Author Topic: The glaring contradictions  (Read 3070 times)

Offline Globalcitizen12

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The glaring contradictions
« on: March 03, 2017, 06:53:34 AM »
Crimes against humanity ..Not a problem..Corruption small potatoes, selling drugs is that even a crime..

A country leadership is a reflection of its citizens..

Stealing land from a widow or an orphan kujipanga my friend

Sasa wacha ni hustle Bibi WA wenyewe ..Hii my friend ni kujipanga pia

Offline Empedocles

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Re: The glaring contradictions
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2017, 09:10:46 AM »
Crimes against humanity ..Not a problem..Corruption small potatoes, selling drugs is that even a crime..

A country leadership is a reflection of its citizens..

Stealing land from a widow or an orphan kujipanga my friend

Sasa wacha ni hustle Bibi WA wenyewe ..Hii my friend ni kujipanga pia

Saw this apt comment yesterday, don't remember source:

If Pablo Escobar was Kenyan, he'd first be known as a businessman and an accomplished pharmacist, then a politician, and then die of old age as a statesman.

Offline Kadudu

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Re: The glaring contradictions
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2017, 10:44:09 AM »
 :D :D :D
A country with no moral compass.

Saw this apt comment yesterday, don't remember source:

If Pablo Escobar was Kenyan, he'd first be known as a businessman and an accomplished pharmacist, then a politician, and then die of old age as a statesman.

Offline Omollo

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Re: The glaring contradictions
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2017, 12:48:08 PM »
Where do you guys predict it will end? One thing is for sure things will come to head.

My prediction is that if it goes on and there is no change and especially if it becomes clear the ballot is useless, Kenya will be worse than Somalia.

I have always had a theory that every nation must go through a civil war to begin to solidify as a nation. When I first mentioned this Ivory Coast and Kenya were mentioned as exceptions. I said actually said both in my opinion were worse off than Somalia and Sierra Leone.

Look where Ivory Coast is now. It is basically a failed state.

Nigeria had a chance but failed to learn from the Biafra lessons hence Boko Haram. The jury is still out.

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Online Nefertiti

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Re: The glaring contradictions
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2017, 04:53:44 PM »
Global is Dr Doom without a cause. Just like economic development there are ways to drive change and war is just one path with the highest risk possible. Civilization will find the path of least resistance.

The poverty problem, for instance, is caused by many factors. It is my view that corruption plays a much smaller part than the popular belief. If you look at countries that have achieved prosperity, there is a key input the third world seems to lack: RENAISSANCE MEN.

Where are our Socrates, Newton and Einstein? Carnegie, Rockefeller? Any Bill Gates, Steve Jobs? Folks who used science or industry to leapfrog development. Only a handful of African businesspeople are billionaires... as the West mints billionaires like clockwork.

There was that politically incorrect iQ survey that put Africans at the bottom. Even in the west, there is always the quest for the female Mozart or black Zuckerberg who are nowhere to be found. WHITE MEN built civilization and continue to lead everywhere. Why? Until we crack that we would only have war or equality or justice or democracy in poverty.
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Offline MOON Ki

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Re: The glaring contradictions
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2017, 05:25:28 PM »
I don't see that many Kenyans really complaining or, more importantly, acting as though they really want a different system.   When Kenyans decide that they really want change, they will bring it about.   (When they got tired of Moi beating the crap out of them, there was major change; the mayhem of the PEV also woke them up long enough to pass a new constitution with many positive aspects.)

Until then, we shall discuss these issues but only to kill time or for some "intellectual" amusement.   So, as the Hon. M. Kibaki would put it: kazi iendelee.   Nyama and our man.
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Re: The glaring contradictions
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2017, 06:04:03 PM »
Global is Dr Doom without a cause. Just like economic development there are ways to drive change and war is just one path with the highest risk possible. Civilization will find the path of least resistance.

