Author Topic: Rev. Gatu of PCEA Spills the Beans on Kikuyu Oaths Administered by Kenyatta  (Read 1299 times)

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Mzee Jomo Kenyatta the founding president of Kenya.
Whether the oath was voluntarily or forced, many Kikuyus believe sacred spirits will strike them dead if they break the pledge: they will be cursed.

A curse is not an end in itself. It is in a way an affirmation of blessings. This, as profoundly explained, is thanks to the African philosophy of perceiving curses positively as invaluable entities.

The Kikuyu people had no case against the Luo or others to call for oaths and curses.

According to the Kikuyus, a genuine curse is not to be pronounced out of malice or uncalled for emotional outbursts or jealous rage. Those perceived to threaten the uthamaki project. Dehumanization destroys empathy and sympathy. It shuts down the emotions that prevent us from doing harm.

It makes us see ourselves as victims. Victimhood deflects moral responsibility. .

It allows you to commit altruistic evil, killing in the name of the God of life.  Altruistic evil recruits good people to bad causes. It turns ordinary human beings into murderers in the name of uthamaki
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread