This is banana peel for Ruto - Mandago is not making things easy with his warlike utterance - and yet WSR may need such folks for 2012 .
I have been trying to get the stats for Uasin Gishu...but so far not much success.
- I have seen - 55% of Uasin Gishu are Kalenjin - I have seen more 100,000 of votes are non-kalenjin
My bet is
Nandi -30-35% - majority in Soy, Turbo & Kesse (Kiprop Indian as good as mp) - possibly Kapseret (Oscar sudi has some marakwet in there) ..the Luhya who won Turbo was really due to splitting of Nandi vote.
Keiyo-20-25% - majority in Moiben & Ainabkoi.
Kikuyu- maybe 15-20% - present mainly in Eldoret town and it's outskirts
Luhyas,Gusii & Luos - maybe 15-20% - mainly in Turbo & Eldoret town.
Markwet, Kipsigis & other kalenjin - probably 5%.
Kalenjin (Keiyo+Nandi) split the const in a way to deny Eldoret town an urban const - so all const are radiating from the town center - splitting non-kalenjin into six constituency.
Mandago is quite popular - at least from what I have heard - he seem to have delivered - and so he is not going to be push over - but if Keiyo & non-Kalenjin go tribal - he is gone!
Pundit, what is the percentage of non-kalenjins in Uasin Gishu? It seems Mandago is on a panic mode. I understand he has zero vote from non locals. The president will be there tomorrow. Keiyos are the swing of Uasin Gishu. Other than Mandago and the Soy Jubilee nominees, the rest are non nandis