The poverty problem, for instance, is caused by many factors. It is my view that corruption plays a much smaller part than the popular belief. If you look at countries that have achieved prosperity, there is a key input the third world seems to lack: RENAISSANCE MEN.

Where are our Socrates, Newton and Einstein? Carnegie, Rockefeller? Any Bill Gates, Steve Jobs? Folks who used science or industry to leapfrog development. Only a handful of African businesspeople are billionaires... as the West mints billionaires like clockwork.

There was that politically incorrect iQ survey that put Africans at the bottom. Even in the west, there is always the quest for the female Mozart or black Zuckerberg who are nowhere to be found. WHITE MEN built civilization and continue to lead everywhere. Why? Until we crack that we would only have war or equality or justice or democracy in poverty.

Yes, African average IQ might be low, hovering in the 70s and upper 60s.  This IQ usually corresponds with borderline mental retardation, individuals who can barely function; this is true, at least among whites.  It seems harmless to the average African who can function just fine with his 70.  Right off the bat I can see that whatever IQ measures, it cannot be intelligence.  It's almost meaningless to the African.  In any case, it has been shown to change over generations.

These famous inventors and innovators you mention, they are from like one or two countries, among all the developed world.  I can't think of one famous Australian, for instance, that I can put on that list.  But Australia is developed.
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Offline MOON Ki

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Re: The glaring contradictions
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2017, 06:53:37 PM »
Yes, African average IQ might be low, hovering in the 70s and upper 60s.  This IQ usually corresponds with borderline mental retardation, individuals who can barely function; this is true, at least among whites.  It seems harmless to the average African who can function just fine with his 70.  Right off the bat I can see that whatever IQ measures, it cannot be intelligence.  It's almost meaningless to the African.  In any case, it has been shown to change over generations.

An interesting article, whose source I can't readily recall, came to this conclusion: IQ measures how well Westerners might do in Western schools.    There is also a related study that made a splash a few years ago, summary here:

The stupidity that the African truly suffers from is of a different kind, a kind that is actually reflected in people who are  quite intelligent by IQ measures, are highly educated, etc.   The type of people you will find in some high government positions in a place like Kenya---people who will happily spend billions on laptops for kids, but far less on irrigation, and then go begging for food.
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Online Nefertiti

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Re: The glaring contradictions
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2017, 07:33:21 PM »
That is what I mean... MOONKi's take. The average Kenyan/African is stupid (whatever measure you use) and unable to relate governance, personal behaviors, etc to his own good. Hence talk of "change" or holding leaders accountable is playing the harp to a goat.

This "stupidity" is reflected in politics, business, traditions, economic development and other aspects of life.  Moi did not steal from us because we are naive, he did it because he is principally a barbarian. It is in the nature of a pig to hog.
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Online Nefertiti

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Re: The glaring contradictions
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2017, 07:39:12 PM »
Yes, African average IQ might be low, hovering in the 70s and upper 60s.  This IQ usually corresponds with borderline mental retardation, individuals who can barely function; this is true, at least among whites.  It seems harmless to the average African who can function just fine with his 70.  Right off the bat I can see that whatever IQ measures, it cannot be intelligence.  It's almost meaningless to the African.  In any case, it has been shown to change over generations.

These famous inventors and innovators you mention, they are from like one or two countries, among all the developed world.  I can't think of one famous Australian, for instance, that I can put on that list.  But Australia is developed.

Remove the WHITE MAN'S stewardship from the Australian or any developed country's equation and you have a third world state.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Globalcitizen12

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Re: The glaring contradictions
« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2017, 07:49:09 PM »
the contradictions go on unabated.. Now Njenga former Mungiki leader cannot be a meat eater because he has committed lesser crimes against humanity.,. Wake me up when the twilight zone movie ends

Offline Ole

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Re: The glaring contradictions
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2017, 07:50:48 PM »
I don't see that many Kenyans really complaining or, more importantly, acting as though they really want a different system.   When Kenyans decide that they really want change, they will bring it about.   (When they got tired of Moi beating the crap out of them, there was major change; the mayhem of the PEV also woke them up long enough to pass a new constitution with many positive aspects.)

Until then, we shall discuss these issues but only to kill time or for some "intellectual" amusement.   So, as the Hon. M. Kibaki would put it: kazi iendelee.   Nyama and our man.
Global is Dr Doom without a cause. Just like economic development there are ways to drive change and war is just one path with the highest risk possible. Civilization will find the path of least resistance.

The poverty problem, for instance, is caused by many factors. It is my view that corruption plays a much smaller part than the popular belief. If you look at countries that have achieved prosperity, there is a key input the third world seems to lack: RENAISSANCE MEN.

Where are our Socrates, Newton and Einstein? Carnegie, Rockefeller? Any Bill Gates, Steve Jobs? Folks who used science or industry to leapfrog development. Only a handful of African businesspeople are billionaires... as the West mints billionaires like clockwork.

There was that politically incorrect iQ survey that put Africans at the bottom. Even in the west, there is always the quest for the female Mozart or black Zuckerberg who are nowhere to be found. WHITE MEN built civilization and continue to lead everywhere. Why? Until we crack that we would only have war or equality or justice or democracy in poverty.
Removal of moi was only possible when Kikuyus and Luos thought they were suffering and needed to come together to bring about change. As long as one of them plus the kalenjin is the meat eater then the status quo will prevail. Right now Kikuyus, event the peasants, don't see anything with the country as long as musamaki is at the helm.

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Re: The glaring contradictions
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2017, 05:08:41 PM »
Yes, African average IQ might be low, hovering in the 70s and upper 60s.  This IQ usually corresponds with borderline mental retardation, individuals who can barely function; this is true, at least among whites.  It seems harmless to the average African who can function just fine with his 70.  Right off the bat I can see that whatever IQ measures, it cannot be intelligence.  It's almost meaningless to the African.  In any case, it has been shown to change over generations.

An interesting article, whose source I can't readily recall, came to this conclusion: IQ measures how well Westerners might do in Western schools.    There is also a related study that made a splash a few years ago, summary here:

The stupidity that the African truly suffers from is of a different kind, a kind that is actually reflected in people who are  quite intelligent by IQ measures, are highly educated, etc.   The type of people you will find in some high government positions in a place like Kenya---people who will happily spend billions on laptops for kids, but far less on irrigation, and then go begging for food.

Yep.  I think it measures how well one is adapted for life in a western country.  For people living inside Africa or the ghetto, the environment will favor a set of adaptations that minimize certain types of systematic thinking.  It doesn't mean they don't have the ability.  It is just poorly developed for lack of utility.  College education becomes something that is left inside books, because the environment tells you it is fiction.

What is striking, at least to me, is that the IQ numbers that correlate to mental retardation for bazungu, don't seem to have the same implications for the African.  Otherwise society would just be overflowing with retards.  It's almost like an immunity of sorts.
"I freed a thousand slaves.  I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."

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Re: The glaring contradictions
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2017, 05:11:50 PM »
Yes, African average IQ might be low, hovering in the 70s and upper 60s.  This IQ usually corresponds with borderline mental retardation, individuals who can barely function; this is true, at least among whites.  It seems harmless to the average African who can function just fine with his 70.  Right off the bat I can see that whatever IQ measures, it cannot be intelligence.  It's almost meaningless to the African.  In any case, it has been shown to change over generations.

These famous inventors and innovators you mention, they are from like one or two countries, among all the developed world.  I can't think of one famous Australian, for instance, that I can put on that list.  But Australia is developed.

Remove the WHITE MAN'S stewardship from the Australian or any developed country's equation and you have a third world state.

Yabbut you are saying correlation equals causation.  There are still better explanations than the color of the steward.
"I freed a thousand slaves.  I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."

Harriet Tubman