Author Topic: Namwamba Kicked Out of LPK Again...  (Read 1009 times)

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Namwamba Kicked Out of LPK Again...
« on: March 17, 2017, 05:23:36 PM »
I understand it's all about money. The others think he short-changed them out of the 200M bounty he received from WSR. There is a hidden Jubilee hand behind it. A faction that sees beyond 2022 views him a part of WSR plan C. Makali is the hitman :D

Now I don't believe any of that.

For a Lawyer, Ababu Namwamba is a huge disappointment. He appealed the ODM decision to nullify his expulsion. At the same time wanted to be a member of LPK. So which of the two prayers would bring him the relief he needs?


In the case documents, he argues that Mr Namwamba still belongs to the Orange Democratic Party yet he is misleading the general public that he is a bona fide LPK member.

He further argued that if not stopped, Mr Namwamba would continue to mislead the public and enter into transactions or political bargains under the "guise of being a member and a party leader" of LPK.

Mr Simiyu insisted that the MP was only illegally removed out of ODM but still belongs to it.


He, therefore, wants Mr Namwamba to be stopped from holding himself out as an LPK member.

Last month, the same tribunal members termed the decision to expel Mr Namwamba and his counterpart Mwalimu Masudi Mwahima from ODM as unconstitutional.The Ethnic Rag
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread