really needed at this time a medium which can seriously follow up what Raila is saying without treating it as a joke. Have you ever wondered why each time Raila has made a serious charge it has always been ridiculed in the beginning  just to be validated later on.  This is because the people who own the media make sure its treated as such to give them time to hide evidence and to insulate themselves. If there was an alternative media, the matter of NYS would not have been made a joke or the serious allegation of ballot printing and KDF involvement in the up coming elections. 

I have been of the opinion that our media is not biased per se but COMPLACENT and incompetent. They are not mature enough to be professional... so rather than an arbitor of truth by investigation, verification, etc they ride along with the best propagandist, just like the rest of the gullible public. I saw this problem when they happily accepted "chai" at State House circa 2013.

Recall in 2007 when ODM outwitted the government, a journalist was later indicted by the ICC. Kriegler later indicted the media... and the fools were not contesting any seats! It is this same intellectual incompetence with lack of professional and ethical independence that I see now.

You are right Omollo, Kenyans will vote with their feet, if indeed the media does not adapt. In the West where the MSM fell to the sly leftwing ideologues, Trump called them out and resorted to social media. CNN et al went on and on and discovered quite late that most Americans no longer cared about their opinion.
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza